diff --git a/Mathlib/Data/List/Shortlex.lean b/Mathlib/Data/List/Shortlex.lean index d2e6b052357c2..135e87c7d38e9 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Data/List/Shortlex.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Data/List/Shortlex.lean @@ -64,19 +64,14 @@ theorem of_lex {s t : List α} (h : s.length = t.length) (h2 : List.Lex r s t) : right exact ⟨h, h2⟩ +theorem _root_.List.shortlex_def {s t : List α} : Shortlex r s t ↔ + s.length < t.length ∨ s.length = t.length ∧ List.Lex r s t := Prod.lex_def + /-- If two lists `s` and `t` have the same length, `s` is smaller than `t` under the shortlex order over a relation `r` exactly when `s` is smaller than `t` under the lexicographic order over `r`.-/ theorem _root_.List.shortlex_iff_lex {s t : List α} (h : s.length = t.length) : Shortlex r s t ↔ List.Lex r s t := by - constructor - · intro h2 - rw [Shortlex, InvImage, Prod.lex_def, h, lt_self_iff_false, false_or] at h2 - simp only [true_and] at h2 - exact h2 - exact fun h1 => of_lex h h1 - -theorem _root_.List.shortlex_def {s t : List α} : Shortlex r s t ↔ - s.length < t.length ∨ s.length = t.length ∧ List.Lex r s t := Prod.lex_def + simp [shortlex_def, h] theorem cons_iff [IsIrrefl α r] {a : α} {s t : List α} : Shortlex r (a :: s) (a :: t) ↔ Shortlex r s t := by