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Pedro Belo edited this page Jul 10, 2015 · 16 revisions

Pliny logs basic information from your app automatically, and offers helpers so you get the most out of logging in your app.

You can see what is logged by Pliny by booting your app and making a request to it. The output in your server process should look similar to this:

13:37:43 web.1 | request_id=394dde00-6d0b-48f4-a272-69d403a12d4b instrumentation at=start method=GET path=/ 13:37:43 web.1 | request_id=394dde00-6d0b-48f4-a272-69d403a12d4b instrumentation at=finish method=GET path=/ route_signature=/ status=200 elapsed=0.013

The first thing to note here is that Pliny apps are configured to log to stdout. That's because we consider logs as streams, and not files.

Further reading: