jupytext | kernelspec | ||||||||||||||
Here {numref}fig-jupyterbook-left
left aligned, then {numref}fig-jupyterbook-center
center aligned and {numref}fig-jupyterbook-right
right aligned.
This chapter demonstrates that regular figure insertions work just fine.
width: 30%
name: fig-jupyterbook-left
align: left
Jypyterbook logo left aligned
width: 30%
name: fig-jupyterbook-center
align: center
Jypyterbook logo center aligned
width: 30%
name: fig-jupyterbook-right
align: right
Jypyterbook logo right aligned
Here {numref}tbl-pandas-left
left aligned, then {numref}tbl-pandas-center
center aligned and {numref}tbl-pandas-right
right aligned with random text in between.
This chapter demonstrates that captions adhere to alignment commands but glued pandas dataframes do not.
:tags: ["remove-cell"]
from myst_nb import glue
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
pow = ["A", "B", "C"]
tol = ["+-2 dB", "+-3 dB", "+-4 dB",]
col_n = ["Class","F2", "F3"]
row_n = ["Class I", "Class II", "Class III",]
data = np.array([row_n, pow, tol]).transpose()
df= pd.DataFrame(data, columns=col_n).set_index("Class")
glue("glued_df", df)
Random text1
:name: "tbl-pandas-left"
:align: left
Pandas table left aligned
Random text2
:name: "tbl-pandas-center"
:align: center
Pandas table center aligned
Random text3
:name: "tbl-pandas-right"
:align: right
Pandas table right aligned
Here {numref}tbl-pandas-left-again
left aligned, then {numref}tbl-pandas-center-again
center aligned and {numref}tbl-pandas-right-again
right aligned.
In addition to the previous chapter this chapter should demonstrate the completely missing table of {numref}tbl-pandas-center-again
(version dependent). The caption exists but the figure (rendered dataframe) is missing.
:name: "tbl-pandas-left-again"
:align: left
Pandas table left aligned
:name: "tbl-pandas-center-again"
:align: center
Pandas table center aligned
:name: "tbl-pandas-right-again"
:align: right
Pandas table right aligned