Zulip lets you view, sort, filter, download, and delete any files that you have uploaded.
- Click on the name of a file in the File column.
!!! tip ""
You can also view a file in the context of the
[conversations](/help/recent-conversations) where it was
mentioned by clicking on a message ID in the **Mentioned in** column.
You can sort your uploaded files by name, upload date, message ID, and size.
- Click on the name of a column to toggle between ascending and descending order.
!!! tip ""
You can filter your current view by using the **search box** near the top
right corner of the menu.
- In the Actions column, click the download file () icon for the file you want to download.
In the Actions column, click the delete file () icon for the file you want to remove.
Approve by clicking Delete. If you delete a file, your message will still contain a file link, but the link will no longer work.