Looking for a lightweight, VM-based Splunk deployment solution optimized for Apple Silicon Macs? This is the first framework that lets you easily build and test Splunk environments on modern ARM-based MacBooks, with native performance and minimal resource overhead.
This repository modernizes the original Splunk Platform Automator for the Apple Silicon era, replacing Vagrant with Terraform and leveraging OrbStack for efficient virtualization. Whether you need to test Splunk upgrades, experiment with indexer clustering, or verify configuration changes, you can now do it all natively on your M1/M2 Mac.
- Install prerequisites:
# On macOS
brew install ansible terraform [email protected]
# Install required Python packages
python -m pip install jmespath lxml # Required for json_query and license checks
- Setup and deploy:
task setup-venv # Create virtual environment
. ./.venv/bin/activate # Activate environment
task setup:deps # Install dependencies
task example:list # View available examples
task example:use -- idx_3shc_uf_orbstack # Use example config
task deploy # Deploy infrastructure and Splunk
For more complex deployments, check the examples directory.
This fork modernizes the infrastructure layer with Terraform, bringing several key benefits:
Modern Infrastructure Management
- Infrastructure as Code (IaC) best practices
- Better state management and drift detection
- Native support for multiple cloud providers (AWS planned)
- Flexible virtualization support
Streamlined Architecture
graph LR %% Styling classDef task fill:#99f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px classDef config fill:#f9f,stroke:#333 classDef ansible fill:#fbf,stroke:#333 classDef infra fill:#bfb,stroke:#333 %% Nodes Task(Task Workflow) Examples(Examples) Config(splunk_config.yml) Inventory(Ansible Inventory) Terraform(Terraform) Infra(Infrastructure) Ansible(Ansible Config) %% Main Pipeline Examples --> Config --> Inventory --> Terraform --> Infra --> Ansible %% Task Control Task --> Examples & Config & Inventory & Terraform & Ansible %% Apply styles class Task task class Examples,Config config class Inventory,Ansible ansible class Terraform,Infra infra
The architecture provides:
- Single source of truth in splunk_config.yml
- Clear separation between infrastructure and configuration
- Task-based automation for all operations
- Integrated validation and testing
This framework supports two deployment approaches:
The recommended approach using Terraform for infrastructure provisioning:
- Infrastructure Creation: Terraform automatically provisions and manages your infrastructure
- Inventory Management: Generates
file during provisioning - Configuration: Manages host entries based on your
- Automated infrastructure management
- Consistent environment creation
- Infrastructure state tracking
- Easy scaling and updates
For scenarios where you prefer to manage VMs manually:
Configuration Setup:
# Copy and modify an example configuration cp examples/idx_sh_uf_orbstack.yml config/splunk_config.yml
VM Creation: Create virtual machines matching your configuration
# Example using OrbStack (a lightweight virtualization solution for ARM-based macOS) orb create almalinux:9 idx1 orb create almalinux:9 sh1 orb create almalinux:9 uf1
task orb:inventory > inventory/hosts # Generate inventory task ansible:deploy # Deploy Splunk
Example inventory/hosts
# Generated by orb:inventory - Host configurations
idx1 ip_addr= public_dns_name=idx1.orb.local
sh1 ip_addr= public_dns_name=sh1.orb.local
uf1 ip_addr= public_dns_name=uf1.orb.local
# Initialize and Plan
task tf:init # Initialize Terraform working directory
task tf:validate # Validate Terraform configurations
task tf:plan # Plan infrastructure changes
# Apply and Destroy
task tf:apply # Apply infrastructure changes
task tf:destroy # Destroy infrastructure (interactive)
task tf:destroy-auto # Destroy infrastructure (non-interactive)
task ansible:validate:config # Validate configuration
task ansible:generate:inventory # Generate Ansible inventory
task ansible:deploy # Deploy Splunk configuration
task example:list # List available examples
task example:use # Use an example configuration
task example:restore # Restore previous configuration
task deploy # Deploy complete infrastructure and configure Splunk
task destroy:all # Destroy all infrastructure and clean up
Note: This framework is not officially supported by Splunk. It is being developed on best effort basis.
- Simplified host management by consolidating all host information in inventory/hosts file
- Removed redundant host mapping functionality
- Streamlined manual provisioning process for better user experience
- [c] Terraform module for OrbStack Linux machines
- [c] Development and production environment setup
- [c] Basic Ansible inventory generation
- [c] Host file management system
- [c] Task-based infrastructure management
- [c] Example configurations for OrbStack
- [c] Basic configuration validation
- [c] Infrastructure state verification
- [c] Project initialization
- [c] Basic project structure
- [c] Initial documentation
- [c] Basic OrbStack integration
- [p] AWS/vSphere provider implementation
- AWS EC2 instance management
- vSphere VM provisioning
- Provider-specific networking
- Security group configuration
- Environment-specific provider configurations
- [p] Cross-provider configuration templates
- [p] Enhanced environment management
- Cross-environment resource sharing
- Environment isolation controls
- Resource tagging by environment
- [d] Enhanced logging and monitoring
- [d] Automated testing pipeline
- [d] Container support
- [d] Additional cloud provider support (Azure, GCP)
- [c] Completed
- [p] Planned (Current/Next Sprint)
- [d] Deferred (Future Roadmap)
Apache License 2.0