Zulip lets you schedule a message to be sent at a later time. For example, if you are working outside of regular business hours for your organization, you can schedule a message for next morning to avoid disturbing others.
Write a message.
Click on the ellipsis () next to the Send () button.
Click Schedule message.
Select one of the suggested scheduling options, or pick a custom time.
!!! keyboard_tip ""
From the compose box, you can use <kbd>Tab</kbd>, <kbd>Tab</kbd>,
<kbd>Enter</kbd> to open the compose menu and start scheduling a message.
Click the pencil () icon on the message you want to edit or reschedule.
(optional) Edit the message.
Click the ellipsis () next to the Send () button.
Select the previously scheduled time, or click Schedule message to pick a new time.
!!! tip ""
You can also click **Undo** in the confirmation banner shown immediately
after a message is scheduled.
Click the pencil () icon on the message you want to send now.
(optional) Edit the message.
Click the Send () button.
!!! keyboard_tip ""
You can also use <kbd>Enter</kbd> within the scheduled messages view to
edit or reschedule the selected message.
- Click the trash () icon on the message you want to delete.
!!! keyboard_tip ""
You can also use <kbd>Backspace</kbd> within the scheduled messages view to
delete the selected message.
!!! tip ""
You can also view scheduled messages by clicking on the **ellipsis**
(<i class="zulip-icon zulip-icon-more-vertical"></i>) next to the **Send**
(<i class="zulip-icon zulip-icon-send"></i>) button in the compose
box, and selecting **View scheduled messages**.