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Merge the pull request once unit tests and other checks pass.
autorelease: pending
autorelease: pending
autorelease: published
autorelease: published
autorelease: snapshot
autorelease: snapshot
autorelease: tagged
autorelease: tagged
this is a change that we should wait to bundle into the next major version
do not merge
do not merge
Indicates a pull request not ready for merge, due to either quality or timing.
This issue is blocked on a bug with the actual product.
generated: genai
generated: genai
Contains Generative AI based code, requesting an additional reviewer.
good first issue
good first issue
This issue is a good place to started contributing to this repository.
help wanted
help wanted
We'd love to have community involvement on this issue.
lang: cpp
lang: cpp
Issues specific to C++.
lang: dotnet
lang: dotnet
Issues specific to .NET.
lang: elixir
lang: elixir
Issues specific to Elixir.
lang: go
lang: go
Issues specific to Go.
lang: java
lang: java
Issues specific to Java.
lang: markdown
lang: markdown
lang: nodejs
lang: nodejs
Issues specific to JavaScript or TypeScript.
lang: php
lang: php
Issues specific to PHP.
lang: python
lang: python
Issues specific to Python.
lang: ruby
lang: ruby
Issues specific to Ruby.
lang: yaml
lang: yaml
needs more info
needs more info
This issue needs more information from the customer to proceed.
priority: p0
priority: p0
Highest priority. Critical issue. P0 implies highest priority.
priority: p1
priority: p1
Important issue which blocks shipping the next release. Will be fixed prior to next release.
priority: p2
priority: p2
Moderately-important priority. Fix may not be included in next release.
priority: p3
priority: p3
Desirable enhancement or fix. May not be included in next release.
semver: major
semver: major
Hint for users that this is an API breaking change.