Welcome to Zulip! This page will guide you through setting everything up for teaching with Zulip. If you are using Zulip for a different purpose, we recommend checking out the moving to Zulip guide instead.
If you are a student, or if your Zulip organization is already set up, you can proceed to the Using Zulip for a class guide.
If you encounter any problems as you're getting started, please drop by our friendly development community and let us know!
You can start by reading about Zulip for Education, and how Zulip can become the communication hub for your class. Zulip is the only modern team chat app that is ideal for both live and asynchronous conversations. Post lecture notes and announcements, answer students’ questions, and coordinate with teaching staff all in one place.
We also highly recommend trying Zulip for yourself! You can:
- Create a Zulip Cloud organization for free with just a few clicks.
- Join the Zulip development community to see Zulip in action. Feel free to introduce yourself and ask questions!
Whether signing up for Zulip Cloud or self-hosting Zulip is the right choice for you depends on your needs.
If you aren’t sure what you need, our high quality export and import tools (cloud, self-hosted) ensure you can always move from our hosting to yours (and back).
- Simple managed solution, with no setup or maintenance overhead. Sign up with just a few clicks.
- Always updated to the latest version of Zulip.
- Anyone can start with Zulip Cloud Free, which works well for a typical class.
- For large classes and departments, we offer special Zulip for Education pricing, with the same features as Zulip Cloud Standard. You can always get started with Zulip Cloud Free, and upgrade down the line if needed.
- Zulip is 100% open-source software, with no "open core" catch.
- We work hard to make it easy to set up, back up, and maintain a self-hosted Zulip installation.
- Retain full control over your data. If cloud hosting is not an option due to stringent data and privacy requirements (e.g., in the European Union), self-hosting is the option for you.
- Customize Zulip for all your needs.
There are a few ways to set up Zulip, and different ones may be convenient for your needs:
If your school or department already has a Zulip organization, you will probably find it easiest to just add your class to it. Advantages:
- Students and staff can use a single Zulip account for all classes.
- You can create department-wide channels, e.g., for announcing talks or other events.
- You don’t need to set up a separate server if you’re self-hosting Zulip.
You can set up a separate Zulip organization for each class you’re teaching. Advantages:
- This makes it simple to manage permissions, e.g., if you want to make sure TAs from one class cannot moderate discussion from a different class.
- Students can’t see who is in channels for other classes.
- You can easily switch between multiple Zulip organizations in the Zulip desktop apps.
You can use a single Zulip organization for several classes you’re teaching, perhaps re-purposing a Zulip organization from a prior term. Advantages:
- Information from your classes is all in one place, e.g., if you want to re-post a response to a question that was also asked last time you taught the class.
If you change your mind down the line, you can rename your Zulip organization by sending a request to [email protected].
The information in your organization profile is displayed on the registration and login page for your organization, and in the Zulip app.
A few settings to highlight:
If your class uses a programming language, set the default language for code blocks. Also consider setting up code playgrounds.
If your class uses code repositories, set up linkifiers to make it easy to link to issues (e.g., just by typing #1234 for issue 1234).
Add custom emoji that your class will enjoy.
Zulip offers several levels of permissions based on user roles. Here are some recommendations for how to assign roles and permissions for a class.
Who | Role |
Lead instructor, IT | Owner (also has all Administrator permissions) |
Other instructors, head TA | Administrator |
Teaching assistants, lab assistants | Moderator |
Students | Member |
!!! warn "" These are the default permissions for new Education (non-profit) and Education (for-profit) organizations.
- Set who can invite new users. (Recommended: Admins)
- Set who can access user email addresses. (Recommended: Admins only)
- Set who can create channels. (Recommended: Admins for public channels; Admins, moderators and members for private channels)
- Set who can add users to channels. (Recommended: Admins and moderators)
- Set who can edit the topic of any message. (Recommended: (default) Members for small classes; Admins and moderators for large classes)
- Set who can move messages between channels. (Recommended: Admins and moderators)
- Set who can create and manage user groups. (Recommended: Admins and moderators)
Who | Role |
IT | Owner (also has all Administrator permissions) |
IT, department leadership | Administrator |
Professors, Lecturers, head TAs | Moderator |
Teaching assistants, lab assistants, students | Member |
- Set who can invite new users. (Recommended: Admins and moderators)
- Set who can access user email addresses. (Recommended: Admins only)
- Set who can create channels. (Recommended: Admins and moderators for public channels; Admins, moderators and members for private channels)
- Set who can add users to channels. (Recommended: Admins and moderators)
- Set who can edit the topic of any message. (Recommended: Admins and moderators)
- Set who can move messages between channels. (Recommended: Admins and moderators)
- Set who can create and manage user groups. (Recommended: Admins and moderators)
Click Create channel on the right.
Fill out the requested info, and click Create.
For most classes, the following channels are recommended:
- #announcements: For general announcements about the class. When creating this channel, restrict posting permissions so that only course staff (administrators and moderators) are allowed to post.
- #staff (private): For discussions among course staff.
- #general: For random topics, e.g., students forming study groups.
- A channel for each lecture or unit, e.g., “Lecture 1: Course intro” or “Unit 3: Sorting algorithms”.
- A channel for each section/tutorial group (e.g., “Section 1”)
!!! tip ""
You can start by creating channels for just the first few
lectures/units at this point. When you create a new channel,
you will be able to copy channel membership from existing channels.
A few notes:
- Small classes may need just one discussion channel for all lectures.
- If you are using a single Zulip organization for more than one class, all channel names should be prefixed with the name of the class, e.g., “CS101 > Lecture 1: Course intro”.
!!! tip ""
If using your Zulip organization for a single class, set default
channels for new users to include **#announcements**, **#general**,
and all lecture/unit channels.
!!! tip ""
Before inviting users, you may want to [delete any test
messages][delete-message] or [topics](/help/delete-a-topic).
To simplify subscription management, be sure to set the channels students and staff should be added to when you create the invitations. You may choose to send invitations to course staff separately, so that they can immediately be added to private channels for your class.
To get everyone off to a good start, you may wish to share the guide to Getting started with Zulip and the guide to Using Zulip for a class.
!!! tip ""
If you create new channels later on, you can add users
[by group][create-user-groups] or copy membership from another
channel (e.g., from Lecture 5 to Lecture 6).
User groups allow you to mention multiple users at once, notifying them about a message. For example, you may find it useful to set up the following user groups:
- @staff
- @TAs
- @graders
- @students
- @section1, @section2, etc.
Zulip integrates directly with dozens of products, and with hundreds more through Zapier and IFTTT. Popular Zulip integrations include GitHub and Twitter. The integrations page has instructions for integrating with each product.
If you plan to use the same Zulip organization in future terms (either for your own classes or for your department), you will likely want to:
- Rename all channels to indicate the class and term in which they were used, for
- #announcements → #FA21 - CS101 - announcements
- #CS101 > Lecture 1: Course intro → #FA21 - CS101 > Lecture 1: Course intro
- If you do not want students from future classes to see messages from the prior term (e.g., because you posted homework solutions), make all the channels from the class private. You’ll be able to find and reuse content yourself, and invite course staff to these private channels as needed.
- You may choose to deactivate students’ Zulip accounts when the class is over.
- Unpin channels from the class from your personal view.
If you do not plan to reuse the Zulip organization, you can instead:
- Export the organization or generate a static HTML archive to archive the information.
- Deactivate the organization.