Zulip makes it easy to create a poll. Polls in Zulip are collaborative, so anyone can add new options to a poll. However, only the creator of the poll can edit the question.
Make sure the compose box is empty.
Click the Add poll () icon at the bottom of the compose box.
Fill out poll information as desired, and click Add poll to insert poll formatting.
Click the Send () button, or use a keyboard shortcut to send your message.
!!! tip ""
To reorder the list of options, click and drag the **vertical dots**
(<i class="zulip-icon zulip-icon-grip-vertical"></i>) to the left of each
option. To delete an option, click the **trash**
(<i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i>) icon to the right of it.
Make sure the compose box is empty.
followed by a space, and the question you want to ask. -
(optional) Type each option on a new line.
Click the Send () button, or use a keyboard shortcut to send your message.
!!! tip ""
You will be able to add options after the poll is created.
!!! warn ""
To preserve the meaning of votes in the poll, existing poll options cannot
be modified.
Fill out the New option field at the bottom of the poll.
Click Add option or press Enter to add the new option to the poll.
!!! warn ""
Only the creator of a poll can edit the question.
Click the pencil () icon to the right of the question.
Edit the question as desired.
Click the checkmark () icon or press Enter to save your changes.
!!! tip ""
You can click the <i class="fa fa-remove"></i> icon or press
<kbd>Esc</kbd> to discard your changes.
/poll What did you drink this morning?