Note: The order for implementation may change
- Add support for Windows hosts with Universal Forwarder
- Splunk generic app deployment
- Like unix_TA: (needs this packages: net-tools lsof sysstat)
- Playbooks for common splunkbase apps
- Splunk Premium App deployment like ITSI and ES
- Support for upgrading Splunk on all the nodes
- Config options for forwarding to single indexers and heavy forwarders
- Separate output conf on DS for HF, separate cluster, single indexer
- Support config options for indexes (ex. new metrics index type)
- Option to have master_deployment_client or org_all_deploymentclient on cm
- org_all_deploymentclient for ds -> cm app deployment
- Disable all the tour and other info wizards after login
- Add dns_server role and configure nodes to get the host names from dns
- Finish ldap_server role to be usable in Splunk (new config file needed)
- Implement config syntax for host series (ex. idx1..16) for mass node deployment
- Support docker container as Splunk hosts
- Better error handling and logic checking for config file
- Check in Vagrantfile, if listed idxc is defined
- Download baseconfigs from internet (
- Make vagrant user configurable
- Make splunk user configurable
- Run Bind server on one node: