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setting up an intelliJ dev environment for ilastik4ik

Emil Melnikov edited this page Jul 29, 2020 · 5 revisions

Development Environment Setup

Summary of setting up a development environment for the non-java-aware people (summarizing in-person help by @emilmelnikov) during a tiny ilastik4ij hackathon. Following this allows you to conveniently debug the plugin from within IntelliJ.

  1. Download and install IntelliJ IDEA
  2. Obtain jdk - I'm using conda to manage my java versions, so
    coda create -n java -c conda-forge openjdk=8 maven
  3. clone the ilastik4ij repo
    git clone
  4. Open IDEA (if you have installed deps via conda, activate the java environment before starting IDEA from the terminal), import project, point to the ilastik4ij folder.
  5. Get dependency sources and docs: Top right corner of IntelliJ houses the search anything toolbar; type in "Download", choose Download Sources And Documentation.
  6. Go to File -> Project Structure; Click on SDKs, make sure the JAVA 8 sdk is used (for me JDK HOME is /home/MYUSER/miniconda3/envs/java). Make sure this SDK is selected as project SDK and also check that Project Language Level is 8 ....
  7. create a new file in src/main/test/java/org/ilastik/ilastik4ij called with the following contents:
    package org.ilastik.ilastik4ij;
    import net.imagej.ImageJ;
    public class DebugIJ {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            ImageJ ij = new ImageJ();
            ij.log().info("Hello, ilastik4ij!");
            // ij.command().run(IlastikCommand.class, true);
  8. with this file open click on run to create a new run configuration. If you're successful, ImageJ should start up.
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