- All
files will be located in the test_files directory - We will be using function prototypes that will be included in our header file called, main.h.
0. 98 Battery st.
- Compile this way:
gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -std=gnu89 main/0-main.c 0-reset_to_98.c -o 0-98
1. Don't swap horses in crossing a stream
- Compile this way:
gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -std=gnu89 main/1-main.c 1-swap.c -o 1-swap
2. This report, by its very length, defends itself against the rist of being read
- Compile this way:
gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -std=gnu89 main/2-main.c 2-strlen.c -o 2-strlen
3. I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them
- Compile this way:
gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -std=gnu89 _putchar.c main/3-main.c 3-puts.c -o 3-puts
4. I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them
- Compile this way:
gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -std=gnu89 _putchar.c main/4-main.c 4-print_rev.c -o 4-print_rev
5. A good engineer thinks in reverse and asks himself about the stylistic consequences of the components and systems he proposes
Below is the assembly code of the
function with comments.0x00000000000011d7 <+0>: endbr64 ; NOP instruction 0x00000000000011db <+4>: push rbp ; store current base pointer at the top of the stack 0x00000000000011dc <+5>: mov rbp,rsp ; make current stack pointer to be a base pointer 0x00000000000011df <+8>: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x18],rdi ; move arg1 our string from main func to the stack [$rbp-0x18] 0x00000000000011e3 <+12>: mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0x8],0x0 ; start of first for loop that gets string length (set var l = 0) l = [$rbp-0x8] 0x00000000000011ea <+19>: jmp 0x11f0 <rev_string+25> ; jmp to --> {0x11f0} address 0x00000000000011ec <+21>: add DWORD PTR [rbp-0x8],0x1 ; increament var l [$rbp-0x8] by 1 0x00000000000011f0 <+25>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [rbp-0x8] ; move value of var l [$rbp-0x8] to register [eax] 0x00000000000011f3 <+28>: movsxd rdx,eax ; move value of var l [$rbp-0x8] from 32bit [eax] reg to 64bit [rdx] reg 0x00000000000011f6 <+31>: mov rax,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x18] ; move string to a 64bit reg [rax] 0x00000000000011fa <+35>: add rax,rdx ; increament [rax] by the value of [rdx] == (rax[l++]) 0x00000000000011fd <+38>: movzx eax,BYTE PTR [rax] ; move current character in array being pointed to [eax] 0x0000000000001200 <+41>: test al,al ; ensures the value in [al] isn't negative 0x0000000000001202 <+43>: jne 0x11ec <rev_string+21> ; if test is not zero jumps back to --> {0x11ec} address end of first loop 0x0000000000001204 <+45>: mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0x4],0x0 ; start of second for loop that swapping characters (set var i = 0) i = [rbp-0x4] 0x000000000000120b <+52>: jmp 0x1262 <rev_string+139> ; jmp to --> {0x1262} address to set up (i < l / 2) 0x000000000000120d <+54>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [rbp-0x4] ; move value at [rbp-0x4] to [eax] 0x0000000000001210 <+57>: movsxd rdx,eax ; move value at [eax] from 32bit reg to 64 bit reg [rdx] 0x0000000000001213 <+60>: mov rax,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x18] ; move our string to register [rax] 0x0000000000001217 <+64>: add rax,rdx ; increament [rax] by the value of [rdx] == (rax[i++]) 0x000000000000121a <+67>: movzx eax,BYTE PTR [rax] ; mov current character in array being pointed to [eax] || prepping to swap starts here 0x000000000000121d <+70>: mov BYTE PTR [rbp-0x9],al ; store character value to the stack at [$rbp-0x9] == ch = s[i] 0x0000000000001220 <+73>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [rbp-0x8] ; move string length to [eax] 0x0000000000001223 <+76>: sub eax,DWORD PTR [rbp-0x4] ; subract value in [rbp-0x4] from [eax] and store in [eax] 0x0000000000001226 <+79>: cdqe ; sign-extends a DWORD (32-bit value) in the [eax] reg to a QWORD (64-bit value) [rax] reg || swap of first value starts here 0x0000000000001228 <+81>: lea rdx,[rax-0x1] ; loads the value at [rax] minus 1 to [rdx] 0x000000000000122c <+85>: mov rax,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x18] ; moves the string to [rax] 0x0000000000001230 <+89>: add rax,rdx ; increaments [rax] by the value in [rdx] (rax[rdx++]) 0x0000000000001233 <+92>: mov edx,DWORD PTR [rbp-0x4] ; moves value in [$rbp-0x4] to [edx] 0x0000000000001236 <+95>: movsxd rcx,edx ; moves a DWORD (32-bit value) in [edx] reg to a QWORD (64-bit value) [rcx] reg 0x0000000000001239 <+98>: mov rdx,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x18] ; moves the string to [rdx] 0x000000000000123d <+102>: add rdx,rcx ; increaments [rdx] by the value in [rcx] (rdx[rcx++]) 0x0000000000001240 <+105>: movzx eax,BYTE PTR [rax] ; moves char value at [rax] to [eax] 0x0000000000001243 <+108>: mov BYTE PTR [rdx],al ; moves value at [al] to [rdx] 0x0000000000001245 <+110>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [rbp-0x8] ; moves value at [$rbp-0x8] to [eax] 0x0000000000001248 <+113>: sub eax,DWORD PTR [rbp-0x4] ; subtracts value at [$rbp-0x8] from [eax] 0x000000000000124b <+116>: cdqe ; sign-extends a DWORD (32-bit value) in the [eax] reg to a QWORD (64-bit value) [rax] reg || swap of second value starts here 0x000000000000124d <+118>: lea rdx,[rax-0x1] ; loads the value at [rax] minus 1 to [rdx] 0x0000000000001251 <+122>: mov rax,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x18] ; moves the string to [rax] 0x0000000000001255 <+126>: add rdx,rax ; increaments [rdx] by the value in [rax] (rdx[rax++]) 0x0000000000001258 <+129>: movzx eax,BYTE PTR [rbp-0x9] ; moves value at [$rbp-0x9] to [eax] 0x000000000000125c <+133>: mov BYTE PTR [rdx],al ; moves value at [al] to [rdx] 0x000000000000125e <+135>: add DWORD PTR [rbp-0x4],0x1 ; increament value [$rbp-0x4] by 1 == ++i 0x0000000000001262 <+139>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [rbp-0x8] ; [rbp-0x8] string length || moves the string length to eax 0x0000000000001265 <+142>: mov edx,eax ; move string length to [edx] 0x0000000000001267 <+144>: shr edx,0x1f ; shift string length == 9 to the right by 31 times == 0 0x000000000000126a <+147>: add eax,edx ; add value [edx] == 0 to [eax] 0x000000000000126c <+149>: sar eax,1 ; shift [eax] value == 9 to the right by 1 time 0x000000000000126e <+151>: cmp DWORD PTR [rbp-0x4],eax ; compare [eax] and value at [rbp-0x4] 0x0000000000001271 <+154>: jl 0x120d <rev_string+54> ; if its less jump to --> {0x120d} || end loop of swapping 0x0000000000001273 <+156>: nop ; nop 0x0000000000001274 <+157>: nop ; nop 0x0000000000001275 <+158>: pop rbp ; get base pointer from the top of the stack 0x0000000000001276 <+159>: ret ; return to address [rip]
Compile this way:
gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -std=gnu89 main/5-main.c 5-rev_string.c -o 5-rev_string
6. Half the lies they tell about me aren't true
- Compile the code this way:
gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -std=gnu89 _putchar.c main/6-main.c 6-puts2.c -o 6-puts2
7. Winning is only half of it. Having fun is the other half
- Compile the code this way:
gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -std=gnu89 _putchar.c main/7-main.c 7-puts_half.c -o 7-puts_half
8. Arrays are not pointers
- Compile the code this way:
gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -std=gnu89 main/8-main.c 8-print_array.c -o 8-print_array
9. strcpy
- Compile the code this way:
gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -std=gnu89 main/9-main.c 9-strcpy.c -o 9-strcpy
10. Great leaders are willing to sacrifice the numbers to save the people. Poor leaders sacrifice the people to save the numbers
- We will use the
gcc flag to compile your code. - Compile the code this way:
gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -std=gnu89 -fsanitize=signed-integer-overflow main/100-main.c 100-atoi.c -o 100-atoi
- Don't hate the hacker, hate the code : A C function program that generates random valid passwords for the program 101-crackme
- You are allowed to use the standard library.
- You don’t have to pass the
tests (you still need to pass thebetty-doc
tests) - man
. gdb
can help.- Compile the code this way:
gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra 101-keygen.c -o 101-keygen