# `cacheUrl`: A URL that contains previous build output. (required)
cacheUrl: https://<github_username>.github.io/<github_repo>/cache.json
# `sources`: An array of RSS subscriptions. (required)
# `href`: A URL that returns content in RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0, or Atom format. (required for each source)
- href: https://example-website-1.com/feed/
- href: https://example-website-2.com/feed/
- href: https://example-website-3.com/feed/
# `siteTitle`: Title to use in the browser tab and the machine readable feed output. (optional)
siteTitle: "osmos::feed"
# `timezone`: Specify your local timezone so server can group content by weekday
# Find yours from the "TZ database name" column of this page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones#List
# Examples: America/Los_Angeles, America/New_York, Asia/Shanghai, Asia/Tokyo
timezone: null
# `cacheMaxDays` Max number of days to keep the feed content in cache. A very large value can increase the initial load time of the site. (optional)
cacheMaxDays: 30