File tree
1,825 files changed
lines changed- .ci
- dev
- scripts
- targets
- .github
- workflows
- packages
- android_alarm_manager
- android
- src/main/java/io/flutter/plugins/androidalarmmanager
- example
- android
- app/src
- androidTest/java/io/plugins
- androidalarmmanager
- main
- java/io/flutter/plugins/androidalarmmanagerexample
- test_driver
- android_intent
- android
- example
- android
- app/src
- androidTestDebug/java/io/flutter/plugins
- androidintentexample
- main
- java/io/flutter/plugins/androidintentexample
- test_driver
- battery
- battery
- android
- example
- android
- app/src
- androidTest/java/io/flutter/plugins
- battery
- main
- java/io/flutter/plugins/batteryexample
- integration_test
- ios/Runner.xcodeproj
- project.xcworkspace
- test_driver
- integration_test
- battery_platform_interface
- test
- camera
- camera
- android
- src
- main/java/io/flutter/plugins/camera
- features
- autofocus
- exposurelock
- exposureoffset
- exposurepoint
- flash
- focuspoint
- fpsrange
- noisereduction
- resolution
- sensororientation
- zoomlevel
- types
- test/java/io/flutter/plugins/camera
- features
- autofocus
- exposurelock
- exposureoffset
- exposurepoint
- flash
- focuspoint
- fpsrange
- noisereduction
- resolution
- sensororientation
- zoomlevel
- media
- types
- utils
- example
- android
- app/src
- androidTestDebug/java/io/flutter/plugins
- cameraexample
- main
- java/io/flutter/plugins/cameraexample
- integration_test
- ios
- Flutter
- Runner.xcodeproj
- RunnerTests
- lib
- test_driver
- web
- icons
- ios
- Classes
- Tests
- lib/src
- test
- camera_platform_interface
- lib/src
- events
- method_channel
- platform_interface
- types
- test
- method_channel
- camera_web
- example
- integration_test
- helpers
- lib
- test_driver
- web
- lib
- src
- shims
- types
- test
- connectivity
- connectivity
- android
- example
- android
- app
- src/main
- java/io/flutter/plugins
- connectivityexample
- gradle/wrapper
- integration_test
- ios
- Runner.xcodeproj
- project.xcworkspace
- macos
- Runner/Configs
- test_driver
- integration_test
- test
- integration_test
- macos
- connectivity_for_web
- example
- test_driver
- connectivity_macos
- example
- integration_test
- macos
- Runner/Configs
- test_driver
- integration_test
- test
- macos
- connectivity_platform_interface
- test
- cross_file
- device_info
- device_info
- android
- example
- android
- app/src/main
- java/io/flutter/plugins/deviceinfoexample
- integration_test
- ios/Runner.xcodeproj
- project.xcworkspace
- test_driver
- device_info_platform_interface
- lib/model
- e2e
- espresso
- android
- example
- android
- app/src/main
- lib
- test_driver
- file_selector
- file_selector
- example
- lib
- test
- file_selector_platform_interface
- lib/src
- method_channel
- types/x_type_group
- web_helpers
- test
- file_selector_web
- example
- integration_test
- lib
- lib
- src
- test
- flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle
- android
- example
- android
- app/src
- androidTest/java/io/flutter/plugins
- flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle
- main
- java/io/flutter/plugins/flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle_example
- integration_test
- lib
- lib
- google_maps_flutter
- google_maps_flutter
- android
- src
- main/java/io/flutter/plugins/googlemaps
- test/java/io/flutter/plugins/googlemaps
- example
- android
- app
- src
- androidTest/java/io/flutter/plugins
- googlemaps
- googlemapsexample
- debug
- java/io/flutter/plugins/googlemapsexample
- main
- java/io/flutter/plugins/googlemapsexample
- integration_test
- ios
- Flutter
- Runner.xcodeproj
- project.xcworkspace
- RunnerTests
- RunnerUITests
- lib
- test_driver
- ios
- Classes
- lib/src
- test
- google_maps_flutter_platform_interface
- lib
- src
- events
- method_channel
- platform_interface
- types
- test
- method_channel
- platform_interface
- types
- google_maps_flutter_web
- example
- integration_test
- test_driver
- lib
- src
- third_party/to_screen_location
- google_sign_in
- google_sign_in
- android
- src
- main
- java/io/flutter/plugins/googlesignin
- test/java/io/flutter/plugins/googlesignin
- example
- android
- app
- src
- androidTest/java/io/flutter/plugins
- googlesigninexample
- debug
- main
- java/io/flutter/plugins
- googlesigninexample
- res
- mipmap-hdpi
- mipmap-mdpi
- mipmap-xhdpi
- mipmap-xxhdpi
- mipmap-xxxhdpi
- test
- java/io/flutter/plugins/googlesignin
- resources/mockito-extensions
- integration_test
- ios
- Flutter
- Runner
- Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset
- Base.lproj
- Runner.xcodeproj
- project.xcworkspace
- Runner.xcworkspace
- RunnerTests
- RunnerUITests
- lib
- test_driver
- ios
- Assets
- Classes
- Tests
- lib
- src
- test
- test_driver
- google_sign_in_platform_interface
- lib/src
- test
- google_sign_in_web
- example
- test_driver
- image_picker
- image_picker
- android
- src
- main
- java/io/flutter/plugins/imagepicker
- res/xml
- test
- java/io/flutter/plugins/imagepicker
- resources
- mockito-extensions
- example
- android
- app
- src
- androidTest/java/io/flutter/plugins
- imagepickerexample
- debug
- main
- java/io/flutter/plugins/imagepickerexample
- integration_test
- ios
- Flutter
- Runner.xcodeproj
- RunnerTests
- RunnerUITests
- lib
- test_driver
- test
- integration_test
- ios
- Classes
- Tests
- lib
- test
- image_picker_for_web
- example
- integration_test
- lib
- test_driver
- web
- lib
- src
- test
- image_picker_platform_interface
- lib
- src
- method_channel
- platform_interface
- types
- test
- in_app_purchase
- in_app_purchase
- android
- gradle/wrapper
- src/test/java/io/flutter/plugins/inapppurchase
- doc
- example
- android
- app/src/main
- java/io/flutter/plugins
- inapppurchaseexample
- gradle/wrapper
- integration_test
- ios
- Runner
- Runner.xcodeproj
- project.xcworkspace
- lib
- test_driver
- test
- integration_test
- ios
- Classes
- Tests
- lib
- src
- billing_client_wrappers
- in_app_purchase
- store_kit_wrappers
- test
- in_app_purchase_connection
- store_kit_wrappers
- in_app_purchase_android
- android
- gradle/wrapper
- src
- main
- java/io/flutter/plugins/inapppurchase
- test/java
- android
- text
- util
- io/flutter/plugins/inapppurchase
- example
- android
- app
- gradle/wrapper
- src
- main
- java/io/flutter/plugins
- inapppurchaseexample
- res
- drawable
- mipmap-hdpi
- mipmap-mdpi
- mipmap-xhdpi
- mipmap-xxhdpi
- mipmap-xxxhdpi
- values
- test/resources/mockito-extensions
- gradle/wrapper
- integration_test
- lib
- test_driver/test
- lib
- src
- billing_client_wrappers
- types
- test
- billing_client_wrappers
- in_app_purchase_ios
- example
- integration_test
- ios
- Flutter
- Runner
- Assets.xcassets
- AppIcon.appiconset
- LaunchImage.imageset
- Base.lproj
- Runner.xcodeproj
- project.xcworkspace
- Runner.xcworkspace
- RunnerTests
- lib
- test_driver/test
- ios
- Assets
- Classes
- lib
- src
- store_kit_wrappers
- types
- test
- fakes
- store_kit_wrappers
- in_app_purchase_platform_interface
- lib
- src
- errors
- types
- test
- src
- errors
- types
- integration_test
- android
- src/main
- java/dev/flutter/plugins/integration_test
- example
- android
- app
- src
- androidTest/java/com/example/e2e_example
- debug
- main
- java/com/example/e2e_example
- profile
- gradle/wrapper
- integration_test
- ios
- Flutter
- Runner
- Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset
- Runner.xcodeproj
- RunnerTests
- lib
- macos
- Flutter
- Runner
- Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset
- Base.lproj
- Configs
- Runner.xcodeproj
- Runner.xcworkspace
- test_driver
- web
- ios
- Classes
- lib
- test
- data
- ios_platform_images
- example
- ios
- Flutter
- Runner.xcodeproj
- RunnerTests
- lib
- ios
- local_auth
- android
- src/test/java/io/flutter/plugins/localauth
- example
- android
- app/src
- androidTest/java/io/flutter/plugins
- localauth
- main
- java/io/flutter/plugins/localauthexample
- integration_test
- ios
- Flutter
- Runner.xcodeproj
- project.xcworkspace
- RunnerTests
- lib
- test_driver
- ios
- Classes
- lib
- test
- package_info
- android
- example
- android
- app/src
- androidTest/java/io/flutter/plugins
- packageinfoexample
- main
- java/io/flutter/plugins/packageinfoexample
- integration_test
- ios/Runner.xcodeproj
- project.xcworkspace
- macos
- Runner/Configs
- test_driver
- macos
- path_provider
- path_provider
- android
- example
- android
- app/src
- androidTest/java
- io/flutter/plugins
- pathprovider
- main
- java/io/flutter/plugins/pathproviderexample
- integration_test
- ios
- Flutter
- Runner.xcodeproj
- project.xcworkspace
- RunnerTests
- linux
- flutter
- macos
- Runner/Configs
- test_driver
- windows
- flutter
- runner
- integration_test
- ios
- lib
- macos
- path_provider_linux
- example
- integration_test
- linux
- flutter
- test
- test_driver
- lib
- test
- path_provider_macos
- example
- integration_test
- macos
- Runner/Configs
- Runner.xcodeproj
- RunnerTests
- test_driver
- macos
- path_provider_platform_interface
- path_provider_windows
- example
- integration_test
- test_driver
- windows/flutter
- lib/src
- test
- plugin_platform_interface
- test
- quick_actions
- quick_actions
- android
- src
- main/java/io/flutter/plugins/quickactions
- test/java/io/flutter/plugins/quickactions
- example
- android
- app
- src
- androidTest/java/io/flutter/plugins
- quickactionsexample
- debug
- main
- java/io/flutter/plugins/quickactionsexample
- ios
- Flutter
- Runner
- Runner.xcodeproj
- RunnerTests
- RunnerUITests
- test_driver
- ios
- Classes
- lib
- test
- quick_actions_platform_interface
- lib/platform_interface
- test
- sensors
- android
- example
- android
- app/src/main
- java/io/flutter/plugins
- sensorsexample
- integration_test
- ios/Runner.xcodeproj
- project.xcworkspace
- test_driver
- test
- ios/Classes
- test
- url_launcher
- url_launcher
- android
- example
- android
- app
- src
- androidTestDebug/java/io/flutter/plugins
- urllauncherexample
- main
- java/io/flutter/plugins/urllauncherexample
- gradle/wrapper
- integration_test
- ios
- Flutter
- Runner.xcodeproj
- project.xcworkspace
- RunnerTests
- RunnerUITests
- lib
- linux/flutter
- macos
- Runner/Configs
- test_driver
- windows
- flutter
- runner
- ios
- Classes
- lib
- src
- macos
- test
- url_launcher_linux
- example
- integration_test
- linux
- flutter
- test_driver
- linux
- test
- url_launcher_macos
- example
- integration_test
- macos
- Runner/Configs
- Runner.xcodeproj
- Runner.xcworkspace
- RunnerTests
- test_driver
- url_launcher_platform_interface
- lib
- test
- url_launcher_web
- example
- integration_test
- test_driver
- lib/src
- url_launcher_windows
- example
- integration_test
- test_driver
- windows
- flutter
- windows
- include/url_launcher_windows
- test
- video_player
- video_player
- android
- src
- main/java/io/flutter/plugins/videoplayer
- test/java/io/flutter/plugins/videoplayer
- example
- android
- app
- src/main
- java/io/flutter/plugins/videoplayerexample
- gradle/wrapper
- assets
- integration_test
- ios
- Flutter
- Runner.xcodeproj
- project.xcworkspace
- RunnerTests
- RunnerUITests
- lib
- test_driver
- ios
- Classes
- lib
- src
- test
- video_player_platform_interface
- lib
- test
- video_player_web
- example
- integration_test
- lib
- test_driver
- web
- lib
- test
- webview_flutter
- android
- src/main/java/io/flutter/plugins/webviewflutter
- example
- android
- app
- src
- androidTestDebug/java/io/flutter/plugins/webviewflutterexample
- main
- java/io/flutter/plugins/webviewflutterexample
- integration_test
- ios
- Flutter
- Runner.xcodeproj
- project.xcworkspace
- lib
- test_driver
- ios
- Assets
- Classes
- Tests
- lib
- test
- webview_flutter
- example
- android
- app
- gradle/wrapper
- src
- androidTest/java/io/flutter/plugins
- webviewflutterexample
- debug
- main
- java/io/flutter/plugins/webviewflutterexample
- res
- drawable
- mipmap-hdpi
- mipmap-mdpi
- mipmap-xhdpi
- mipmap-xxhdpi
- mipmap-xxxhdpi
- values
- gradle/wrapper
- assets
- integration_test
- ios
- Flutter
- Runner
- Assets.xcassets
- AppIcon.appiconset
- LaunchImage.imageset
- Base.lproj
- Runner.xcodeproj
- project.xcworkspace
- Runner.xcworkspace
- RunnerTests
- RunnerUITests
- lib
- test_driver
- lib
- src
- test
- webview_flutter_android
- android
- src
- main
- java/io/flutter/plugins/webviewflutter
- test/java
- android/util
- io/flutter/plugins/webviewflutter
- example
- android
- app
- gradle/wrapper
- src
- androidTest/java/io/flutter/plugins
- webviewflutterexample
- debug
- main
- java/io/flutter/plugins/webviewflutterexample
- res
- drawable
- mipmap-hdpi
- mipmap-mdpi
- mipmap-xhdpi
- mipmap-xxhdpi
- mipmap-xxxhdpi
- values
- gradle/wrapper
- assets
- integration_test
- lib
- test_driver
- lib
- src
- pigeons
- test
- webview_flutter_platform_interface
- lib
- src
- method_channel
- platform_interface
- types
- test/src
- method_channel
- platform_interface
- types
- webview_flutter_wkwebview
- example
- assets
- integration_test
- ios
- Flutter
- Runner
- Assets.xcassets
- AppIcon.appiconset
- LaunchImage.imageset
- Base.lproj
- Runner.xcodeproj
- project.xcworkspace
- Runner.xcworkspace
- RunnerTests
- RunnerUITests
- lib
- test_driver
- ios
- Assets
- Classes
- lib
- src
- wifi_info_flutter
- wifi_info_flutter
- android
- example
- android
- integration_test
- ios
- Runner.xcodeproj
- project.xcworkspace
- Runner.xcworkspace
- test_driver
- integration_test
- test
- integration_test
- wifi_info_flutter_platform_interface
- script
- configs
- tool
- bin
- lib/src
- common
- test
- common
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
1,825 files changed
lines changed+113
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