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Chris Povirk edited this page Dec 4, 2015 · 19 revisions

Guava Release 19.0: Release Notes

  • 19.0-rc3 was released on December 1, 2015.
  • 19.0-rc2 was released on September 17, 2015.
  • 19.0-rc1 was released on July 23, 2015.

(See ReleaseHistory.)

API documentation:

Using Guava in your project

Guava Guava (GWT)
Maven Identifier
Jar guava-19.0-rc3.jar guava-gwt-19.0-rc3.jar
Javadoc guava-19.0-rc3-javadoc.jar guava-gwt-19.0-rc3-javadoc.jar
Sources guava-19.0-rc3-sources.jar guava-gwt-19.0-rc3-sources.jar

See UseGuavaInYourBuild for help integrating Guava into your build environment.

GWT notes

  • Incompatible changes to GWT and Guava are coming. Guava 19 works with versions of GWT prior to the forthcoming GWT 2.8.0 but will in many cases not work with GWT 2.8.0. Once GWT 2.8.0 is out, we will release Guava 20, which will require GWT 2.8.0.
  • Additionally, Guava 19 will be the last version to work with the deprecated GWT "classic" Dev Mode. Newer versions will continue to work with Super Dev Mode.
  • Guava 19 adds support for many util.concurrent APIs under GWT.

J2ObjC notes

Issues resolved

38 issues are resolved in this release.

API Changes

Full JDiff Report of changes since release 18.0.

Note: for some reason, this diff is showing interface methods as having changed from non-abstract to abstract, resulting in many APIs with no changes showing up as having changes.

Significant API additions and changes


  • Added CharMatcher static factory methods equivalent to the CharMatcher constants. For example, added CharMatcher.whitespace() which is equivalent to CharMatcher.WHITESPACE. Eventually, the constants will be deprecated and removed.
    • This is being done because using constants requires a large number of classes to be initialized when anything from CharMatcher is used; switching to static factory methods allows classes to be initialized only as needed for the type of CharMatcher actually being used.
  • Added Throwables.lazyStackTrace(Throwable) - Returns a List<StackTraceElement> that may load the stack trace elements lazily. Useful if you want to get only the first N elements of the stack trace efficiently.
  • Added lazyStackTraceIsLazy()- Returns whether or not the above method is able to use the special implementation that makes it lazy on the current platform.
  • Added VerifyException constructor overloads taking a Throwable cause.


This package has graduated from @Beta, making it safe to use in library code.

  • Added visibility of CacheLoader.UnsupportedLoadingOperationException
  • Added RemovalNotification.create
    • These should only be needed if creating a custom cache implementation


Added factory and builder methods for various ImmutableMaps and ImmutableMultimaps that take Iterable<Map.Entry>.

  • Added FluentIterable.toMultiset()
  • Added RangeSet.asDescendingSetOfRanges() and RangeMap.asDescendingMapOfRanges()
  • Added Lists.cartesianProduct(List...) and Lists.cartesianProduct(List<List>>)
  • Added Maps.newLinkedHashMapWithExpectedSize(int)
  • Re-added Multisets.removeOccurrences(Multiset, Multiset) which was (binary incompatibly) missing in 18.0 because it was replaced with Multisets.removeOccurences(Multiset, Iterable)
  • Deprecated MapConstraint and MapConstraints
  • Deprecated Sets.newSetFromMap(Map) - Java 6 provides Collections.newSetFromMap(Map)
  • Removed MapMaker.softValues()


  • Added EventBus.identifier()
  • Removed protected method AsyncEventBus.dispatchQueuedEvents() (made package-private)


  • Added BloomFilter.create overloads taking a long for the expectedInsertions
  • Added Hashing.sha384()
  • Added Hashing.concatenating(HashFunction, HashFunction, HashFunction...) and Hashing.concatenating(Iterable<HashFunction>)

  • Added ByteSource.sizeIfKnown()
  • Added CharSource.length()
  • Added CharSource.lengthIfKnown()

  • Added a couple new constants to HttpHeaders and MediaType
  • Updated public suffix list for InternetDomainName


  • Added TypeToken.isSubtypeOf(TypeToken), TypeToken.isSupertypeOf(TypeToken) and overloads of both that take a Type
  • Deprecated TypeToken.isAssignableFrom(TypeToken) and TypeToken.isAssignableFrom(Type) - isSupertypeOf provides equivalent behavior with a less confusing name


  • A CancellationException from our ListenableFuture implementations no longer chains in a stack trace that shows where cancel was called. To reenable these stack traces, set system property guava.concurrent.generate_cancellation_cause to true.
  • Futures.getChecked, the replacement for Futures.get (see below), has become stricter. It now rejects calls that pass an [unsuitable exception type](, java.lang.Class)), even if the input Future succeeded. Previously, it would reject only calls in which the input Future had failed.
  • Added AbstractFuture.newCancellationCause()
  • Added AbstractFuture.setFuture(ListenableFuture)
  • Added Futures.getChecked
  • Added Futures.catching and Futures.catchingAsync
  • Added Futures.transformAsync
  • Added Futures.withTimeout
  • Deprecated FutureFallback and Futures.withFallback methods - these are replaced with Futures.catching
  • Deprecated Futures.get methods taking a Class<X extends Exception> - these are replaced with Futures.getChecked
  • Deprecated Futures.transform methods taking an AsyncFunction - these are replaced with Futures.transformAsync
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