Zulip displays previews of images, videos and websites in your message feed. To avoid disrupting the flow of conversation, these previews are small. You can configure how animated images are previewed, and organization administrators can also disable previews altogether.
In the desktop and web apps, you can configure previews of animated images to always show the animation, show it when you hover over the image with your mouse, or not show it at all. For large animated images, only the first part of the animation will be shown in the preview.
You can always see the full animated image by opening it in the image viewer.
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This configuration applies only to images uploaded since July 21, 2024 on
Zulip Cloud, or on Zulip Server [9.0+](/help/view-zulip-version) in
self-hosted organizations. Previews of images uploaded earlier are always
- Under Information, select the desired option from the Play animated images dropdown.
- Under Other settings, toggle Show previews of uploaded and linked images and videos.
- Under Other settings, toggle Show previews of linked websites.
To prevent images from being used to track Zulip users, Zulip proxies all external images in messages through the server.