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Releases: google/flax

Version 0.3.4

18 May 11:27
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Possibly breaking changes:

  • When calling init the 'intermediates' collection is no longer mutable.
    Therefore, intermediates will no longer be returned from initialization by default.
  • Don't update batch statistics during initialization.
  • When not using any non-determinism (e.g., dropout), it is not longer necessary to specify the deterministic argument in MultiHeadDotProductAttention.

Other changes:

  • Rewrote various examples to use Optax instead of Flax optimizers (e.g., Imagenet, SST2).
  • Added an NLP text classification example (on the SST-2 dataset) to
    that uses a bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM) to encode the input text.
  • Added to simplify using Optax optimizers.
  • mutable argument is now available on Module.init and Module.init_with_outputs
  • Bug fix: Correctly handle non-default parameters of Linen Modules with nested inheritance.
  • Expose dot_product_attention_weights, allowing access to attention weights.
  • BatchNorm instances will behave correctly during init when called multiple times.
  • Added a more extensive "how to contribute" guide in
  • Add proper cache behavior for lift.jit,
    fixing cache misses.
  • Fix bug in Embed layer: make sure it behaves correctly when embedding is np.array.
  • Fix linen.Module for deep inheritance chains.
  • Fix bug in DenseGeneral: correctly expand bias to account for batch & noncontracting dimensions.
  • Allow Flax lifted transforms to work on partially applied Modules.
  • Make MultiOptimizer use apply_gradient instead of apply_param_gradient.

version 0.3.3

31 Mar 14:16
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Possible breaking changes:

  • Bug Fix: Disallow modifying attributes in Modules after they are initialized.
  • Raise an error when saving a checkpoint which has a smaller step than the
    latest checkpoint already saved.
  • MultiOptimizer now rejects the case where multiple sub optimizers update the
    same parameter.

Other changes:

  • Added custom error classes to many Linen errors. See:
  • Adds Module.bind for binding variables and RNGs to an interactive Module.
  • Adds nn.apply and nn.init for transforming arbitrary functions that take a linen.Module as their first argument.
  • Add option to overwrite existing checkpoints in save_checkpoint.
  • Remove JAX omnistaging check for forward compatibility.
  • Pathlib compatibility for checkpoint paths.
  • is_leaf argument in traverse_util.flatten_dict


01 Mar 10:28
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Fixed an overly aggressive flax.nn deprecation warning in v0.3.1 that fired whenever you imported flax.


26 Feb 06:44
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Many improvements to Linen, and the old flax.nn is officially reprecated!

Notably, there's a clean API for extracting intermediates from modules
defined using @nn.compact, a more ergonomic API for using Batch Norm and Dropout in modules
defined using setup, support for MultiOptimizer with Linen, and multiple safety, performance
and error message improvements.

See the CHANGELOG for more details

Version 0.3.0

08 Dec 15:13
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See changelog, overall linen API improvements as well as a few bug fixes.

Version 0.2.2

01 Oct 14:05
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Various bug fixes and new features, including the Linen API, a new functional core and many Linen examples.

Version 0.2

18 Jul 21:52
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Minor update to push some fixes to pypi.

version 0.1.0 rc2

18 Mar 10:51
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version 0.1.0 rc2 Pre-release

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