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448 lines (252 loc) · 9.76 KB

File metadata and controls

448 lines (252 loc) · 9.76 KB


New features

  • Secrets can be files for both encoding and decoding #130
  • [BREAKING] jwt-cli will always validate exp unless you pass --ignore-exp #137
  • Swapped out term-painter for bunt



New features

  • [BREAKING] Remove the prn option as it's not included in the spec any longer #114
  • [BREAKING] Avoid adding an exp claim automatically. Instead, the --exp flag must be present, with or without a value
  • Support adding jti when encoding
  • Add no-iat flag to disable automatic iat claim generation
  • Add an --iso8601 flag to represent date-based claims as ISO 8601 date strings. Only applies to iat, exp, and nbf

Bug fixes

  • Trim whitespace around a jwt before encoding #120



New features

  • Default decoding to JSON when not in a TTY #100



Bug fixes

  • Fix binary archives uploaded during release



New features

  • When piping the output of jwt to another command, jwt won't add a trailing newline

Bug fixes

  • When verifying token without an exp claim, jwt won't print that the jwt is invalid



New features

  • Durations (exp, and nbf) can now be set with relative times #68



Bug fixes

  • Re-release for cargo installers



New features

  • Updated jsonweboken to version 7, which now allows PEM secrets to be used
    • This requires the filename to end with .pem to be detected correctly



Bug fixes

  • Prevent an invalid JWT token from causing a panic during decode #51



Bug fixes

  • 2.5.1 fixes a nasty bug where non-string JSON values would be dropped during encoding



New features

  • Add support for ECDSA algorithms. For now, only ES256 and ES384 are supported. #12



New features

  • Add support for stdin on encode and decode. Instead of passing a JSON body or a JWT token, you can simply pass -. #10

Minor changes

  • Updated the project to use rust 2018 edition
  • Update dependencies



New features

  • Adds the ability to include a private/public key from a file on the local filesystem using the @ shorthand #9



Bug fixes

  • Add a missing > to Aaron's entry in the contributors section of Cargo.toml



Minor changes

  • You can now use a fully qualified and valid JSON string as the entire payload body. Add it to the end of the command without a flag to use it. It can be combined with the -P and --payload flags to enhance a JSON string.



Minor changes

  • A new output format has been added: JSON! Use the --json or -j flags to output a pure JSON representation of the header and payload, which can be piped into other programs like jq [#6]



Breaking (maybe) changes

  • Updated to jsonwebtoken version 4
  • JWTs without the typ header can now be decoded



Better stdout and stderr interop

Minor changes

  • Errors are now printed to STDERR instead of STDOUT
  • Proper exit codes should now be emitted. 0 for successes, 1 for failures.
  • The output from the encode command is now just the token, which can be piped or stored in a shell



The decoding and validation release!

New features

  • If the JWT you're decoding is invalid, it will still print out the head and claims objects
  • Error messages are now red and bold for better visibility
  • Secret is no longer required for decoding a JWT, but will be validated if one is provided
  • Added info on how to install the binary through homebrew

Bug fixes

  • The proper version number is now displayed in the help commands (and Cargo.toml file)



The 1.0 release!

This is the initial non-beta, non-alpha release of jwt-cli!

New features

  • Everything is parsed by serde now. You can pass strings, numbers, arrays, objects, whatever. If serde can parse it, it's valid!

Things left to do

  • Add jwt-cli to package managers!



The forkless release!

Bug fixes

  • Swaps out my fork of jsonwebtoken for the master branch of keats' jsonwebtoken

Roadmap to 1.0

  • Allow for json payload items via -P this=json(['arbitrary', 'data'])



The iat and exp release!

Breaking changes

  • iat is now automatically added to the claims object
  • exp is now automatically added to the claims object if not passed in directly
  • exp defaults to 30 minutes from the time of creation

Bug fixes

  • exp and nbf are now parsed as numbers, not string

Temporary changes

  • Moves to my instance of jsonwebtoken until some PRs are merged

Roadmap to 1.0

  • Allow for json payload items via -P this=json(['arbitrary', 'data'])



Bug fixes

  • Fix tests so that they pass



Dependency updates

Breaking changes

  • Swaps out rustc_serialize for serde
  • Updates jsonwebtoken from version 1 to version 2. This allows for much more precise errors, and expands potential for validation.

Roadmap to 1.0

  • Automatically set iat and exp
  • Default exp to 30 minutes from now
  • Allow for json payload items via -P this=json(['arbitrary', 'data'])



The whoopsies release!

While actually using the project, I found that payload claims were being nested into a root key. Whoops!

Breaking changes

  • The generate command is now encode

New features

  • When decoding, the algorithm option is no longer required (defaults to HS256)
  • Updated to rust 1.16

Bug fixes

  • Payload claims are no longer nested in a _field0 key

Roadmap to 1.0.0

  • Automatically set iat and exp
  • Default exp to 30 minutes from now
  • Swap out rustc_serialize for serde
  • These are all blocked by Keats/jsonwebtoken#19 :(
  • Testing on Windows and Linux



The rename release!

Breaking changes

  • Renamed the release binary to jwt. During development, either jwt or jwt-cli is available.

Roadmap to 1.0.0

  • Testing on linux & windows (this was developed on macOS)
  • Work on releasing 1.0.0 to homebrew and chocolatey.



The testing release!

This adds a bunch of unit tests for almost all of the functions (println! functions excluded) and fixes some tests found after writing them.

Breaking changes

  • The short forms for payload and principal have how been switched for consistency
  • The long form of expires is now exp for consistency

Bug fixes

  • Shorthand payload options (exp, aud, etc) no longer cause a panic
  • Windows builds now have a more readable name rather that the target triple
  • The generate command output is now prettier

Roadmap to 1.0.0

  • Final preflight checks
  • Investigation into release to OS package managers
  • Name change?



This adds documentation in the readme, as well as some github templates.

Additionally, the travis build config should be be fixed, and builds for macOS and linux should now be uploaded to the release.

Roadmap to 1.0.0:

  • Unit tests
  • Possible upstream patches to get more functionality



This one's all about the formatting from decode! When you decode a JWT now, it looks spectacular, if I do say so myself. It's even colored and bold and other great stuff.

This also fixes the build script, so now macOS, Windows, and Linux binaries should all be present in the release.

Roadmap to 1.0.0:

  • Unit tests
  • Possible upstream patches to get more functionality



This removes the builds for Windows GBU, *BSD, armv7, and aarch64. Sorry if you use those systems or architectures.

This also fixes some of the builds where it would find unreachable code. It's ok, I promise.



This fixes the CI scripts, so now it should build and publish them correctly, I hope.



Third prerelease.

Overall, this replaces frank_jwt with jsonwebtoken. What does that mean?

  • You can now specify the kid header
  • You can now decode and display the header
  • RSA signatures are no longer supported

There were also some other enhancements:

  • If a decoded token is invalid, you can now get better context for the error

And here's a list of stuff that's still wacky:

  • The decoded token output can be so much better
  • RSA and ECDSA signing would be super neat
  • JWS and JWE type tokens would be good to have as well

Finally, there should be builds available for linux, macOS, and windows thanks to some CI magic.



Second prerelease!

This adds some new features:

  • JWTs can now be decoded
  • RSA support for encoding and decoding

What's still missing:

  • Cannot decode the header (upstream issues)
  • Cannot encode or decode ES tokens
  • Custom typ and kid header fields



First prerelease! 0.1.0

This is the first prerelease of jwt. The name will change eventually.

The following features are supported:

  • encode a JWT
  • provide a custom algorithm, payload, and secret

What's missing:

  • can't change the typ or add a kid to the header
  • only supports HMAC algorithms
  • it hasn't been refactored

What I'm planning:

  • support for all algorithms
  • refactor to be even more functional
  • submit an upstream patch to frank_jwt to allow custom typ and kid headers