Generic options:
-v [ --version ] show version.
-h [ --help ] show help.
Allowed options:
-i [ --interface ] NIC interface to capture packets
-B [ --bind_device ] BIND send GRE packets from this binded
device.(Not available on Windows)
-M [ --pmtudisc_option ] MTU Select Path MTU Discovery strategy.
pmtudisc_option may be either do (prohibit
fragmentation, even local one), want (do
PMTU discovery, fragment locally when packet
size is large), or dont (do not set DF flag)
-f [ --pcapfile ] PATH specify pcap file for offline mode, mostly
for test
-r [ --remoteip ] IPs set gre remote IPs, seperate by ',' Example:
-k [ --keybit ] BIT (=1) set gre key bit; BIT defaults 1
-s [ --snaplen ] LENGTH (=2048) set snoop packet snaplen; LENGTH defaults
2048 and units byte
-t [ --timeout ] TIME (=3) set snoop packet timeout; TIME defaults 3 and
units second
-b [ --buffsize ] SIZE (=256) set snoop buffer size; SIZE defaults 256 and
units MB
-c [ --count ] COUNT (=0) exit after receiving count packets; COUNT
defaults; count<=0 means unlimited
-p [ --priority ] set high priority mode (Not supported on Windows platform)
--cpu ID set cpu affinity ID (Not supported on Windows platform)
--expression FILTER filter packets with FILTER; FILTER as same as
tcpdump BPF expression syntax
--dump specify dump file, mostly for integrated test
--nofilter force no filter; only use when you confirm
that the snoop interface is different from
the gre interface
- interface
Network interface to capture packets (eth0, eth1...). Required in live mode.
- pmtudisc_option
Select Path MTU Discovery strategy.pmtudisc_option may be either do (prohibit fragmentation, even local one),
want (do PMTU discovery, fragment locally when packet size is large), or dont (do not set DF flag).
- bind_device
Send GRE packets from this binded device. Sending will be failed when this device is down.
- remoteip, keybit
Parameters of GRE channel:
remoteip:GRE channel remote IP addresss (required)
keybit:GRE protocol keybit parameter to distinguish the channel to remote IP
- cpu, priority
cpu:set CPU affinity to improve performance, it's recommended to isolate target CPU core in grub before set affinity.
priority: set high priority for the process to improve performance.
- nofilter
When pktminerg capture packets on one network interface and send GRE packet to remote IP via the same interface,
we need to filter the captured output GRE packet, or else there will be infinite loop.
The filter is on by default with libpcap packet filter which will cause performance downgrade.
You can set the "--nofilter" paramter to close the filter function to improve performance with the following scenarios:
- The packet capture network interface is different from the GRE output interface.
- There is no IP set on the packet capture network interface. (In this scenario, the program can't work without --nofilter)
- expression
expression: This parameter is used to match and filter the packets (syntax is same with tcpdump).
This parameter will be invalid if "nofilter" parameter is set.
- Network interface example
pktminerg -i eth0 -r
pktminerg -f sample.pcap -r
pktminerg -i eth0 -r --expression ''
- CPU affinity and high priority example (Not supported on Windows Platform)
pktminerg -i eth0 -r --cpu 1 -p
- nofilter example, the packet capture network interface must different from the GRE output interface
pktminerg -i eth0 -r --nofilter
Generic options:
-v [ --version ] show version.
-h [ --help ] show help.
Allowed options:
--lpcap PCAP_PATH pcap file 1
--rpcap PCAP_PATH pcap file 2
- lpcap
Left pcap file to compare.
- rpcap
Right pcap file to compare.
pcapcompare --lpcap /path/to/left_file.pcap --rpcap /path/to/right_file.pcap
Generic options:
-v [ --version ] show version.
-h [ --help ] show help.
Allowed options:
-i [ --interface ] NIC interface to capture packets.
-f [ --pcapfile ] PATH specify pcap file for offline mode, mostly for test.
-s [ --sourceip ] SRC_IP source ip filter.
-r [ --remoteip ] DST_IP gre remote ip filter.
-k [ --keybit ] BIT gre key bit filter.
-o [ --output ] OUT_PCAP output pcap file
-c [ --count ] MAX_NUM (=0) Exit after receiving count packets. Default=0,
No limit if count<=0.
- interface
Network interface to capture gre packets (eth0, eth1...). Required in live mode.
- pcapfile
Input packets from the specified pcap file for offline mode. Mostly for test.
- sourceip, remoteip, keybit
sourceip:Drop captured GRE packet if its source ip doesn't match specified sourceip.
remoteip:Drop captured GRE packet if its remote ip doesn't match specified remoteip.
keybit:Drop captured GRE packet if its GRE channel keybit doesn't match specified keybit.
- count
Exit after receiving count packets. Default=0, No limit if count <= 0.
gredump -i eth0 -o /path/to/gredump_output.pcap