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Add an initial implementation of the explode_step tactic
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shigoel committed Jun 18, 2024
1 parent 8e471a7 commit 3cf6ffe
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Showing 3 changed files with 195 additions and 1 deletion.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Proofs/Sha512_block_armv8.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Author(s): Shilpi Goel
import Arm.Exec
import Arm.Util
import Tactics.Sym
import Tactics
import Tests.SHA512ProgramTest

section SHA512_proof
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ theorem sha512_block_armv8_test_4_sym (s0 s_final : ArmState)
(try dsimp only at h_step_2)
(try clear h_s1_program h_s1_err)
-- exec_inst h_step_2
-- explode_step h_step_1
have h_s1_gpr31 : r (StateField.GPR 31#5) s1 = (r (StateField.GPR 31#5) s0 + 18446744073709551600#64) := by
simp_all only [stepi, state_simp_rules, minimal_theory, bitvec_rules]
simp (config := { decide := true }) only [*, -h_step_1, exec_inst, state_simp_rules, minimal_theory, bitvec_rules] at h_step_2
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Tactics.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ Author(s): Shilpi Goel
-- This module serves as the root of the `Tactics` library.
-- Import modules here that should be built as part of the library.
import «Tactics».Sym
import «Tactics».ExplodeStep
192 changes: 192 additions & 0 deletions Tactics/ExplodeStep.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
import Arm.Exec
import Lean

Tactic `explode_step h`:
The tactic `explode_step` operates on a given declaration `h` in the
goal, where `h` is of the form
`state_var_new = write ... (write ... state_var_old)`.
It then introduces corresponding `read` terms in the context, and also
attempts to prove them.
Here is an example:
h : s1 = w (StateField.GPR 31#5) 1#64 (w StateField.PC 2#64 s0)
`explode_step h` modifies the goal as follows; note the new hypotheses
`h_s1_x31` and `h_s1_pc`. `explode_step h` also attempts to prove each
of these new hypotheses; any new hypotheses that couldn't be proven by
`explode_step` are pushed on to the stack of unsolved goals.
h : s1 = w (StateField.GPR 31#5) 1#64 (w StateField.PC 2#64 s0)
h_s1_x31 : r (StateField.GPR 31#5) s1 = 1#64
h_s1_pc : r StateField.PC s1 = 2#64

open Lean Elab Tactic Expr Meta
open BitVec

/- Get the string representation of `e` if it denotes a bitvector
literal. The bitvector's width is not represented in the resulting
string. -/
def getBitVecString? (e : Expr) : MetaM (Option String) := do
let maybe_e_literal ← getBitVecValue? e
match maybe_e_literal with
| some ⟨_, value⟩ => return some (ToString.toString value.toNat)
| none => return none

/- Get the string representation of `e` if it denotes a `PFlag`. -/
def getPFlagString? (e : Expr) : MetaM (Option String) := do
match_expr e with
| PFlag.N => return "n_flag"
| PFlag.Z => return "z_flag"
| PFlag.C => return "c_flag"
| PFlag.V => return "v_flag"
| _ => panic s!"[getPFlagString?] Unexpected expression: {e}"

/- Get the string representation of `e` if it denotes a `StateField`. -/
def getStateFieldString? (e : Expr) : MetaM (Option String) := do
match_expr e with
| StateField.GPR iExpr => return ("x" ++ (← getBitVecString? iExpr))
| StateField.SFP iExpr => return ("q" ++ (← getBitVecString? iExpr))
| StateField.PC => return "pc"
| StateField.FLAG pExpr => getPFlagString? pExpr
| StateField.ERR => return "err"
| _ => panic s!"[getStateFieldName?] Unexpected expression: {e}"

partial def explodeWriteNest (goal : MVarId)
(st_var : Expr) (e : Expr) (seen_fields : List String)
(rest_goals : List MVarId) : TacticM (List MVarId) := do
if e.isFVar then
return (goal :: rest_goals)
match_expr e with
| w field val rest =>
-- logInfo m!"field: {field} val: {val} rest: {rest}"
let some field_str ←
getStateFieldString? field |
logInfo m!"[explodeWriteNest] Unexpected field argument of function w: {field}";
return (goal :: rest_goals)
if field_str ∈ seen_fields then
-- Skip if we have already generated a hypothesis for this field.
explodeWriteNest goal st_var rest seen_fields rest_goals
let val_type ← inferType val
let new_prop_type :=
mkAppN (Expr.const ``Eq [1])
(mkAppN (Expr.const ``r []) #[field, st_var]),
let st_var_decl ← (getFVarLocalDecl st_var)
let name := Lean.Name.mkSimple
("h_" ++ (toString st_var_decl.userName) ++ "_" ++ field_str)
let new_prop_val ← mkFreshExprMVar new_prop_type MetavarKind.syntheticOpaque name
let maybe_new_prop_val ← substVar? new_prop_val.mvarId! st_var.fvarId!
match maybe_new_prop_val with
| none =>
logInfo m!"[explodeWriteNest] Could not substitute {st_var} in \
goal {new_prop_val.mvarId!}";
return (goal :: rest_goals)
| some p =>
-- logInfo m!"p: {p}"
let new_goals ←
(← `(tactic|
(try (repeat
(simp (config := {decide := true}) only
[state_simp_rules, minimal_theory, bitvec_rules])))))
-- logInfo m!"new_goals: {new_goals}"
let (_, goal') ← MVarId.intro1P $ ← Lean.MVarId.assert goal name new_prop_type new_prop_val
explodeWriteNest goal' st_var rest (field_str :: seen_fields) (rest_goals ++ new_goals)

| write_mem_bytes n addr val rest =>
let n ← (if n.hasExprMVar || n.hasFVar then pure n else whnf n)
let addr ← (if addr.hasExprMVar || addr.hasFVar then pure addr else whnf addr)
let val ← (if val.hasExprMVar || val.hasFVar then pure val else whnf val)
logInfo m!"Skipping hypothesis generation for memory writes for now. \
\nn: {n} \naddr: {addr}\n val: {val}"
explodeWriteNest goal st_var rest seen_fields rest_goals

| _ =>
logInfo m!"[explodeWriteNest] Cannot explode the following any further: {e}"
return (goal :: rest_goals)

partial def explodeStepExpr (hS : Expr) : TacticM Bool :=
-- We expect hS to be of the following shape:
-- <hyp>: <var:St> = (w ... (w ... <var:St>))
let S ← inferType hS
let_expr Eq _ st_var nest ← S | return false
-- Remove metadata, if present, from st_var and nest.
let st_var := consumeMData st_var
let nest := consumeMData nest
-- logInfo m!"var: {st_var} nest: {nest}"
if ! (st_var.isFVar && nest.isApp) then
logInfo m!"[explodeStepExpr] Unexpected expression(s). We expect \
the state variable on the LHS to be an FVar and the \
term on the RHS to be a function application. Here is \
what they actually are: \
st_var: {st_var.ctorName}; nest: {nest.ctorName}."
return false
let goals ← explodeWriteNest (← getMainGoal) st_var nest [] []
replaceMainGoal goals
return true)
def explodeStep (name : Name) : TacticM Unit :=
let h ← getFVarFromUserName name
let success ← explodeStepExpr h
if ! success then

elab "explode_step" h:ident : tactic =>
explodeStep (h.getId)

example (s0 s1 : ArmState)
(h : s1 = w (StateField.GPR 31#5) 12#64 (w StateField.PC 0x2000#64 s0)) :
r StateField.PC s1 = 0x2000#64 := by
explode_step h

example (s0 s1 : ArmState) (x : BitVec 64)
(h : s1 = w (StateField.GPR 31#5) x (w StateField.PC 0x2000#64 s0)) :
r StateField.PC s1 = 0x2000#64 := by
explode_step h

example (s0 s1 : ArmState)
(h : s1 = w (StateField.GPR 31#5) 12#64 (if (1 = 1) then (w StateField.PC 0x2000#64 s0) else (w StateField.PC 0x2001#64 s0))) :
r StateField.PC s1 = 0x2000#64 := by
-- explode_step h
simp at h
explode_step h

-- explode_step adds hypotheses in the outside-in order for the RHS of `h`. It
-- does not add a hypothesis for a field if it was already seen earlier. That is
-- why we do not see two hypotheses for (StateField.GPR 31#5) below; we only see
-- one hypothesis that corresponds to the most recent write.
example (s0 s1 : ArmState)
(h : s1 = w (StateField.GPR 31#5) 12#64
(w StateField.PC 1#64
(w (StateField.GPR 31#5) 13#64 s0))) :
r StateField.PC s1 = 1#64 := by
explode_step h

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