由于版权原因,下面列举的图书中除了开源资源提供了链接,其他的资源请大家自行通过 libgen 查找。
- Free Programming Books: 开源编程书籍资源汇总
- CS Textbook Recommendations: 计算机科学方向推荐教材列表
- C Book Guide and List: C语言相关的编程书籍推荐列表
- C++ Book Guide and List: C++语言相关的编程书籍推荐列表
- Python Book Guide and List: Python语言相关的编程书籍推荐列表
- Computer Vision Textbook Recommendations: 计算机视觉方向推荐教材列表
- Deep Learning Textbook Recommendations: 深度学习方向推荐教材列表
- Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective [豆瓣]
- Principles of Computer System Design: An Introduction [豆瓣]
- 现代操作系统: 原理与实现 [豆瓣]
- Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces [豆瓣]
- Modern Operating Systems [豆瓣]
- Operating Systems: Principles and Practice [豆瓣]
- Computer Networks: A Systems Approach [豆瓣]
- Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach [豆瓣]
- How Networks Work [豆瓣]
- Patterns of Distributed System (Blog)
- Distributed Systems for Fun and Profit (Blog)
- Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems [豆瓣]
- Architecture of a Database System [豆瓣]
- Readings in Database Systems [豆瓣]
- Database System Concepts : 7th Edition [豆瓣]
- Engineering a Compiler [豆瓣]
- Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools [豆瓣]
- Crafting Interpreters[豆瓣][开源中文翻译]
- 计算机程序的构造和解释 [豆瓣]
- Essentials of Programming Languages [豆瓣]
- Practical Foundations for Programming Languages [豆瓣]
- Software Foundations [豆瓣] [北大相关课程]
- Types and Programming Languages [豆瓣] [北大相关课程]
- 超标量处理器设计: Superscalar RISC Processor Design [豆瓣]
- Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface [MIPS Edition][ARM Edition][RISC-V Edition]
- Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach [豆瓣]
- Introduction to the Theory of Computation [豆瓣]
- Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical Applications [豆瓣]
- Introduction to Modern Cryptography [豆瓣]
- Monte Carlo theory, methods and examples[豆瓣]
- Advanced Global Illumination [豆瓣]
- Fundamentals of Computer Graphics [豆瓣]
- Fluid Simulation for Computer Graphics [豆瓣]
- Physically Based Rendering: From Theory To Implementation [豆瓣]
- Real-Time Rendering [豆瓣]
- 游戏编程模式: Game Programming Patterns [豆瓣]
- 实时碰撞检测算法技术 [豆瓣]
- Game AI Pro Series [豆瓣]
- Artificial Intelligence for Games [豆瓣]
- Game Engine Architecture [豆瓣]
- Game Programming Gems Series [豆瓣]
- 深度学习 [豆瓣][Github]
- 动手学深度学习 [豆瓣]
- 神经网络与深度学习 [豆瓣]
- 深度学习入门 [豆瓣]
- 简单粗暴 TensorFlow 2 (Tutorial)
- Speech and Language Processing [豆瓣]