This APT plugin generates a JSON Schema file called io/fabric8/environment/schema.json inside each jar which uses CDI for your dependency injection and uses the @ConfigProperty annotation from deltaspike to inject environment variables or default values into your Java code.
The generated JSON schema document will describe all the environment variables, their types, default values and their description (if you added some javadoc for them).
These JSON schema files will also be used by the fabric8:json maven goal to list all of the environment variables and their value in the generated kubernetes JSON file.
If you have transitive dependencies which include the generated io/fabric8/environment/schema.json file in their jars you can view the overall list of environment variable injection points for a project via:
mvn fabric8:describe-env
This will then list all the environment variables, their default value, type and description.
### Add it to your Maven pom.xml
To enable the fabric8 API tool then add the following to your Apache Maven pom.xml