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Scramble Squares Puzzle Solver

One of the benefits of having a son doing a CS major is that sometimes he sends me his homework assignments just because he knows I'll get a kick out of solving them. He's usually right.

This assignment is from a class on Creative Problem Solving and Team Programming. The allowed languages were C, C++, Java and Python. I guess I'll fail since I worked on the problem only by myself and implemented the solution in Scala.

Kudos to the class for being polyglot, but raspberries for not allowing lots of interesting languages.

And, of course, this is being posted after the real assignment is due. I did not provide any assistance to anyone taking the class, including my son.

The Problem

The problem consists of a 3x3 square of tiles. Each tile has four sides, each with a symbol. The symbols are half of an arrow (one half is the tail, other half is the head). Each symbol is also one of four colors: red, green, blue and yellow. The goal is to rearrange the tiles so that every pair of adjacent edges has the same color and matching symbols (i.e. one head and one tail). The allowed operations on the board are swapping two tiles and rotating a tile.

The input to the program is a set of nine tiles and the output should show all unique solutions, up to rotation. There may be several unique solutions. Each tile is assigned a label when it is read. Labels are integer values from 1 to 9.

Any solution to the puzzle is really one of four solutions, which are just the rotations of the whole board by 90, 180 and 270 degrees. Only one of these rotations should be included in the results. A given arrangement of tiles can be identified by its signature, the sequence of tile labels from left to right, top to bottom (e.g. 123456789). The output should only include the solution rotation which has the lexicographically smallest signature. For example, if 123456789 is a solution then so is 741852063, 987654321, 369258147. Only solution 123456789 should be shown. Also, the output should be sorted by board signature with smallest values first.

The problem statement also includes details of the input file format and the required output format for displaying the solved boards. I won't reproduce all that here as it isn't very interesting and should be clear from the code and sample data.

The Solution

Tiles are marked as either Fixed or Free. A fixed tile can no longer be moved or rotated and becomes a constraint on the solution. To place a Fixed tile next to one or more other Fixed tiles requires that all the adjacent edges of the Fixed tiles are matched (same color, different ends of an arrow). A Free tile provides no constraints on the board; any edge (either Fixed or Free) is allowed next to a Free tile's edges. The board begins with all nine tiles Free.

For a given board the board builder generates all valid boards that can be reached by placing one more Fixed tile subject to the constraints of any existing Fixed tiles. We start by trying to fix tiles in the top left corner. Since the board begins as all Free, the first tile Fixed will have no constraints (note: see the discussion below on symmetry constraints). If all tiles are unique this results in 36 new boards (i.e. one board each with each of the four rotations of the nine tiles in the top left corner). The resulting boards are then each fed back into the board builder to generate all of the new boards reachable from these initial boards. If there are no valid boards reachable from a given tile configuration the board builder returns an empty list of boards and this branch of the solution space is abandoned. This algorithm is repeated until all solutions have been found.

The Use of Symmetry

The simple algorithm above will find all solutions to the puzzle, including all four rotations of each unique solution. The solver would then need to discard all the solutions that are rotations of the desired solution. It is much more efficient to never generate these duplicate rotations in the first place.

This can be achieved by a few additional constraints in the board builder based on the symmetry properties of the puzzle.

Because we only want the rotation with the smallest signature we can immediately see that the tiles labled 7, 8 and 9 should never be placed in the top-left corner. If they were then there must at least one other corner with a tile labled with smaller number. If we were to find a solution to the puzzle with a 7, 8 or 9 in the top-left corner there there will always be another, rotated, solution that has the smaller corner in the top-left position. Rather than find, and later discard, these solutions we simply stop before we ever generate them. More generally, we should never place a tile in a corner if that tile's label is less than the label of the tile already placed in the top-left corner. If such a tile was placed and we then found solutions those solutions would be duplicates of the solutions found when the smaller tile was placed in the top-left corner. By exluding this scenario from the search space we avoid finding these duplicates.

Optimal Tile Placement Order

There is one more optimaztion to be applied to the preceeding algorithm. When a new tile is to be placed it can have 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 constraints depending one how many fixed tiles it is adjacent to. If we place tiles starting at the top left and proceed left to right and top to bottom, then the first tile will have 0 constraints, the next 1, etc. The resulting list of tile constraint numbers is 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2. We don't encounter a two edge constraint until attempting to place a tile in the fifth position on the board. However, if we instead places into positions 1, 2, 5, 4, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 (numbering from the top, left corner) then the edge constraint counts are 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2. Notice that the first two-edge constraint now happens in the fourth position. A two-edge constraint is much less likely to be matched to the remaining free tiles than a single-edge constraint. So encountering this constraint sooner greatly reducdes the solution space that needs to be searched.

Experimental results comparing this optimization to the original algorithm show more than a 30% decrease in the time required to find all valid solutions.


The initial board solver, without the optimal tile placement order, solves 10,000 solvable puzzles in around 47,000 milliseconds, or about 4.7 milliseconds per puzzle. The solver with the optimal placement pattern solves 10,000 puzzles in about 31,000 milliseconds or about 3.1 milliseconds per puzzle.

Here are some representative runs using the Scala REPL on my laptop, a Lenovo P50 with an Intel Core i7 at 2.6GHz. This is obviously not a definitive measure of performance but these results have been pretty stable and are useful for relative comparisons of different algorithms.

scala> timeSolutions(boardStream.take(10000).toList)(ArrowPuzzleSolver.simpleSolver(_)(SymmetryBuilder))
res1: String = 10000 solved in 47318ms. Avg=4.7318ms/puzzle

scala> timeSolutions(boardStream.take(10000).toList)(ArrowPuzzleSolver.simpleSolver(_)(SymmetryBuilder2))
res3: String = 10000 solved in 30755ms. Avg=3.0755ms/puzzle

The boardStream value is defined as

val boardStream = Stream.continually(genShuffledBoard.sample).filter(_.isDefined).map(_.get)

Where genShuffledBoard is a ScalaCheck generator that creates random solvable boards. It works by creating a random solved board and then shuffling and rotating the tiles. Solving solvable boards will in general take longer than solving truly random board configurations because there will always be at least one configuration that places all 9 tiles. Boards with no solutions may be invalidated quite quickly.

Switching to the scala.parallel.collection by adding .par to the results of builder.boardsFrom reduced execution time to about 2ms per board. CPU utilization was about 85% for all 8 cores.

scala> timeSolutions(boardStream.take(10000).toList)(ArrowPuzzleSolver.parSimpleSolver(_)(SymmetryBuilder2))
res5: String = 10000 solved in 20813ms. Avg=2.0813ms/puzzle