Text Generation Inference is a toolkit developed by Hugging Face for deploying and serving LLMs, with high performance text generation, that comes with a Rust, Python and gRPC server for text generation inference, used in production at Hugging Face to power Hugging Chat, the Inference API and Inference Endpoints.
To check which of the available Hugging Face DLCs are published, you can either check the Google Cloud Deep Learning Containers Documentation for TGI, the Google Cloud Artifact Registry or use the gcloud
command to list the available containers with the tag huggingface-text-generation-inference
as follows:
gcloud container images list --repository="us-docker.pkg.dev/deeplearning-platform-release/gcr.io" | grep "huggingface-text-generation-inference"
Below you will find the instructions on how to run and test the TGI containers available within this repository. Note that before proceeding you need to first ensure that you have Docker installed either on your local or remote instance, if not, please follow the instructions on how to install Docker here.
The TGI containers support two different accelerator types: GPU and TPU. Depending on your infrastructure, you'll use different approaches to run the containers.
- GPU: To run this DLC, you need to have GPU accelerators available within the instance that you want to run TGI, not only because those are required, but also to enable the best performance due to the optimized inference CUDA kernels. Additionally, you need to ensure that your hardware is supported (NVIDIA drivers on your device need to be compatible with CUDA version 12.2 or higher) and also install the NVIDIA Container Toolkit.
To find the supported models and hardware before running the TGI DLC, feel free to check TGI Documentation.
Besides that, you also need to define the model to deploy, as well as the generation configuration. For the model selection, you can pick any model from the Hugging Face Hub that contains the tag text-generation-inference
which means that it's supported by TGI; to explore all the available models within the Hub, please check here. Then, to select the best configuration for that model you can either keep the default values defined within TGI, or just select the recommended ones based on our instance specification via the Hugging Face Recommender API for TGI as follows:
curl -G https://huggingface.co/api/integrations/tgi/v1/provider/gcp/recommend \
-d "model_id=google/gemma-7b-it" \
-d "gpu_memory=24" \
-d "num_gpus=1"
Which returns the following output containing the optimal configuration for deploying / serving that model via TGI:
"model_id": "google/gemma-7b-it",
"instance": "g2-standard-4",
"configuration": {
"model_id": "google/gemma-7b-it",
"max_batch_prefill_tokens": 4096,
"max_input_length": 4000,
"max_total_tokens": 4096,
"num_shard": 1,
"quantize": null,
"estimated_memory_in_gigabytes": 22.77
Then you are ready to run the container as follows:
docker run --gpus all -ti --shm-size 1g -p 8080:8080 \
-e MODEL_ID=google/gemma-7b-it \
-e NUM_SHARD=1 \
-e HF_TOKEN=$(cat ~/.cache/huggingface/token) \
- TPU: This example showcases how to deploy a TGI server on a TPU instance using the TGI container. Note that TPU support for TGI is currently experimental and may have limitations compared to GPU deployments.us-docker.pkg.dev/deeplearning-platform-release/gcr.io/huggingface-text-generation-inference-cu124.2-3.ubuntu2204.py311
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 \
--shm-size 16G --ipc host --privileged \
-e MODEL_ID=google/gemma-7b-it \
-e HF_TOKEN=$(cat ~/.cache/huggingface/token) \
Check the Hugging Face Optimum TPU documentation for more information on TPU model serving.
Once the Docker container is running, as it has been deployed with text-generation-launcher
, the API will expose the following endpoints listed within the TGI OpenAPI Specification.
In this case, you can test the container by sending a request to the /v1/chat/completions
endpoint (that matches OpenAI specification and so on is fully compatible with OpenAI clients) as follows:
curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"model": "tgi",
"messages": [
"role": "user",
"content": "What is Deep Learning?"
"stream": true,
"max_tokens": 128
Which will start streaming the completion tokens for the given messages until the stop sequences are generated.
Alternatively, you can also use the /generate
endpoint instead, which already expects the inputs to be formatted according to the tokenizer requirements, which is more convenient when working with base models without a pre-defined chat template or whenever you want to use a custom chat template instead, and can be used as follows:
curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"inputs": "What is Deep Learning?",
"parameters": {
"temperature": 0.2,
"top_p": 0.95,
"max_new_tokens": 256
Building the containers is not recommended since those are already built by Hugging Face and Google Cloud teams and provided openly, so the recommended approach is to use the pre-built containers available in Google Cloud's Artifact Registry instead.
The TGI containers come with two different variants depending on the accelerator used:
GPU: To build the TGI container for GPU, you will need an instance with at least 4 NVIDIA GPUs available with at least 24 GiB of VRAM each, since TGI needs to build and compile the kernels required for the optimized inference. The build process may take ~30 minutes to complete.
docker build -t us-docker.pkg.dev/deeplearning-platform-release/gcr.io/huggingface-text-generation-inference-cu124.2-3.ubuntu2204.py311 -f containers/tgi/gpu/2.3.1/Dockerfile .
TPU: You can build TGI container for Google Cloud TPUs on any machine with docker build, you do not need to build it on a TPU VM.
docker build --ulimit nofile=100000:100000 -t us-docker.pkg.dev/deeplearning-platform-release/gcr.io/huggingface-text-generation-inference-tpu.0.2.3.py310 -f containers/tgi/tpu/0.2.3/Dockerfile .