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is MultiHeadAttention in flax.nnx JIT-compilable with the decode=True parameter? #4523

Answered by cgarciae
Neulus asked this question in Q&A
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Hey @Neulus, because of how instance methods work in python you should not transform them as self will be passed as a capture. Instead transform a regular function with the Module as an explicit input. Also, you can use set_attributes to recursively set Module propierties like decode. Here is a working example:

import jax
from flax import nnx

rngs = nnx.Rngs(0)
attn = nnx.MultiHeadAttention(8, 512, rngs=rngs)

attn.init_cache((1, 100, 512))

def forward(attn, inputs):
  return attn(inputs)

for i in range(4):
  test_input = jax.random.uniform(jax.random.key(i), (1, 1, 512))
  resp = forward(attn, test_input)
  print(attn.cached_key.value[0, :4, 0

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