Remove libwrap=no from stunnel config on startup for newer stunnel compatibility (#1586, @dankova22)
- Upgrade (v0.25.0 -> v0.33.0) ([#1562]#1562)
- Updated Python distribution to latest version and add symlink to stunnel5 to ensure compatibility ([#1569]
- Upgrade stunnel to 5 (#1561, @dankova22)
- Fix default value for unhealthyPodEvictionPolicy (#1524, @z0rc)
- Switch to adaptive retry mode to reduce throttling errors (#1520, @dankova22)
- Modify delete access point root directory logic to only remove temporary directory if empty (#1532, @jrakas-dev)
- Bump to v0.31.0 (#1531, @germanparente)
- Update k8s dependencies (#1514, @andrewjamesbrown)
- Fix volume delete failure for static provisioning when accessPointId is empty (#1507, @dankova22)
- Update Go and dependencies to address CVEs (#1513, @andrewjamesbrown)
- Add metadata.namespace to chart templates (#1376, @Kellen275)
- Adding new argument for csi provisioner (#1512, @mskanth972)
- Add permissions to all GitHub actions (#1508, @mskanth972)
- Add additional arguments for Side cars (#1506, @mskanth972)
- Fix controller podLabels typo in values.yaml (#1445, @pvickery-ParamountCommerce)
- Add anti-affinity for incompatible compute types (#1496, @abhinavmpandey08)
- Update python base images to newer versions (#1480, @andrewjamesbrown)
- Update CodeQL workflow to v2. (#1485,@mskanth972)
- Bump side-cars to the latest. (#1484,@mskanth972)
- Update kubernetes to version 1.27.16 to patch CVE-2024-5321. (#1475,@mselim00)
- Upgrade AL2 version and address CVEs (CVE-2024-34156, CVE-2024-34158)
- Fix controller template to support replicaCount, resources, topologySpreadConstraints
- Migrate to aws-sdk-go-v2. (#1458, @avanish23)
- Update K8s dependencies. (#1440, @retornam)
- Add flag that enables CSI driver to be added without using helm hooks (#1074, @woehrl01)
- Add new region DNS suffixes to watchdog (#1455, @jdwtf)
- Use protobuf content type instead of JSON for K8s client (#1451, @bhavi-koduru)
- Update GO version from 1.20 to 1.22.5 to mitigate CVEs. (#1427,@mskanth972)
- Updated the docker file to install the latest version of Rust. (#1414,@mskanth972)
- Increase the default Port Range from 400 to 1000. (#1402,@mskanth972)
- Update statefulset example (#1400 @seanzatzdev-amazon)
- Add additionalLabels to node-daemonset (#1394 @omerap12)
- Set fips_mode_enabled in efs-utils.conf (#1344 @mpatlasov)
- make sure the startup taint will eventually being removed after efs driver ready (#1287 @abbshr)
- Refactor re-use Access Point (#1233 @otorreno)
- Add a note to not proceed to the next step until pv STATUS is Bound (#1075,@wafuwafu13)
- Add Pod Identity Support (#1254,@askulkarni2)
- Add Pod Identity Documentation (#1381,@arnavgup1)
- Bump Side-cars and add Patch verbs (#1387,@mskanth972)
- Update k8s dependencies (#1384,@mskanth972)
- Reap efs-proxy zombie processes. (#1364,@mskanth972)
- Sanitize CSI RPC request logs. (#1363,@mskanth972)
- Edit file paths in provisioning.go to fix failing e2e test. (#1366 @seanzatzdev-amazon)
- Expose env, volume, and volume mounts in helm chart for the efs controller and deamonset. (#1165, @cnmcavoy)
- Update dependency. (#1355,@mskanth972)
- efs-utils v2.0.2: Check for efs-proxy PIDs when cleaning tunnel state files. (#219, @anthotse)
- Update the ChangeLog to point to latest. (#1334, @mskanth972)
- Fix ARM support for EFS CSI Driver.
- Efs-utils v2.0.1. Disable Nagle's algorithm for efs-proxy TLS mounts to improve latencies. (#210, @RyanStan)
- Updated the default image to be used from Public AWS ECR Repo instead of DockerHub. (#1323, @mskanth972)
- Efs-utils v2.0.0 replaces stunnel, which provides TLS encryptions for mounts, with efs-proxy, a component built in-house at AWS. (#203, @RyanStan)
- Install Rust and Cargo for building efs-utils v2.0.0 (#1306, @RyanStan)
- Update go-restful dependency. (#1308, @RyanStan)
- Adds script + instructions for an in-place upgrade test. (#1304, @seanzatzdev-amazon)
- Update test file manifest paths for e2e tests. (#1303, @seanzatzdev-amazon)
- Bump SIDECARS to the latest. (#1302, @mskanth972)