Releases: material-extensions/vscode-material-icon-theme
Releases · material-extensions/vscode-material-icon-theme
Material Icon Theme v3.5.2
What's Changed
- Add babel.config.js to the babel association list by @titouancreach in #286
- add bitbucket icon for bitbucket pipeline yaml files by @haydenbr in #283
- Recognise gql extension as a GraphQL file by @dabrowski-adam in #287
New Contributors
- @titouancreach made their first contribution in #286
- @haydenbr made their first contribution in #283
- @dabrowski-adam made their first contribution in #287
Full Changelog: v3.5.1...v3.5.2
Material Icon Theme v3.5.1
What's Changed
- Update Dart logo to match the official logo changes by @timsneath in #259
New Contributors
- @timsneath made their first contribution in #259
Full Changelog: v3.5.0...v3.5.1
Material Icon Theme v3.5.0
What's Changed
- Adds docker-compose.yaml file association by @thaffenden in #245
New Contributors
- @thaffenden made their first contribution in #245
Full Changelog: v3.4.0...v3.5.0
Material Icon Theme v3.4.0
Full Changelog: v3.3.0...v3.4.0
Material Icon Theme v3.3.0
Full Changelog: v3.2.6...v3.3.0
Material Icon Theme v3.2.6
Full Changelog: v3.2.4...v3.2.6
Material Icon Theme v3.2.4
Material Icon Theme v3.2.3
What's Changed
- Add Wordpress icons by @frederick036 in #194
- Add .postcssrc (JSON) to supported filenames. by @Faultless in #202
- Added mjml icon by @LukasPolak in #200
New Contributors
- @frederick036 made their first contribution in #194
- @Faultless made their first contribution in #202
Full Changelog: v3.2.2...v3.2.3
Material Icon Theme v3.2.2
What's Changed
- Adding a few file type associations by @dudeofawesome in #2
- Map .xslt extension to XML icon by @dmay in #11
- Add F# icon for
files by @Krzysztof-Cieslak in #14 - Add YAML-tmLanguage & tmLanguage by @wopian in #21
- Add Apollo Assembly Icons by @wopian in #29
- Add missing webpack.base.js by @wopian in #32
- Use Clojure icon for ClojureScript by @sbekrin in #34
- Use Angular icon on any .module.ts file by @etiennetalbot in #36
- add Ukrainian language by @olehreznichenko in #45
- Added Smarty (.tpl) icon by @teototaro in #49
- added Mathematica and Latex class package support by @jose-a-sa in #55
- Added icon for nunjucks files by @simonmeadows in #54
- added MarkoJS icon to .marko [Request #47] by @jose-a-sa in #58
- update angular-cli config file name by @william-lohan in #59
- add remaining powershell extensions by @Happycoil in #64
- Add Terraform icon by @tothandras in #66
- Added icons for specific folders by @ThomasGeek in #70
- Add support for Riot.js tag files. by @iFaxity in #73
- add support for .js angular files in addition to .ts by @mscosti in #81
- Added vue folder icons by @TheDutchCoder in #82
- Add gulpfile.babel.js as a valid gulp file by @niksudan in #87
- Add support for .env.example by @niksudan in #89
- adds .pks and .pkb file detection by @commi235 in #93
- Adds views folder icon for
folder name by @kkemple in #99 - Add more webpack config file variants by @MeirionHughes in #106
- Make File icon Ruby on Rails Friendly + I18N French by @ycrepeau in #107
- Haskell icon for *.cabal and stack.yaml files by @jBugman in #111
- added I18N Simplified Chinese by @LeoEatle in #133
- Angular Icons - add routing and filter to AngularJS by @oodavid in #131
- Add Graphcool. by @jthegedus in #137
- added I18N Simplified Chinese for the entries in the command palette by @RunningCoderLee in #140
- Add prettier icon by @jthegedus in #138
- Added Blink (The Foundry Nuke) icon by @melMass in #166
- add javascript icon to module files by @wopian in #175
- add i18n icon to lang folders by @wopian in #174
- Added .babelrc.js to babel associations by @bernardop in #179
- Support rollup base config filename by @leohxj in #181
- It's 2018 by @wersimmon in #183
- Updated RU translation by @denisbalyko in #189
- added gatsby icon by @brennongs in #188
New Contributors
- @dudeofawesome made their first contribution in #2
- @dmay made their first contribution in #11
- @Krzysztof-Cieslak made their first contribution in #14
- @wopian made their first contribution in #21
- @sbekrin made their first contribution in #34
- @etiennetalbot made their first contribution in #36
- @olehreznichenko made their first contribution in #45
- @teototaro made their first contribution in #49
- @jose-a-sa made their first contribution in #55
- @simonmeadows made their first contribution in #54
- @william-lohan made their first contribution in #59
- @Happycoil made their first contribution in #64
- @tothandras made their first contribution in #66
- @ThomasGeek made their first contribution in #70
- @iFaxity made their first contribution in #73
- @mscosti made their first contribution in #81
- @TheDutchCoder made their first contribution in #82
- @niksudan made their first contribution in #87
- @commi235 made their first contribution in #93
- @kkemple made their first contribution in #99
- @MeirionHughes made their first contribution in #106
- @ycrepeau made their first contribution in #107
- @jBugman made their first contribution in #111
- @LeoEatle made their first contribution in #133
- @oodavid made their first contribution in #131
- @jthegedus made their first contribution in #137
- @RunningCoderLee made their first contribution in #140
- @melMass made their first contribution in #166
- @bernardop made their first contribution in #179
- @leohxj made their first contribution in #181
- @wersimmon made their first contribution in #183
- @denisbalyko made their first contribution in #189
- @brennongs made their first contribution in #188
Full Changelog: