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Technical Documentation

This document provides technical details about the infrastructure implementation, OrbStack integration, and inventory management in the Splunk Platform Automator.

Part 1: Infrastructure Implementation

1. Ansible Inventory System

Base Inventory Processing

The system processes Ansible inventory in multiple stages:

  1. Initial YAML Configuration:
# Example configuration (idx_sh_uf_orbstack.yml)
plugin: splunk-platform-automator
  image: alma:9        # Base image for all machines
  ansible_user: root   # Default user for Ansible connections

  - name: idx1         # Machine name (used for DNS)
    roles:            # Splunk roles determine machine purpose
      - indexer       # This machine will be a Splunk indexer

Key Points:

  • plugin: Identifies this as a Splunk Platform Automator config
  • orbstack: Provider-specific settings that apply to all machines
  • splunk_hosts: List of machines with their roles and configurations
  1. Core Processing:
def _populate(self):
    # Process each configuration section (general, custom, os, etc.)
    for section in ['general', 'custom', 'os', 'splunk_dirs', ...]:
        # Initialize empty defaults if section not found
        if section not in self.defaults:
            self.defaults[section] = {}
        # If section exists in config, merge with defaults
        if isinstance(self.configfiles.get(section), dict):
            merged_section = self._merge_dict(self.defaults[section], self.configfiles[section])

Understanding the Code:

  • Iterates through predefined configuration sections
  • Handles missing sections by initializing empty defaults
  • Merges user configuration with defaults when present
  • Ensures all required settings have values

OrbStack Integration

The inventory plugin was modified to add OrbStack support: The inventory plugin was modified to support OrbStack as a new provider:

  1. Plugin Registration:
    # Added OrbStack support to plugin options
        description: orbstack settings
        type: dictionary
        required: false

class InventoryModule(BaseInventoryPlugin):
    NAME = 'splunk-platform-automator'
  1. Provider Detection:
def _set_virtualization(self, splunk_config):
    '''Detect provider from config file'''
    supported_virtualizations = ['virtualbox','aws','orbstack']
    for virtualization in supported_virtualizations:
        if virtualization in splunk_config:
            setattr(self, 'virtualization', virtualization)
  1. Configuration Processing:
def _process_orbstack_configs(self):
    Process OrbStack-specific variables with precedence:
    1. Host-specific settings
    2. Global OrbStack settings
    3. Default settings
    # Start with defaults
    default_config = self.defaults.get('orbstack', {})
    global_config = self.configfiles.get('orbstack', {})
    for hostname in self.inventory.hosts:
        # Layer configurations
        config = default_config.copy()
        host_config = host_vars.get('orbstack', {})

        # Set connection variables
        ansible_user = config.get('ansible_user', 'ansible')
        self.inventory.set_variable(hostname, 'ansible_host', 
        self.inventory.set_variable(hostname, 'ansible_ssh_user', 

Configuration Example

# Global OrbStack settings
  image: alma:9        # Default image for all machines
  ansible_user: root   # Default user for connections

  - name: idx1
      - indexer
    orbstack:          # Host-specific override
      image: rocky:9   # Overrides global image

Why This Design?

  1. Configuration Layers:

    • Defaults provide baseline settings
    • Global settings apply to all OrbStack machines
    • Host-specific overrides allow customization
  2. Connection Variables:

    • ansible_host: {user}@{hostname}@orb
      • Required format for OrbStack's SSH implementation
      • Enables direct container access
    • ansible_ssh_user: {user}@{hostname}
      • Ensures correct user context
      • Maintains Ansible compatibility
  3. Integration Points:

    • Inventory plugin detects OrbStack configuration
    • Processes settings before Terraform reads inventory
    • Ensures consistent host configuration

2. Infrastructure Implementation

The project uses a clear environment separation:

├── environments/
│   ├── dev/           # Development environment (OrbStack)
│   │   ├──    # Environment-specific configuration
│   │   └──
│   └── prod/          # Production environment (AWS - planned)

Currently focused on the development environment:

# dev/
terraform {
  required_version = ">= 0.13"

module "platform" {
  source = "../../modules/platform"
  environment_name = terraform.workspace
  inventory_file   = "${path.module}/../../../config/inventory_output.yml"
  provider_config  = var.provider_config

3. Terraform Module Structure

Module Hierarchy

The project demonstrates effective use of Terraform modules for code organization and reusability:

├── modules/
│   ├── platform/          # High-level orchestration
│   │   ├──       # Coordinates other modules
│   │   └──  # Common variables
│   ├── orbstack/         # OrbStack-specific logic
│   │   ├──       # Provider configuration
│   │   └──  # OrbStack variables
│   └── orbstack_linux_machine/  # Low-level machine management
│       ├──       # Machine creation/configuration
│       └──  # Machine-specific variables

Module Organization and Flow

  1. Platform Module (Top Level):

    # platform/
    module "provider" {
      source = "../orbstack"  # Use OrbStack provider
      hosts  = local.hosts    # Pass processed inventory
    • Acts as the main orchestrator
    • Reads and processes inventory
    • Delegates to appropriate provider module
    • Manages environment-specific settings
  2. Provider Module (Middle Layer):

    # orbstack/
    locals {
      # Transform inventory hosts into provider format
      machines = {
        for hostname, config in var.hosts :
        hostname => {
          name = hostname
          distro = try(config.orbstack_image, var.default_image)
    • Implements provider-specific logic
    • Transforms generic config to provider format
    • Handles provider-specific resources
    • Manages network and DNS configuration
  3. Machine Module (Bottom Layer):

    # orbstack_linux_machine/
    resource "null_resource" "machine" {
      for_each = var.machines
      provisioner "local-exec" {
        # Create machine using OrbStack CLI
        command = "orb create -u ${var.username} ${each.value.distro} ${}"
    • Handles individual machine lifecycle
    • Implements provider-specific commands
    • Manages machine-level configuration
    • Ensures proper cleanup on destroy

Key Module Features

  1. Module Composition:

    module "orbstack_machines" {
      source = "../orbstack_linux_machine"
      machines = local.machines
      username = var.ansible_user
  2. Local Variables:

    locals {
      machines = {
        for hostname, host_config in var.hosts :
        hostname => {
          name         = try(host_config.machine_name, hostname)
          distro       = split(":", try(host_config.orbstack_image, var.default_image))[0]
          architecture = try(host_config.architecture, "amd64")
  3. Resource Management:

    resource "null_resource" "orbstack_machine" {
      for_each = var.machines
      triggers = {
        name         =
        distro       = each.value.distro
        architecture = each.value.architecture

4. Infrastructure Evolution

From Vagrant to Terraform

The project has evolved from using Vagrant to Terraform for infrastructure management, bringing several improvements:

  • Better state management
  • More flexible provider support
  • Cleaner separation of concerns

5. Configuration Flow

YAML Configuration Structure

# Example configuration (idx_sh_uf_orbstack.yml)
plugin: splunk-platform-automator

  image: alma:9
  ansible_user: root

  - name: idx1
      - indexer
  - name: sh1
      - search_head
  - name: uf1
      - universal_forwarder

The configuration flows through several stages:

  1. YAML parsing and validation
  2. Environment-specific processing
  3. Host configuration generation

Part 2: OrbStack Integration

1. OrbStack Provider Module Deep Dive

Module Structure

# orbstack/
module "orbstack_machines" {
  source = "../orbstack_linux_machine"
  machines = local.machines
  username = var.ansible_user

# orbstack_linux_machine/
resource "null_resource" "orbstack_machine" {
  for_each = var.machines
  # Machine Creation
  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = "orb create --arch ${each.value.architecture == "aarch64" ? "arm64" : each.value.architecture} -u ${var.username} ${each.value.distro} ${}"
    when = create
  # Machine Cleanup
  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = "orbctl delete ${}"
    when = destroy

How It Works

  1. Machine Creation:

    • Uses null_resource since OrbStack lacks a native provider
    • Executes OrbStack CLI commands via local-exec provisioner
    • Handles architecture mapping (aarch64 → arm64)
  2. State Management:

    • Uses triggers to track machine configuration
    • Enables proper update and destroy operations
    • Maintains idempotency through resource tracking
  3. Network Configuration:

    data "external" "machine_ips" {
      program = ["bash", "-c", "IP=$(orb run -m \"${}\" hostname -I | cut -d' ' -f1)"]
    • Collects IP addresses after machine creation
    • Uses external data source for dynamic information
    • Updates host files across all machines
  4. Integration with Ansible:

    • Generates inventory in required format
    • Provides necessary connection information
    • Ensures proper DNS resolution

2. Network and DNS Management

IP Address Collection

The system collects IP addresses through Terraform's external data source:

data "external" "machine_ips" {
  program = ["bash", "-c", <<-EOT
    IP=$(orb run -m "${}" hostname -I | cut -d' ' -f1)
    echo "{\"ip\": \"$${IP:-}\"}"

Host File Management

Terraform manages the host file entries:

resource "null_resource" "update_hosts" {
  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = <<-EOT
      # Add new protected segment
# END TERRAFORM MANAGED BLOCK" | orb -m "${}" sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Why Both IP and DNS?

  1. IP Addresses:

    • Required for direct network communication
    • Used by Ansible for SSH connections
    • Needed for Splunk's network protocols
  2. DNS Names:

    • Required for Splunk clustering
    • Used for service discovery
    • Provides stable naming across restarts

3. Configuration Processing

Variable Precedence

  1. Default Settings:

    • Defined in defaults/ directory
    • Provide baseline configuration
  2. Global OrbStack Settings:

    • Defined in main config file
    • Apply to all OrbStack hosts
  3. Host-specific Settings:

    • Override global settings
    • Allow per-host customization

Implementation Notes

  1. Development Focus:

    • Currently using only the dev environment
    • OrbStack optimized for ARM-based macOS
    • Future AWS support planned
  2. Key Files:

    • terraform/environments/dev/ Environment configuration
    • terraform/modules/orbstack/ OrbStack implementation
    • ansible/plugins/inventory/ Inventory management
  3. Important Considerations:

    • Always use fully qualified paths in Terraform
    • Maintain host file consistency across all nodes
    • Consider DNS resolution requirements for Splunk services