- Is NEWS.txt up to date?
- Ensure all dependencies are up to date?
mvn versions:display-dependency-updates
mvn versions:display-plugin-updates
- Ensure that all branches are up to date (git fetch origin).
- The release plugin does a plain "git push", which pushes all branches by default. This will fail if any branch is behind. Typically, this means the gh-pages branch.
First, read your GPG passphrase into a variable. Unfortunately, I can't make the GPG plugin read from stdin during the release, so it has to be done this way.
$ read -s 'pw?Password: '
Put the version into a shell variable for easy access (and cut'n'paste ability).
$ ver=1.3.4
Next, run the release. First, try a dry run, to check it's all OK (and download any missing plugins).
$ mvn -DdryRun=true -DreleaseVersion="$ver" -Dtag="rel-$ver" -Dgpg.passphrase="$pw" release:prepare
$ mvn release:clean
Then, do it for real.
$ mvn -DreleaseVersion="$ver" -Dtag="rel-$ver" -Dgpg.passphrase="$pw" release:prepare release:perform
In case this barfs after the "git push" stage, edit and change the phase from "run-preparation-goals" to "scm-commit-release". Yes, this is utterly horrible.
Log into the OSS Nexus (staging repositories), and follow the release it instructions from Sonatype.
Now, change into the source code that release:deploy
made, and rebuild for the dist profile.
$ cd target/checkout
$ mvn -Pdist clean verify
Create a source archive.
$ bin/src-archive jslint4java-dist/target/jslint4java-$
With that done, upload the dist and src archives to google code. If you are prompted for a password, use the one on your google code profile.
$ bin/upload-to-googlecode jslint4java-dist/target/jslint4java-$
Import the documentation to google code svn. Use the same password as before.
$ bin/import-docs-to-googlecode jslint4java-dist/target/jslint4java-$
Now, update the google code site:
- Add news to front page.
- Update docs links.
- Update javadocs links.
- Add new Milestone for the next release.
Send a mail to [email protected] noting the new release.
Write a blog post pointing out the new release.