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Boring Cyborg

A Github bot to automatically label PRs, issues and perform all the boring operations that you don't want to do
333 installs


Free plan available.

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A GitHub App built with Probot that automatically label PRs, issues and perform all the boring operations that you don't want to do.


  • Add labels based on the path of the file that are modified in the PR.
  • Welcome new users to your project when they open their first Issue/PR or first merged PR by an
    automated comment.
  • Insert Issue (Jira/Github etc) link in PR description based on the Issue ID in PR title.
  • Verifies if commits/PR titles match the regular expression specified


  1. Configure the Github App
  2. After installing the Github app, create .github/boring-cyborg.yml in the default branch to enable it
  # Add 'label1' to any changes within 'example' folder or any subfolders
    - example/**/*
  # Complex: Add 'area/core' label to any change within the 'core' package
    - src/core/*
    - src/core/**/*  
firstPRWelcomeComment: >
  Thanks for opening this pull request! Please check out our contributing guidelines.

firstPRMergeComment: >
  Awesome work, congrats on your first merged pull request!

firstIssueWelcomeComment: >
  Thanks for opening your first issue here! Be sure to follow the issue template!

Check for more features and details.

Boring Cyborg screenshot

Supported languages

JavaScript, Python, C, PHP, Java, Go, C#, CSS, Swift, and HTML

Plans and pricing


Next: Confirm your installation location

Boring Cyborg is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate privacy policy and support documentation


A Github bot to automatically label PRs, issues and perform all the boring operations that you don't want to do
333 installs


Free plan available.

Supported languages

JavaScript, Python, C, PHP, Java, Go, C#, CSS, Swift, and HTML