Releases: kubernetes-sigs/external-dns
Releases · kubernetes-sigs/external-dns
All Changes
- Updated ExternalDNS version to v0.13.2. (#3371) @stevehipwell
- Added
to mount specific files from secret as a sub-path. (#3227) @jkroepke - Changed to use
. (#3261) @johngmyers
What's Changed
- Update kustomize tag to v0.13.1 by @Raffo in #3100
- update the document for Tencent provider. by @Hyzhou in #3103
- Bump helm/chart-testing-action from 2.2.1 to 2.3.1 by @dependabot in #3057
- Bump helm/chart-releaser-action from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 by @dependabot in #3058
- Fix minor typo by @mikejoh in #3105
- Add Civo DNS as a new provider by @alejandrojnm in #2852
- Restore support for exclusion-only domain filters for AWS provider by @orirawlings in #2850
- GitHub Workflows security hardening by @sashashura in #3135
- Bump azure/setup-helm from 3.3 to 3.4 by @dependabot in #3120
- Pi-Hole Local DNS Support - rebases #2321 by @anubisg1 in #3125
- Bump from 1.61.1742 to 1.62.4 by @dependabot in #3142
- bump go-gandi to v0.5.0 by @tommy31 in #3121
- Update ingress-nginx installation guide for azure private dns by @pkbhowmick in #3099
- Remove leading space from endpoint by @xueshanf in #3044
- Bump from 0.5.0 to 0.5.1 by @dependabot in #3090
- reorder cloudflare updates to delete before create by @clhuang in #3094
- Fix deletion of DNS Records for VirtualServices when an Error occures by @ricoberger in #3140
- Bump from 1.44.119 to 1.44.136 by @dependabot in #3154
- Set request scheme to "https" (default http) for alibabacloud provider by @haoshuwei in #3157
- Cleanup infoblox announcement by @Raffo in #3114
- fix: New provider specific update by @gjmveloso in #3177
- rfc2136: remove deprecated MD5 key algorithm by @jacksgt in #2803
- Revert "fix: New provider specific update" by @Raffo in #3199
- Upgrade ExternalDNS to go 1.19 by @Raffo in #3152
- feat(chart): Provide config secret and use tpl function for providers and extraArgs by @jkroepke in #3144
- Bump external-dns image tag to v0.13.1 by @zioproto in #3185
- feat(chart): Added ability to customise the service account labels. by @jkroepke in #3145
- CI linting fixes by @Raffo in #3205
- fix: Support conversion from/to simple to/from other routing policies for the AWS provider. by @jessegonzalez in #3159
- Revert "fix: Support conversion from/to simple to/from other routing policies for the AWS provider." by @Raffo in #3212
- Fix typo: file name, ClusterIP capitalization by @KENNYSOFT in #3191
- chore[chart]: Updated chart to v0.13.1 by @stevehipwell in #3197
- chore: Add AWS me-central-1 region by @aglees in #3218
- Add secretConfiguration.subPath to mount specific files from secret by @jkroepke in #3227
- Bump a couple of dependabot dependencies by @Raffo in #3214
- pkg/apis/externaldns/types.go: add civo by @s-urbaniak in #3171
- Bump helm/kind-action from 1.3.0 to 1.4.0 by @dependabot in #3048
- Log when infoblox provider deletes a record at info by @gregsidelinger in #3003
- Fix documentation for CloudFlare TTL by @hfoxy in #2993
- Update image references by @johngmyers in #3261
- bug: fix digital ocean provider not setting TTL by @Volatus in #2857
- Split CI to speedup checks by @Raffo in #3263
- chore(dockerfile): bump alpine version to 3.17 by @domenjesenovec in #3267
- fix: scaleway provider documentation missing environment variable by @gugdewescale in #3275
- docs: rename ALB ingress controller to AWS Load Balancer Controller by @prasadkatti in #3273
- [flags/provider] handle alphabetically and in one place by @DrBu7cher in #3242
- designate: exclude internal labels by @FlorinPeter in #2563
- stop processing after zone lookup failed by @mateusz-jablonski94 in #2662
- docs: rename alb-ingress-controller to aws-load-balancer-controller by @prasadkatti in #3279
- gateway-api: patch route informer results with TypeMeta by @abursavich in #3271
- gateway-api: upgrade from v0.5.1 to v0.6.0 and add GRPCRoute support by @abursavich in #3268
- Fix null pointer on generateTxtRecord by @rikatz in #3294
- Pack dependabot PRs by @Raffo in #3295
- provider/ovh: Fix import by @mrueg in #3280
- Minor correction in GKE tutorial by @mastersingh24 in #3292
- Allow AWS Route53 routing policy change to/from simple to others. by @jessegonzalez in #3222
New Contributors
- @mikejoh made their first contribution in #3105
- @alejandrojnm made their first contribution in #2852
- @orirawlings made their first contribution in #2850
- @sashashura made their first contribution in #3135
- @anubisg1 made their first contribution in #3125
- @tommy31 made their first contribution in #3121
- @pkbhowmick made their first contribution in #3099
- @xueshanf made their first contribution in #3044
- @ricoberger made their first contribution in #3140
- @haoshuwei made their first contribution in #3157
- @gjmveloso made their first contribution in #3177
- @jacksgt made their first contribution in #2803
- @jkroepke made their first contribution in #3144
- @zioproto made their first contribution in #3185
- @jessegonzalez made their first contribution in #3159
- @KENNYSOFT made their first contribution in #3191
- @aglees made their first contribution in #3218
- @s-urbaniak made their first contribution in #3171
- @hfoxy made their first contribution in #2993
- @johngmyers made their first contribution in #3261
- @Volatus made their first contribution in #2857
- @domenjesenovec made their first contribution in #3267
- @gugdewescale made their first contribution in #3275
- @prasadkatti made their first contribution in #3273
- @DrBu7cher made their first contribution in #3242
- @FlorinPeter made their first contribution in #2563
- @mateusz-jablonski94 made their first contribution in http...
All Changes
- Added ability to provide ExternalDNS with secret configuration via
. (#3144) @jkroepke - Added the ability to template
. (#3144) @jkroepke - Added the ability to customise the service account labels. (#3145) @jkroepke
- Updated ExternalDNS version to v0.13.1. (#3197) @stevehipwell
What's Changed
- Do not reschedule, if already scheduled in the next MinInterval by @claudiumocanu in #2609
- updates owners to add szuecs by @Raffo in #2895
- add target filters based on network by @tobikris in #2693
- Update All GitHub Actions to use Go 1.18 by @seanmalloy in #2908
- feat: Add support to configure dnsPolicy on the Helm chart deployment by @michelzanini in #2902
- Changed the Deployment strategy to 'Recreate' so multiple external-dns pods don't conflict with each other. by @mac-chaffee in #2772
- Updated Helm chart to use ExternalDNS v0.12.2 by @stevehipwell in #2940
- Update kustomization.yaml to v0.12.2 by @Raffo in #2952
- Infoblox - Correct GetObject query by @skalpin in #2890
- Fixed a minor typo in aws tutorial by @akshaykrjain in #2955
- support ExternalID in AWS Provider when assuming a role by @PG2000 in #2818
- bump govultr from v2.14.1 to v2.17.2 by @ddymko in #2864
- Bump several dependencies by @Raffo in #2961
- More dependabot updates by @Raffo in #2965
- Bump from 1.61.1483 to 1.61.1742 by @dependabot in #2983
- Ignore ambassador-hosts with invalid annotations by @olemarkus in #3008
- drop golint from linters by @szuecs in #2989
- Set logformat before logging config by @n-oden in #2847
- Bump from 0.25.0 to 0.50.0 by @dependabot in #3021
- Add the provider for the Tencent Cloud. by @Hyzhou in #2630
- Fix/missing regions r53 by @luke-plausin-kidsloop in #2758
- feat: Add Plural DNS provider by @davidspek in #2923
- Add missing copyright header and gofumpt by @abursavich in #3033
- gateway-api: upgrade from v0.4.3 to v0.5.0 by @abursavich in #2881
- Bump dependencies for multiple packages by @Raffo in #3035
- Bump from 0.24.1 to 0.25.2 by @dependabot in #3034
- Documentation: Update by @mule-bob in #3050
- Don't create endpoint if attempting to create one with invalid dns name by @olemarkus in #3017
- Add a warning about releases v0.12.0 - v0.12.2 by @RichieSams in #3071
- Use in external-dns-deployment yml by @knkarthik in #3079
- Bump from 0.11.0 to 1.0.0 by @dependabot in #3066
- Bump from 1.8.1 to 1.10.4 by @dependabot in #3087
- Fix a few high/critical vulns by @Raffo in #3098
New Contributors
- @claudiumocanu made their first contribution in #2609
- @tobikris made their first contribution in #2693
- @michelzanini made their first contribution in #2902
- @mac-chaffee made their first contribution in #2772
- @skalpin made their first contribution in #2890
- @akshaykrjain made their first contribution in #2955
- @n-oden made their first contribution in #2847
- @Hyzhou made their first contribution in #2630
- @luke-plausin-kidsloop made their first contribution in #2758
- @davidspek made their first contribution in #2923
- @mule-bob made their first contribution in #3050
- @RichieSams made their first contribution in #3071
- @knkarthik made their first contribution in #3079
Full Changelog: v0.12.2...v0.13.1
- Added support to configure
on the Helm chart deployment. @michelzanini - Added ability to customise the deployment strategy. mac-chaffee
- Updated ExternalDNS version to v0.12.2. @stevehipwell
- Changed default deployment strategy to
. mac-chaffee
Important note
Azure DNS provider would require --txt-wildcard-replacement flag.
What's Changed
- Update kustomize version to v0.12.0 by @Raffo in #2775
- fix: prefer IP addresses as "less" when comparing endpoints by @wbh1 in #2716
- GKE doc tutorial refresh by @darkn3rd in #2759
- Docs: Improve NodePort and hostPort mentions in FAQ by @acj in #2767
- fix: additionalPermissions is an array not object by @tamalsaha in #2796
- Bump from 0.9.16 to 0.9.20 by @dependabot in #2765
- Explicitly set Helm chart resource namespaces & support common labels by @stevehipwell in #2807
- Bump from 3.5.2 to 3.5.4 by @dependabot in #2740
- Support proxying wildcard records by @renehernandez in #2786
- fix: remove split of host/port by @scottd018 in #2783
- Add link to docs site in README by @Raffo in #2815
- Included githubactions in dependabot config by @naveensrinivasan in #2681
- fix dependabot.yml intendation by @Raffo in #2822
- Bump a number of dependencies by @Raffo in #2823
- AWS refresh, added IRSA section by @darkn3rd in #2766
- feat[chart]: Update to ExternalDNS v0.12.0 by @vojtechmares in #2777
- docs/tutorials/aws - small fix for env vars by @darkn3rd in #2845
- Fix Helm chart CHANGELOG for v1.10.0 by @stevehipwell in #2856
- Remove namespace from cluster scoped resources by @stevehipwell in #2866
- ci: update docker automatically by @PascalBourdier in #2851
- Update references to UK Fast after merge with ANS group by @rjhenry in #2842
- Handle the migration to the new TXT format: create missing records by @alebedev87 in #2811
- Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #2874
- Bump helm/chart-testing-action from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1 by @dependabot in #2877
- Bump actions/setup-go from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #2907
- Bump github/codeql-action from 1 to 2 by @dependabot in #2906
- Handle the migration to the new TXT format: missing records to be created separately by @alebedev87 in #2913
New Contributors
- @wbh1 made their first contribution in #2716
- @acj made their first contribution in #2767
- @naveensrinivasan made their first contribution in #2681
- @vojtechmares made their first contribution in #2777
Full Changelog: v0.12.0...v0.12.2
- Fixed incorrect addition of
. @stevehipwell
- Added
value to allow the addition of labels to all resources. @stevehipwell - Added support for Process Namespace Sharing via the
value. (#2715) @wolffberg
- Update ExternalDNS version to v0.12.0. @vojtechmares
- Set resource namespaces to
{{ .Release.Namespace }}
in the templates instead of waiting until apply time for inference. @stevehipwell - Fixed
default value.(#2796) @tamalsaha
There is a bug affecting this release when deleted resources trigger a deletion of TXT records. This could impact deletions, but not additions when upgrading from any previous version to v0.12.0. In case you have problems, you can either create the records manually or downgrade. A fix is being worked in #2811.
What's Changed
- update kustomization.yaml for v0.11.0 by @Raffo in #2663
- bump ukfast sdk version by @0x4c6565 in #2666
- feat[chart]: Release v1.8.0 by @stevehipwell in #2571
- Fix documentation for Azure TTL by @kvendingoldo in #2647
- Fix CI release notes generation by @stevehipwell in #2671
- Update to golangci-lint v1.45.2 by @seanmalloy in #2695
- bluecat docs: JSON configuration file is not deprecated by @seanmalloy in #2694
- OpenShift route source: better use of route status by @alebedev87 in #2579
- fix the helm chart installation command line by @kartikeymittal in #2612
- ADD: added node source doc by @pbertera in #2645
- Bump from 3.5.0 to 3.5.2 by @dependabot in #2601
- Bump from 0.66.0 to 0.74.0 by @dependabot in #2676
- extract bluecat api code into its own package by @vinny-sabatini in #2696
- Publish v1.8.0 Helm chart by @stevehipwell in #2689
- Use Go 1.17 in CI by @Raffo in #2708
- Registry record type by @k0da in #2157
- migration to infoblox-go-client/v2 by @skudriavtsev in #2670
- feat: restrict rfc2136 kerberos password from being exposed in logs by @scottd018 in #2703
- Update to ExternalDNS v0.11.0 by @stevehipwell in #2690
- provider/bluecat: remove named returns by @vinny-sabatini in #2722
- feat[chart]: Add shareProcessNamespace field to deployment by @wolffberg in #2715
- Workflow for automatic documentation creation and publishing by @renehernandez in #2652
- istio-gateway: Add debug logging when endpoints missing by @mcwarman in #2538
- Revert "Workflow for automatic documentation creation and publishing" by @Raffo in #2727
- Headless service: allow to specify target as NodeExternalIP or by annotation by @alfredkrohmer in #2115
- Update to stable GSS-TSIG API by @bodgit in #2719
- Updated tutorial to support Kubernetes 1.22 by @JohanRyberg in #2728
- Revert "Revert "Workflow for automatic documentation creation and publishing"" by @Raffo in #2738
- Bump from 1.20.0 to 1.20.1 by @dependabot in #2698
- Bump golang crypto package by @Raffo in #2741
- Istio: Use existing VirtualService informer by @abursavich in #2215
- Azure provider doc refresh by @darkn3rd in #2745
- Fix ingress formal error by @lou-lan in #2749
- [Docs] Clarify registry feature description in FAQ by @jgoldschrafe in #2574
- Infoblox provider: fix for target value duplication by @skudriavtsev in #2755
- Add Support for Gateway API Route Sources by @abursavich in #2292
- Add IBM Cloud provider by @hughhuangzh in #2707
- Bump yaml.v3 to fix vulnerability by @Raffo in #2771
New Contributors
- @0x4c6565 made their first contribution in #2666
- @kvendingoldo made their first contribution in #2647
- @kartikeymittal made their first contribution in #2612
- @pbertera made their first contribution in #2645
- @skudriavtsev made their first contribution in #2670
- @wolffberg made their first contribution in #2715
- @renehernandez made their first contribution in #2652
- @bodgit made their first contribution in #2719
- @JohanRyberg made their first contribution in #2728
- @darkn3rd made their first contribution in #2745
- @lou-lan made their first contribution in #2749
- @jgoldschrafe made their first contribution in #2574
- @hughhuangzh made their first contribution in #2707
Full Changelog: v0.11.1...v0.12.0
- Update ExternalDNS version to v0.11.0.