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Releases: luispadron/UICircularProgressRing

Version 1.6.2

03 Jul 17:38
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Version 1.6.2

Highlight: New UICircularProgressRingDelegate method.

  • New method in UICircularProgressRingDelegate , didUpdateProgressValue(to newValue: CGFloat), which can be used to get notified of value changes to the progress ring in real time. As the documentation states, this is a very hot method and it may be called hundreds of times per second, thus only very minimal work should be performed in this method.

Version 1.6.1

13 Jun 23:50
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Version 1.6.1

  • Make sure .swift-version is included in pod, in order to fix issue with Xco$

Version 1.6.0

12 Jun 22:01
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Version 1.6.0

Highlight: Updated for Xcode 9 and Swift 4

  • Updated project settings to recommended Xcode settings
  • Updated language to Swift 4
  • Updated @objc inference to default

Version 1.5.5

07 Jun 02:20
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Version 1.5.5

Highlight: New Progress ring style gradient added!

  • Added new progress ring style gradient which allows for drawing a gradient inner ring given some colors.
  • Added 4 new properties to UICircularProgressRingView which are used to determine the look of the gradient when drawing
  • Added new enumeration type UICircularProgressRingGradientPosition to determine position of gradient for drawing purposes
  • Updated docs to reflect these new changes
Breaking changes in 1.5.5

Version 1.5.0

06 Jun 01:57
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Version 1.5.0

Highlight: Major refactoring and making properties safer/easier to use.

  • Refactored the ringStyle property to ibRingStyle and made unavailable for use with code (see below)
  • Refactored outerRingCapStyle, and innerRingCapStyle into new properties and made them unavailable for code use. As these properties will only be used for interface builder, while I patiently wait for Apple to allow enums in IBInspectable properties
  • Added new ringStyle which uses new type UICircularProgressRingStyle enum to make it easier and safer to assign a style to the progress ring
  • Added new outCapStyle and inCapStyle enum properties of type CGCapStyle which again, allow for easer and safer assignment of progress ring cap styles in code.
  • Refactored most of the source code to maintain a max line width of 80, cause I'm insane like that
  • Updated documentation
Breaking Changes in 1.5.0

Due to the refactoring, any code which previously used these properties will have to use the new enumerations provided (sorry).

Also, since the ringStyle property was changed to ibRingStyle then any customized ring style inside of Interface Builder will need to be updated to use the new property, you may see a warning from interface builder. To fix these warnings: Go into the class inspector of the view, under User Defined Run Time Attributes remove any of the ringStyle values. Then refresh the views by doing Editor -> Refresh Views

Version 1.4.3

30 Mar 02:13
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Version 1.4.3

  • Fix deprecation warning in new Xcode version from using M_PI

Version 1.4.2

24 Mar 23:15
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Version 1.4.2

  • Add new fullCircle property to the UICircularProgressRingView. Which removes the confusion of setting a valid end angle. For example previously if you wanted a full circle and you wanted the progress to start from the top you could do startAngle = -90 however this would also require you to subtract 90 from the end angle, since the default is 360. This was not fully understood by some users. Now you have the option using fullCircle to set and forget the startAngle and the endAngle will automagically be corrected for you, thus always giving you a full circle with your desired start ange.
  • Update some Xcode unit tests
  • Update documentation to include new fullCircle property

Breaking changes in 1.4.2

With the addition of the fullCircle property which is true by default anyone who was using a non-circular progress ring will see that their progress ring is now circular. To fix this either set fullCircle to false via code or go into interface builder and toggle Full Circle to Off.

Version 1.4.1

18 Mar 18:50
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Version 1.4.1

  • Fix bug where the default valueIndicator '%' - was not set on initialization

Breaking API Changes in 1.4.1

Nothing really, but previously if you had not set the valueIndicator property then there would be no value indicator shown to the right of the value. This was not inteded and has been fixed in this release. If you prefer to have no value indicator, you must now explicitly set the property to empty

ring.valueIndicator = ""

Version 1.4.0

16 Mar 18:13
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Version 1.4.0

  • Remove the fontSize and customFontWithName properties
  • Add new font property of type UIFont to handle all font related configuration
  • Update documentation to include changes

Breaking API Changes in 1.4.0

  • Since no longer using fontSize or customFontWithName any projects using these properties will break until updated to newer font and to use UIFont.
  • Any interface builder views which used fontSize or customFontWithName will now complain about breaking. To fix this simply go into the class inspector of the view, under User Defined Run Time Attributes remove any of the fontSize or customFontWithName values. Then refresh the views by doing Editor -> Refresh Views

Why was this done?

This made sense to do because it was slightly confusing how to accomplish fonts and interface builder since apple does not add support for IBDesignable fonts. I've decided to sacrifice the interface builder support for code only font management, because this leads to safer use of fonts since the view is no longer handeling the creation of UIFont itself. This also adds more customization to the view since previously you could only change the font size and font. Now users can do whatever is allowed with UIFont, such as using defined font families, etc

Version 1.3.0

02 Mar 22:10
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Version 1.3.0

  • Add a property for accessing the current value of the progress ring while animating, closes issue #14
  • Add fix for removing a currently running animation when calling setProgress(:) while ring is animating, closes issue #19
  • Fixed access levels for variables and functions, changed from public to open to allow subclassing.
  • Updated docs by running Jazzy