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feat(SetTheory/Cardinal/Aleph): define initial ordinals (#16964)
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vihdzp committed Oct 16, 2024
1 parent 6eec427 commit fd745ec
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Showing 3 changed files with 64 additions and 9 deletions.
57 changes: 56 additions & 1 deletion Mathlib/SetTheory/Cardinal/Aleph.lean
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Expand Up @@ -41,10 +41,65 @@ open Function Set Cardinal Equiv Order Ordinal

universe u v w

namespace Cardinal
/-! ### Omega ordinals -/

namespace Ordinal

/-- An ordinal is initial when it is the first ordinal with a given cardinality.
This is written as `o.card.ord = o`, i.e. `o` is the smallest ordinal with cardinality `o.card`. -/
def IsInitial (o : Ordinal) : Prop :=
o.card.ord = o

theorem IsInitial.ord_card {o : Ordinal} (h : IsInitial o) : o.card.ord = o := h

theorem IsInitial.card_le_card {a b : Ordinal} (ha : IsInitial a) : a.card ≤ b.card ↔ a ≤ b := by
refine ⟨fun h ↦ ?_, Ordinal.card_le_card⟩
rw [← ord_le_ord, ha.ord_card] at h
exact h.trans (ord_card_le b)

theorem IsInitial.card_lt_card {a b : Ordinal} (hb : IsInitial b) : a.card < b.card ↔ a < b :=
lt_iff_lt_of_le_iff_le hb.card_le_card

theorem isInitial_ord (c : Cardinal) : IsInitial c.ord := by
rw [IsInitial, card_ord]

theorem isInitial_natCast (n : ℕ) : IsInitial n := by
rw [IsInitial, card_nat, ord_nat]

theorem isInitial_zero : IsInitial 0 := by
exact_mod_cast isInitial_natCast 0

theorem isInitial_one : IsInitial 1 := by
exact_mod_cast isInitial_natCast 1

theorem isInitial_omega0 : IsInitial ω := by
rw [IsInitial, card_omega0, ord_aleph0]

theorem not_bddAbove_isInitial : ¬ BddAbove {x | IsInitial x} := by
rintro ⟨a, ha⟩
have := ha (isInitial_ord (succ a.card))
rw [ord_le] at this
exact (lt_succ _).not_le this

/-- Initial ordinals are order-isomorphic to the cardinals. -/
def isInitialIso : {x // IsInitial x} ≃o Cardinal where
toFun x := x.1.card
invFun x := ⟨x.ord, isInitial_ord _⟩
left_inv x := Subtype.ext x.2.ord_card
right_inv x := card_ord x
map_rel_iff' {a _} := a.2.card_le_card

-- TODO: define `omega` as the enumerator function of `IsInitial`, and redefine
-- `aleph x = (omega x).card`.

end Ordinal

/-! ### Aleph cardinals -/

namespace Cardinal

/-- The `aleph'` function gives the cardinals listed by their ordinal index. `aleph' n = n`,
`aleph' ω = ℵ₀`, `aleph' (ω + 1) = succ ℵ₀`, etc.
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8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions Mathlib/SetTheory/Ordinal/Arithmetic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -2219,14 +2219,6 @@ namespace Cardinal

open Ordinal

theorem ord_aleph0 : ord.{u} ℵ₀ = ω :=
le_antisymm (ord_le.2 <| le_rfl) <|
le_of_forall_lt fun o h => by
rcases Ordinal.lt_lift_iff.1 h with ⟨o, rfl, h'⟩
rw [lt_ord, ← lift_card, lift_lt_aleph0, ← typein_enum (· < ·) h']
exact lt_aleph0_iff_fintype.2 ⟨Set.fintypeLTNat _⟩

theorem add_one_of_aleph0_le {c} (h : ℵ₀ ≤ c) : c + 1 = c := by
rw [add_comm, ← card_ord c, ← card_one, ← card_add, one_add_of_omega0_le]
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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/SetTheory/Ordinal/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -1214,6 +1214,14 @@ theorem ord_one : ord 1 = 1 := by simpa using ord_nat 1
theorem ord_ofNat (n : ℕ) [n.AtLeastTwo] : ord (no_index (OfNat.ofNat n)) = OfNat.ofNat n :=
ord_nat n

theorem ord_aleph0 : ord.{u} ℵ₀ = ω :=
le_antisymm (ord_le.2 le_rfl) <|
le_of_forall_lt fun o h => by
rcases Ordinal.lt_lift_iff.1 h with ⟨o, rfl, h'⟩
rw [lt_ord, ← lift_card, lift_lt_aleph0, ← typein_enum (· < ·) h']
exact lt_aleph0_iff_fintype.2 ⟨Set.fintypeLTNat _⟩

theorem lift_ord (c) : Ordinal.lift.{u,v} (ord c) = ord (lift.{u,v} c) := by
refine le_antisymm (le_of_forall_lt fun a ha => ?_) ?_
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