Code in this directory is based on KoboCAT, derived from the excellent onadata platform developed by Ona LLC, which in itself is a redevelopment of the formhub platform developed by the Sustainable Engineering Lab at Columbia University.
Please see the LICENSE file in this directory for more details. A copy is available at
Please refer to kobo-install for instructions on how to install KoboToolbox.
- logger - This app serves XForms to and receives submissions from ODK Collect and Enketo.
- viewer - This app provides a csv and xls export of the data stored in logger. This app uses a data dictionary as produced by pyxform. It also provides a map and single survey view.
- main - This app is the glue that brings logger and viewer together.
Much of the user-facing and REST API features of this application are being refactored. For more details and discussion, please refer to Please see for a complete list.