Cognito User Pools (CUP) – User Features
Create a serverless database of user for your web & mobile apps
Simple login: Username (or email) / password combination
Password reset
Email & Phone Number Verification
Multi-factor authentication (MFA)
Federated Identities: users from Facebook, Google, SAML…
Feature: block users if their credentials are compromised elsewhere
Login sends back a JSON Web Token (JWT)
Cognito User Pools (CUP) – Diagram
Cognito User Pools (CUP) - Integrations
CUP integrates with API Gateway and Application Load Balancer
Cognito User Pools – Lambda Triggers
CUP can invoke a Lambda function synchronously on these triggers:
User Pool Flow
Authentication Events
Pre Authentication Lambda Trigger
Custom validation to accept or deny the sign-in request
Post Authentication Lambda Trigger
Event logging for custom analytics
Pre Token Generation Lambda Trigger
Augment or suppress token claims
Pre Sign-up Lambda Trigger
Custom validation to accept or deny the sign-up request
Post Confirmation Lambda Trigger
Custom welcome messages or event logging for custom analytics
Migrate User Lambda Trigger
Migrate a user from an existing user directory to user pools
Custom Message Lambda Trigger
Advanced customization and localization of messages
Token Creation
Pre Token Generation Lambda Trigger
Add or remove attributes in Id tokens
Cognito User Pools – Hosted Authentication UI
Cognito has a hosted authentication UI that you can add to your app to handle sign-up and sign-in workflows
Using the hosted UI, you have a foundation for integration with social logins, OIDC or SAML
Can customize with a custom logo and custom CSS
Get identities for “users” so they obtain temporary AWS credentials
Your identity pool (e.g identity source) can include:
Public Providers (Login with Amazon, Facebook, Google, Apple)
Users in an Amazon Cognito user pool
OpenID Connect Providers & SAML Identity Providers
Developer Authenticated Identities (custom login server)
Cognito Identity Pools allow for unauthenticated (guest) access
Users can then access AWS services directly or through API Gateway
The IAM policies applied to the credentials are defined in Cognito
They can be customized based on the user_id for fine grained control
Cognito Identity Pools – Diagram
The user wants to access the S3 and DynamoDB but we don't want to create IAM Users.
Cognito Identity Pools – Diagram with CUP
Cognito Identity Pools – IAM Roles
Default IAM roles for authenticated and guest users
Define rules to choose the role for each user based on the user’s ID
You can partition your users’ access using policy variables
IAM credentials are obtained by Cognito Identity Pools through STS
The roles must have a “trust” policy of Cognito Identity Pools
Cognito Identity Pools – Guest User example
"Version" : " 2012-10-17" ,
"Statement" : [
"Action" : [" s3:GetObject" ],
"Effect" : " Allow" ,
"Resource" : [" arn:aws: s3:::mybucket/assets/my_picture.jpg" ]
Cognito Identity Pools – Policy variable on S3
"Version" : " 2012-10-17" ,
"Statement" : [
"Action" : [" s3:ListBucket" ],
"Effect" : " Allow" ,
"Resource" : [" arn:aws:53:::mybucket" ],
"Condition" : {
"StringLike" : {
"S3:prefix" : [" ${}/*" ]
"Action" : [" s3: GetObject" , " s3:Putobject" ],
"Effect" : " Allow" ,
"Resource" : [
" arn: aws:53:::mybucket.${}/*"
Cognito Identity Pools – DynamoDB
"Version" : " 2012-10-17" ,
"Statement" : [
"Effect" : " Allow" ,
"Action" : [
" dynamodb:GetItem" ,
" dynamodb:BatchGetItem" ,
" dynamodb:Query" ,
" dynamodb:PutItem" ,
" dynamodb:UpdateIten" ,
" dynamodb:Deleteltem" ,
" dynamodb:BatchWriteltem"
"Resource" : [" arn:aws:dynamodb:us-west-2: 123456789012:table/MyTable" ],
"Condition" : {
"ForAllValues:StringEquals" : {
"dynamodb: LeadingKeys" : [" ${}" ]
Cognito User Pools vs Identity Pools
Cognito User Pools:
Database of users for your web and mobile application
Allows to federate logins through Public Social, OIDC, SAML…
Can customize the hosted UI for authentication (including the logo)]
Has triggers with AWS Lambda during the authentication flow
Cognito Identity Pools:
Obtain AWS credentials for your users
Users can login through Public Social, OIDC, SAML & Cognito User Pools
Users can be unauthenticated (guests)
Users are mapped to IAM roles & policies, can leverage policy variables
CUP + CIP = manage user / password + access AWS services
Deprecated – use AWS AppSync now
Store preferences, configuration, state of app
Cross device synchronization (any platform – iOS, Android, etc…)
Offline capability (synchronization when back online)
Store data in datasets (up to 1MB), up to 20 datasets to synchronize
Push Sync: silently notify across all devices when identity data changes
Cognito Stream: stream data from Cognito into Kinesis
Cognito Events: execute Lambda functions in response to events
Collection of users in a logical group in Cognito User Pool
Defines the permissions for users in the group by assigning IAM role to the group
Users can be in multiple groups:
Assign precedence values to each group (lower will be chosen and its IAM role will be applied)
Choose from available IAM roles by specifing the IAM role ARN
You can’t create nested groups