- features:
- turn off red LED when WPS succeeded
- drop irrelevant logging during boot
- add ADC inputs to UI
- add option to send pin status and sensors to MQTT
- nicer UI
- fixes:
- fix IMPROV transfer including newline chars (e.g. for scan result)
- fix reset in "strip" command
- other:
- updated mDNS component
- updated ESP-IDF to v5.3.2 release on commit a916a25
- features:
- start WPS after button press only when device is unconfigured and add WPS status to query command
- other:
- updated mDNS component
- updated ESP-IDF to v5.3.2 release on commit adf5319
- features:
- nicer UI
- fixes:
- fix wifi scan and join while wps enabled
- fix previous build (20241215) with mismatched bundled UI
- other:
- updated mDNS component
- updated ESP-IDF to v5.3.2 release on commit 083aad9
- features:
- add retrieval of credentials from WPS with push button mode (PBC) when device is blank
- add mDNS device string to the UI
- add Wi-Fi 6 only protocol selection on C6
- fixes:
- arbitrary reboots issued by RGB LED driver
- mDNS service list in case of late station connection
- other:
- updated ESP-IDF to v5.3.1 release on commit a0f798c
- features:
- add estimate bus voltage report to enhanced protocol
- add average of several samples for adc command
- other:
- updated ESP-IDF to v5.3.1 release on commit 707d097 (including the massively changed USB serial driver)
- features:
- better responsive web UI
- add mDNS for auto discovery
- fixes:
- HW ID determination for C6
- other:
- updated ESP-IDF to commit 0bbd728 (without the massively changed USB serial driver though)
- features:
- first version also released for ESP32-C6 supporting the C6 Edition
- other:
- updated ESP-IDF to released v5.3 version on commit dc7fb34 (without the massively changed USB serial driver though)
- features:
- add logging of last data exchanged to/from eBUS/host on error log and in verbose mode
- fixes:
- enable another WiFi optimization setting of ESP-IDF to improve TCP transfer
- remove one case reported as host protocol error, that is actually in responsibility of ebusd and not the adapter
- other:
- updated ESP-IDF to current git (release/v5.3 branch) on commit ae87691
- features:
- first version also released for Wemos C3 mini for use on older adapters
- improved workaround for skipping too lengthy HTTP request headers (for weird cloudflare tunneling)
- show initial network connection as green fade off
- smaller web UI improvements
- use dedicated reset pin for USR-ES1/W5500 Ethernet
- fixes:
- missed reboot from web UI when skipping startup procedure
- other:
- updated ESP-IDF to current git (release/v5.3 branch)
- features:
- nicer web UI, better responsive layout for the pins section
- skip too lengthy HTTP request headers (workaround for weird cloudflare tunneling)
- fixes:
- correct topic extraction on received MQTT messages
- features:
- improve timers and async handling of timed tasks (MQTT, LEDs)
- force full Wi-Fi calibration
- add wifi power+protocol+channel selection
- more verbose "query" and "ip" command output
- remove annoying vfs warning
- add workaround for DNS via DHCP
- increase tolerated HTTP header length
- disable queueing TCP out-of-order packets
- nicer web UI, better responsive layout
- other:
- updated ESP-IDF to current git (release/v5.3 branch)
- features:
- add ps command
- other:
- switched ESP-IDF to release/v5.3 branch and updated to latest
- features:
- MQTT support with status info like version, uptime, eBUS signal, temperature, AP RSSI
- configurable HTTPS certificate
- other:
- updated ESP-IDF to current git
- fixes:
- avoid unnecessary wait when sending to eBUS after successful arbitration
- features:
- nicer web UI, better responsive layout
- new improved architecture for eBUS access
- detect active host on JTAG ebusd connection
- add last-modified handling to httpd
- calibrate adc and add isadc command
- enhanced some commands
- fixes:
- allow using eth command without args on blank NVS
- allow 64 chars in WIFI passwords
- hide credential input fields unless needed (prevents undesired auto fill by some browsers)
- avoid unnecessary httpd connection close
- remove useless logging
- other:
- updated ESP-IDF to current git
- features:
- add station rssi to enhanced info
- add https option with self-signed certificate
- fixes:
- slow or missing response to enhanced info when there is no eBUS signal
- potential fix for JTAG connection (aligned with b8e8042)
- other:
- updated ESP-IDF to current git
- fixes:
- fix http server when Ethernet is configured only
- other:
- updated ESP-IDF to current git
- features:
- add ping + ip REPL commands
- improve transfer speed for HTTP requests
- force full WIFI calibration and disable WIFI power save
- add OTA with 2 swappable partitions
- fixes:
- memory leak on REPL help command
- other:
- updated ESP-IDF to current git
- features:
- add full scan of WIFI to find the strongest AP, fade blue LED while doing so during boot
- add AP ID to scan and query commands
- add better startup logging
- fixes:
- fix BTN press to skip normal boot detection while LEDs fade during boot
- fix reset upon BTN press when normal boot was skipped
- fix old I2C driver message
- other:
- updated ESP-IDF to current git
- features:
- add update check to web UI
- fixes:
- fix optimize handling of host TCP socket
- fix increase wait time for debouncing BTN press
- fix increase API request timeouts in web UI
- fix httpd not started with fix IP and Ethernet only
- fix too many open sockets in httpd
- fix potential bytes not sent to host via JTAG serial or UART or to eBUS
- other:
- updated ESP-IDF to current git
- features:
- add option to adjust the bitrate used for eBUS
- add measurement of bitrate on eBUS and arbitration delay by master
- fixes:
- fix credentials not being used for API calls by web UI
- fix invalid value type for number fields in web UI
- fix use of settings with an empty string
- fix using a fixed IP
- other:
- updated web UI packages
- features:
- turn off station when configuring Ethernet via IMPROV
- fixes:
- fix for empty user name forcing HTTP authentication
- fix not executed reboot on button long press
- other:
- updated ESP-IDF to current git
- features:
- add optional HTTP authentication for sensitive endpoints
- no longer start AP automatically for 2 minutes (AP mode can still be entered by pressing button during boot)
- fixes:
- fix potential reboot loop when set to USB
- other:
- updated ESP-IDF to current git
- updated web UI packages
- features:
- allow setting enhanced/non-enhanced protocol, LED usage and arbitration delay from web
- smaller enhancements to web UI, better responsive layout
- other:
- updated ESP-IDF to current git
- updated web UI packages
- feat: first version with support for:
- all eBUS host connection types: WIFI, Ethernet, Raspi, and USB
- enhanced and non-enhanced protocol
- flashing and basic setup (IMPROV) via web including Ethernet
- "easi>" config via web and serial REPL
- reading 1-wire DS18B20
- reading BMP180, BMP180, BME280 (REPL only)
- control of LEDs and LED strip (REPL only)
- optional SSD1306 for status display (REPL only)