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###Video Link###
- [Youtube channel] (https://www.youtube.com/user/tusharroy2525)
- Dynamic Programming Youtube playlist
- Binary Tree Youtube playlist
- Stack Queue Youtube playlist
- Suffix/Prefix Youtube playlist
- Graph Youtube playlist
###Binary Search###
- Add two number in binary representation - AddTwoNumberInBinaryRepresentation.java
- Given an integer and number k, right or left rotate bits in this integer by k - BitRotation.java
- Using byte array for storing information - ByteAsStorage.java
- Count number of set bits in an integer - CountBits.java
- Given a screen in form of byte array with width and start and end points of a horizontal line. Draw this line DrawHorizontalLine.java
- Given an array in which every number occurs 3 times find this one number occurring only once - FindNumberOccurringOnceOtherNumbers3Times.java
- Given two numbers M and N, insert M into N from i to j bits of N - InsertMintoNiTojBits.java
- Given an integer find next higher/lower integer with same number of set bits as original integer - NextHigherAndNextLowerWithSameNumberBits.java
- Given an integer find next power of 2 greater than this integer - NextPowerOf2.java
- Given an array find one/two number occurring odd number of times - NumberOccuringOddTimes.java
- Given two numbers M and N, how many bit flips are required to convert M into N - NumberOfBitsFlipToConvertNToM.java
- Convert a real number(with decimals) into a binary number - RealNumberToBinary.java
- Given an integer reverse bits of this integer - ReverseBits.java
- Given an integer swap its odd bits with even bits at every position - SwapOddEvenBits.java
- Given an integer and two numbers i and j, swap bits at these positions in this integer - SwapTwoBits.java
- Initially there is a number n. Two players start playing a game turn by turn. Each player has to replace the number n written on the board by n-2^k (for some k >= 0 such that 2^k < n) - WinnerWithBeautifulNumber.java
- Square of a number without using * or ^ operator - SquareOfNumber.java
- Find two missing number where there are n-2 unique numbers in range 1 to n. Find one missing and one repeated number where all numbers are in range 1 to n. MissingNumbers.java
- Repeated dna sequence of length 10 - RepeatedDnaSequence.java
- Get first 2^n gray code - GrayCode.java
###Dynamic Programming###
- Given a sequence of words, and a limit on the number of characters that can be put in one line (line width). Put line breaks in the given sequence such that the lines are printed neatly. TextJustification.java
- Find longest bitonic subsequence in an array. Bitonic subsequence first increases and then decreases - BitonicSequence.java Youtube link
- Given a long word which is made up of multiple words, split the long word into individual words - BreakMultipleWordsWithNoSpaceIntoSpace.java Youtube Link
- Coin changing problem. Given set of coins and a total t. - CoinChanging.java CoinChangingMinimumCoin.java
- Total solutions possible to form t. Youtube link
- Minimum numbers of coin needed to form t. Youtube link
- Given a positive integer N, count all possible distinct binary strings of length N such that there are no consecutive 1′s - CountNumberOfBinaryWithoutConsecutive1s.java
- Count number of trees that can be formed given a preorder sequence - CountNumberOfTreePreorder.java Youtube link
- Count number of binary search trees formed by an array of size n - CountNumberOfTreesInBST.java Youtube link
- Given a rod of length n inches and an array of prices that contains prices of all pieces of size smaller than n. Determine the maximum value obtainable by cutting up the rod and selling the pieces - CuttingRod.java Youtube link
- Given n dice each with m faces, numbered from 1 to m, find the number of ways to get sum X. X is the summation of values on each face when all the dice are thrown - DiceThrowWays.java
- Given two strings of size m, n and set of operations replace (R), insert (I) and delete (D) all at equal cost. Find minimum number of edits (operations) required to convert one string into another - EditDistance.java Youtube link
- Given number of floors and certain number of eggs, find the floor from which egg will break using minimum number of drops - EggDropping.java Youtube link
- Given a bag which can only take certain weight W. Given list of items with their weights and price. Stuff these items in the bag such that it maximizes the value of bag - Knapsack01.java Youtube link
- Given two strings. Find longest common subsequence/substring between the two strings - LongestCommonSubsequence.java Youtube link
- Given an unsorted array. Find the longest increasing subsequence in this array - LongestIncreasingSubsequence.java Youtube Link
- Given a sequence, find the length of the longest palindromic subsequence in it - LongestPalindromicSubsequence.java Youtube link
- Given array of matrices, find a sequence which will have minimum multiplication cost - MatrixMultiplicationCost.java Youtube link
- Given an array of positive numbers, find the maximum sum of a subsequence with the constraint that no 2 numbers in the sequence should be adjacent in the array - MaxSumForNonAdjacentElements.java
- Given set of jobs with start and end interval and profit, how to maximize profit such that jobs in subset do not overlap - WeightedJobSchedulingMaximumProfit.java Youtube link
- Find the longest chain which can be formed from a given set of pairs.In every pair, the first number is always smaller than the second number.Chain of pair (c, d) can follow another pair (a, b) if b < c - MaximumLengthChainPair.java
- Given a rope of length n meters, cut the rope in different parts of integer lengths in a way that maximizes product of lengths of all parts - MaximumProductCutting.java
- Given a matrix, find maximum size square sub matrix - MaximumSizeSubMatrix.java Youtube link
- Given an array of n positive integers. Write a program to find the sum of maximum sum subsequence of the given array such that the integers in the subsequence are sorted in increasing order - MaximumSumSubsequence.java Youtube link
- Given a cost matrix cost[][] and a position (m, n) in cost[][], write a function that returns cost of minimum cost path to reach (m, n) from (0, 0) - MinCostPath.java Youtube link
- Given an array of integers where each element represents the max number of steps that can be made forward from that element. Write a function to return the minimum number of jumps to reach the end of the array - MinJumpToReachEnd.java Youtube link
- Given an array of gold coins with different values and two players. Each player picks gold coin from either side. Write an algorithm to maximize your winning chance - NPotGold.java Youtube link
- Given a matrix. Find total paths to reach from 0,0 to m,n in this matrix - NumberOfPathsInMxNMatrix.java Youtube link
- Finding the number of ways a given score could be reached for a game with 3 different ways of scoring (e.g. 3, 5 and 10 points) - NumberOfWaysToScorePoints.java
- Given a sorted array keys[0.. n-1] of search keys and an array freq[0.. n-1] of frequency counts, where freq[i] is the number of searches to keys[i]. Construct a binary search tree of all keys such that the total cost of all the searches is as small as possible - OptimalTreeSearch.java
- Given a string, partition the string with fewest cuts such that each partition is a palindrome - PalindromePartition.java Youtube link
- Remove minimum number of elements from either end of array such that 2*min > max in this remaining elements of array - RemoveFromEndToMake2IntoMinGreaterThanMax.java
- Given a matrix, find a rectangular submatrix with maximum sum - SubRectangularMatrixWithMaximumSum.java
- Given an array and a total. Tell if elements of this array can form this total - SubsetSum.java Youtube link
- Given an array of X and Os. Find largest subsquare which is surrounded by Xs - SubsquareSurrounedByXs.java
- Given three strings, determine if first two strings can interleave to form third string - TwoStringInterleavingToFormThird.java Youtube link
- Given a number n, find all numbers from 1 to n which are multiples of 2,3 or 5 only. UglyNumbers.java
- Given the mobile numeric keypad. You can only press buttons that are up,left,right or down to the current button.You are not allowed to press bottom row corner buttons (i.e. * and # ).Given a N find out the number of numbers possible of given length - PhoneDialNumberOfCombinationOfSizeK.java
- Given a keyboard which only does 4 things, print A, select screen, copy screen and append to screen and given n, how many total As you can print on screen. CountAs.java
- Given an array, find a sequence of equal length such that sum of each half is same LongestEvenLengthSubstringOffEqualHalf.java
- Longest common substring between two strings. LongestCommonSubstring.java Youtube link
- There are N stations on route of a train. The train goes from station 0 to N-1. The ticket cost for all pair of stations (i, j) is given where j is greater than i. Find the minimum cost to reach the destination. MinimumCostTrainTicket.java
- Fibonacci series FibonacciSeries.java Youtube link
- Given a 2D array of 0s and 1s, find size of maximum rectangular submatrix - MaximumRectangularSubmatrixOf1s.java
- Given boxes of different dimensions, stack them on top of each other to get maximum height. But box on top should have strictly less length and width then box under it. BoxStacking.java
- Given a rod with markings. Cut the rod along markings but reduce the cost of cutting. Cost if cutting is proportional to the length of rod being cut.CutRodToMinimizeCost.java
- Given two strings, tell if one string is scrambled of another or not. Read question on the code to see what scrambled means. ScrambledString.java
- Maximize Ski gates passage MaximizeSkiGates.java
- Given stock prices for certain days how to maximize profit by buying or selling with at most K transactions StockBuySellKTransactions.java stockbuysellktransactions.py
- Given symbols expression and binary operation result b/w symbols, tell if given expression with any parenthesis combination can produce a given result. SymbolExpressionEvaluation.java symbolexpressionevaluation.py
- Given expression with +, -, *, / operators, tell if given expression with any parenthesis combination can produce a given result. ExpressionEvaluation.java
- Given balloons with certain values in what order should you burst them to get max value. BurstBalloons.java
- Given a 2D matrix, find longest increasing path in this matrix - LongestIncreasingPath.java
- Given a 2D matrix matrix, find the sum of the elements inside the rectangle defined by its upper left corner (row1, col1) and lower right corner - Immutable2DSumRangeQuery.java
- Given a string S and a string T, count the number of distinct subsequences of T in S - DistinctSubsequence.java
- Dungeon game - DungeonGame.java
- A vertex in an undirected connected graph is an articulation point (or cut vertex) iff removing it (and edges through it) disconnects the graph. ArticulationPoint.java
- Find shortest path from one vertex to all vertex using bellman ford algorithm - BellmanFordShortestPath.java
- Binary max heap - BinaryMaxHeap.java
- Binary min heap - BinaryMinHeap.java
- A Bipartite Graph is a graph whose vertices can be divided into two independent sets, U and V such that every edge (u, v) either connects a vertex from U to V or a vertex from V to U - BiparteGraph.java
- Design a game of boggle - Boggle.java
- An edge in an undirected connected graph is a bridge iff removing it disconnects the graph. Given a graph find all bridges in this graph - Bridge.java
- Given two words of equal length convert first word to second word in such a way that all intermediate words are in dictionary - ConvertOneWordToAnother.java
- Find cycle in directed graph - CycleInDirectedGraph.java
- Find cycle in undirected graph - CycleUndirectedGraph.java
- Given a directed acyclic graph(DAG) find shortest path from one vertex to all vertices - DAGShortestPathTopological.java
- Given a graph with weighted edges, find shortest path from one vertex to all vertices - DijkstraShortestPath.java
- Given a directed graph, return true if you can reach every node of graph from any node else false - DirectedGraphConnectivity.java
- Given a graph, tell if it is eulirian, semi eulirian or non eulirian - EulerianPathAndCircuit.java
- Given a 2D matrix of Xs and Os, convert all Os to Xs if it is surrounded by Xs - FillOsWIthXsIfSurroundedByXs.java
- Flood fill algorithm - FloodFillAlgorithm.java
- All pair shortest path using flyod warshall algorithm - FloydWarshallAllPairShortestPath.java
- Given a directed graph with source and end point, find maximum flow from source to end - FordFulkerson.java
- Graph basic data structure - Graph.java
- Given a graph, color each vertex such that neighboring vertex does not have same color - GraphColoring.java
- BSF and DFS graph traversal - GraphTraversal.java
- Given a graph, find hamiltonian cycle in the graph if it exists. Hamiltonian cycle in undirected graph starts and ends at same point and traverses each vertex exactly once - HamiltonianCycle.java
- Find minimum spanning tree using Krushkal's algorithm - KrushkalMST.java
- A matching in a Bipartite Graph is a set of the edges chosen in such a way that no two edges share an endpoint - MaximumBiparteMatching.java
- Given a graph of 0s and 1s, find total number of islands of 1s - NumberOfIsland.java
- Given a graph, find total number of triangles in the graph - NumberofTriangles.java
- Prim's algorithm for minimum spanning tree - PrimMST.java
- Print all paths from source to destination in undirected graph - PrintAllPathFromSourceToDestination.java
- Given a directed graph, find strongly connected components of the graph - StronglyConnectedComponent.java
- Given a directed acyclic graph, sort is topologically - TopologicalSort.java
- Given a directed graph, find out if a vertex j is reachable from another vertex i for all vertex pairs (i, j) in the given graph - TransitiveClosure.java
- Clone directed graph - CloneDirectedGraph.java
- Disjoint set using path compression and union by rank DisjointSet.java
- Given a 2D floor plan of empty spaces, walls and multiple exits. Find distance of every empty space to closest exit. ShortestDistanceFromExit.java
- Tarjan's strongly connected component - TarjanStronglyConnectedComponent.java
- Tarjan's algorithm to find all simple cycles in directed graph - AllCyclesInDirectedGraphTarjan.java
- Johnson's algorithm for finding all cycles in directed graph - AllCyclesInDirectedGraphJohnson.java
- Traveling salesman problem using Held Karp Dynamic programming method - TravelingSalesmanHeldKarp.java
- Given a graph representing tree find minimum height tree - MinimumHeightTree.java
- Add two numbers represented by link list - AddNumberRepresentedByLinkList.java
- Create a copy of a link list in which one pointer points to next node while other pointer can point to any node in the list - CopyLinkListWIthArbitPointer.java
- Given a linklist, delete m nodes after every n nodes - DeleteNAfterMNodes.java
- Delete nodes which has greater value on right side - DeleteNodeWithGreaterValueOnRight.java
- Given a linklist in which down pointer could point to another linklist and this happens recursively, flatten this linklist - FlattenLinkList.java
- Implement a LRU cache using linklist and map - LRUCache.java
- Basic link list structure - LinkList.java
- Sort linklist using merge sort - MergeSortLinkList.java
- Quick sort linklist - QuickSortSingleLinkList.java
- Remove duplicates from a sorted linklist - RemoveDuplicatesSortedList.java
- Given a linklist and k,reverse alternate k nodes in the linklist - ReverseAlternateKNodes.java
- Given a linklist, reverse alternate nodes and append it at the end - ReverseAlternateNodeAndAppendAtEnd.java
- Reverse every k nodes in a linklist - ReverseKNodes.java
- Sort a nearly sorted linklist - SortNearlySortedList.java
- Insert into sorted circular linklist - SortedCircularLinkList.java
- Given a sorted linklist, convert it into a balanced binary search tree - SortedLLToBalancedBST.java
- Stack with also support find/delete middle operation - StackWithLinkListMiddleOperation.java
- Given three linklist and a sum, find a triplet from each list which adds up to sum - TripletToSumInLinkList.java
- Insertion sort for link list - InsertionSortLinkList.java
- Double link list - DoubleLinkList.java
- Given two nodes of double link list swap them - SwapTwoNodesInDoubleLL.java
- Given a linklist, return true if elements form a palindrome or not - LinkListIsPalindrome.java
- Multiply two numbers given in form of linklist. Result should also be linklist - MultiplyTwoNumbersLinkList.java
- Convert linklist to complete binary tree - LinkListToCompleteBinaryTree.java
- Given a linklist, find middle element of the linklist - MiddleElementOfLinkList.java
- Shuffle merge linklist - ShuffleMerge.java
- Given a linked list of co-ordinates where adjacent points either form a vertical line or a horizontal line. Delete points from the linked list which are in the middle of a horizontal or vertical line.RemoveMiddleElementsOfLineSegment.java
- Find if there is a loop in linklist LoopInLinkList.java
- Given two sorted linked lists, construct a linked list that contains maximum sum path from start to end. The result list may contain nodes from both input lists. MergeForLargestSum.java
###Multi Array###
- Given a boolean matrix mat[M][N] of size M X N, modify it such that if a matrix cell mat[i][j] is 1 (or true) then make all the cells of ith row and jth column as 1 - Fill2DMatrixWith1.java
- Design game of life - GameOfLife.java
- Find the length of the longest chain of consecutive integers in an unsorted 2D square array (non-diagonal) - LongestConsecutiveIntegerInUnsorted2DArray.java
- Given a 2D array, create a new 2D array which joins first row elements with every other element from second row onwards - MatrixCalculation.java
- Given a 2D array, find sum of all rectangular and square sub matrix - MatrixFindAllSubSquareRectangleMatrix.java
- Print a 2D array in diagonal format - MatrixInDiagonalOrder.java
- Create a 2D array of alternating Xs and 0s rectangles - MatrixOf0sAnd1s.java
- Move in 2D array as per cell value - MoveCellPerCellValue.java
- Turn image by 90 degree - TurnImageBy90.java
- Given a n by n board where n is of form 2k where k >= 1 (Basically n is a power of 2 with minimum value as 2). The board has one missing cell (of size 1 x 1). Fill the board using L shaped tiles. TilingProblem.java
- Print matrix in spiral way - SpiralPrinting.java
- Given a large number tell where it is an aggregate number or not - AggregateNumber.java
- Given an array of sorted numbers, tell if there are 3 numbers which form arithmetic progression - ArithemeticProgressionExists.java
- Given two numbers in form of an array, multiply them - ArrayMultiplication.java
- Given a number n and k, find binomial coefficient of n to k - BinomialCoefficient.java
- Covert a decimal number into any other base N < 10 - ConvertToBaseN.java
- Given a number n, find counts of 2 from 1 to n - CountNoOf2s.java
- Given a number n, find number of numbers which does not have digit 4 in them - CountNumbersNotIncluding4.java
- Given a dividend and a divisor, return remainder and quotient - DivisionWithoutDivisionOperator.java
- Given two numbers find their GCD(greatest common divisor) - EuclideanAlgoForGCD.java
- Given an array of numbers, generate a signature where D represent decrease and I represents increase. Now given Ds and Is generate pattern of number - GenerateSignature.java
- Given an array, find elements combining which forms largest multiple of 3 - https://github.com/mission-peace/interview/blob/master/src/com/interview/number/LargestMultipleOf3inArray.java
- Given a number n, tell if this number is a lucky number - LuckyNumbers.java
- Given an array of 3 numbers, find their median - https://github.com/mission-peace/interview/blob/master/src/com/interview/number/MedianOf3Number.java
- Write a program to determine whether n/2 distinctinctive pairs can be formed from given n integers where n is even and each pair's sum is divisible by given k - NBy2PairSumToK.java
- Given an array representing a number, find next larger palindrome which can be formed - NextLargestPalindrome.java
- Given a chinese number which never has 4, convert it into decimal format - NotIncluding4.java
- Given an array representing a number, return a new array consisting of same numbers but larger than this number - PermutationBiggerThanNumber.java
- Given two arrays representing numbers, convert first array into number which is next larger than second array - PermutationLargerThanGivenArray.java
- Calculate power function using divide and conquer - PowerFunction.java
- Given an array of numbers, arrange them in a way that yields the largest value - RearrangeNumberInArrayToFormLargestNumber.java
- Russian peasant multiplication - RussianPeasantMultiplication.java
- Smallest number greater than given number but all digits in increasing order - SmallestNumberGreaterThanGiveNumberIncreasingSequence.java
- Calculate square root of a number without using any library - SquareRoot.java
- Given a positive integer n, generate all possible unique ways to represent n as sum of positive integers -https://github.com/mission-peace/interview/blob/master/src/com/interview/number/UniquePartitionOfInteger.java
- A man is walking up a set of stairs. He can either take 1 or 2 steps at a time. Given n number of steps,find out how many combinations of steps he can take to reach the top of the stairs - NumberOfCombinationsForStairs.java
- Given a number, find number of trailing zeros in the factorial of this number - Trailing0sinFactorial.java
- Factorial of a large number - FactorialOfLargeNumber
- Find mth number in array of [1..n] where m is defined by lexicographically order - MthNumberInNSizeArray.java
- Self balancing tree AVL tree - AVLTree.java
- Given an arbitrary binary tree, convert it to a binary tree that holds Children Sum Property. You can only increment data values in any node - ArbitaryTreeToChildSumTree.java
- Given Preorder traversal of a BST, check if each non-leaf node has only one child. Assume that the BST contains unique entries - BSTOneChildPreOrderTraversal.java
- Btree implementation - BTree.java
- Binary tree operations - BinaryTree.java
- Convert a binary tree to circular link list - BinaryTreeToCircularLinkList.java
- Write a function to connect all the adjacent nodes at the same level in a binary tree - ConnectNodesAtSameLevel.java
- Given two arrays that represent preorder and postorder traversals of a full binary tree, construct the binary tree - ConstructFullTreeFromPreOrderPostOrder.java
- Construct tree from preorder and inorder traversal - ConstructTreeFromInOrderPreOrder.java
- Given inorder and level-order traversals of a Binary Tree, construct the Binary Tree - ConstructTreeFromLevelOrderInOrder.java
- Write a function to count number of smaller elements on right of each element in an array - CountNumberOfSmallerElementOnRight.java
- Given binary tree and two nodes, tell if these two nodes are cousins of each other or not - CousinNodes.java
- Diameter of binary tree - DiameterOfTree.java
- Huffman encoding - HuffmanEncoding.java
- Given two arrays which represent a sequence of keys. Imagine we make a Binary Search Tree (BST) from each array. We need to tell whether two BSTs will be identical or not without actually constructing the tree - IdenticalTrees.java
- Given a binary tree, find largest BST in this binary tree - LargestBSTInBinaryTree.java
- Given a Binary Tree, find size of the Largest Independent Set(LIS) in it. A subset of all tree nodes is an independent set if there is no edge between any two nodes of the subset - LargestIndependentSetInTree.java
- Level order traversal of binary tree - LevelOrderTraversal.java
- Create an iterator to traverse a binary tree. When the next function is called on the binary tree return the value at the next node as if you are doing an inorder traversal of the tree - NextInorderSuccessorIterator.java
- Given a binary tree and a number k, print nodes at distance k from given node - NodesAtDistanceK.java
- Populate inorder successor for all nodes - PopulateInOrderSuccessor.java
- Inorder successor of two tree -NextInorderSucessorOfTwoTree.java
- Given preorder traversal of a binary search tree, construct the BST - ConstructBSTFromPreOrderArray.java
- Print two BST in sorted form - PrintTwoBSTInSortedForm.java
- Given a binary tree and a number, return true if the tree has a root-to-leaf path such that adding up all the values along the path equals the given number - RootToLeafToSum.java
- Range query segment tree - SegmentTree.java segmenttreesum.py
- Segment tree for minimum range query - SegmentTreeMinimumRangeQuery.java
- Given a binary tree with positive and negative numbers, sink negative numbers to the bottom of the tree - SinkNegativeToBottom.java
- Given an array that stores a complete Binary Search Tree, write a function that efficiently prints the given array in ascending order - SortedOrderPrintCompleteTreeArray.java
- Write a function that returns true if the given Binary Tree is SumTree else false. A SumTree is a Binary Tree where the value of a node is equal to sum of the nodes present in its left subtree and right subtree - SumTree.java
- Inorder,preorder,postorder traversals - TreeTraversals.java
- Given a binary tree, print it vertically - VerticalTreePrinting.java
- Given a Binary Search Tree (BST), modify it so that all greater values in the given BST are added to every node - AddGreaterValueNodeToEveryNode.java
- Print all nodes with no sibling - NodesWithNoSibling.java
- Boundary traversal of binary tree - BoundaryTraversal.java
- Convert a binary tree into double link list - BinaryTreeToDoubleLinkList.java
- Given a binary tree, tell if it is a complete tree or not. IsCompleteBinaryTree.java
- Given a preorder traversal of a tree with 0 or 2 children and char array where L stands for leaf node and N stands for inner node, create binary tree from it - ConstructTreeFromPreOrderTraversalWith0or2Child.java
- Convert a binary tree(not BST) to a sorted link list - BinaryTreeToSortedLinkList.java
- Given an inorder traversal of tree where each node is greater than its child nodes, create binary tree - ContructTreeFromInOrderTraversalRootGreaterThanChild.java
- Given two nodes value find lowest common ancestor of these two nodes - LowestCommonAncestorInBinaryTree.java
- Write a function to detect if two trees are isomorphic. Two trees are called isomorphic if one of them can be obtained from other by a series of flips - TreeIsomorphism.java
- Vertex cover for binary tree using DP - VertexCoverBinaryTreeDP.java
- Convert a binary tree(Not BST) to sorted linklist. DegenerateBinaryTreeToSortedLL
- Search in binary search tree - BSTSearch.java
- Given a binary tree, return true if is binary search tree else return false -IsBST.java
- Given two tree return true if they represent same tree else return false. SameTree.java
- Tree traversal in level and spiral order - TreeTraversalInSpiralOrder.java
- Tree traversal printing each level on new line - TreeTraversalLevelByLevel.java
- Level order traversal in reverse - LevelOrderTraversalInReverse.java
- Fenwick tree - FenwickTree.java
- Red black tree - RedBlackTree.java
- Given an preorder sequence determine if it is of binary search tree or not IsPreOrderArrayBST.java
- Succinct encoding/decoding of binary tree SuccinctTree.java
- Create binary tree from parent representation - BinaryTreeFromParentRepresentation.java
- Given pre/inorder traversal of binary tree, create post order traversal - PrintPostOrderFromPreOrderInOrder.java
- Construct all binary search tree from inorder traversal ConstructAllBinaryTreeFromInorderTraversal.java
- Interval tree IntervalTree.java
- Morris inorder/preorder traversal of tree - MorrisTraversal.java
- Serialize deserialize binary tree - SerializeDeserializeBinaryTree.java
- Given two strings tells if anagram of first is substring of another - AnagramOfFirstAsSubstring.java
- Cycle leader iteration - CycleLeaderIteration.java
- Given alternate digits and numbers, move them so that all digits are on one side and numbers on other side - InPlaceTransformationOfString.java
- Lexicographic rank of a string - LexicographicRankInPermutation.java
- Given a string, find longest palindromic substring in this string - LongestPalindromeSubstring.java
- Given a string find longest substring without repetition of characters - LongestSubstringWithoutRepetingCharacter.java
- Given an input string S write a function which returns true if it satisfies S = nT - NTMatch.java
- Given list of strings, print them in groups if they are anagrams of each other - PrintAnagramTogether.java
- Rabin karp substring search - RabinKarpSearch.java
- Given a string, rearrange characters in string so that characters are at least d distance away from repeated characters - RearrangeDuplicateCharsdDistanceAway.java
- Regex matching - RegexMatching.java
- Run length encoding - RunLengthEncoding.java
- Given two strings, find smallest window in first string which contains all characters of second string - SmallestWindowContaingAllCharacters.java
- KMP substring search - SubstringSearch.java
- Wild card searching - WildCardSearch.java
- Remove consecutive duplicate elements in character array - RemoveConsecutiveDuplicate.java
- Print all combinations of word abbreviation WordAbbreviationCombination.java
- Generate all combination of size k and less of adjacent numbers - AllAdjacentCombination.java
- Generate all bracket combination, check if brackets open and closing is correct or not - Bracketology.java
- Given an array of strings, find if the given strings can be chained to form a circle. A string X can be put before another string Y in circle if the last character of X is same as first character of Y - ChainWordsToFormCircle.java
- Generate all combinations - Combination.java
- Generate all combination of size k - CombinationOfSizeK.java
- Generate all combination which prints star in place of absent characters - CombinationWithStar.java
- Consider a coding system for alphabets to integers where ‘a’ is represented as 1, ‘b’ as 2, .. ‘z’ as 26. Given an array of digits (1 to 9) as input, write a function that prints all valid interpretations of input array - InterpretationOfArray.java
- Generate all possible string combinations of a given phone number - KeyPadPermutation.java
- Minimum edits required to generate reverse polish notation - MinimumEditForReversePolishNotation.java
- Given a board of size nxn and n queens, place them on the board so that they don't attack each other - NQueenProblem.java
- Given two strings check if they are one distance away from each other where you can delete,edit or add characters - OneEditApart.java
- Print all paths from top left corner to bottom right corner - PrintAllPathFromTopLeftToBottomRight.java
- Given an array find number of interpretations possible for combinations of adjacent characters - PrintArrayInAdjacentWay.java
- Print array in tree fashion - PrintArrayInCustomizedFormat.java
- Permutation of string in both sorted and unsorted order - StringPermutation.java stringpermutation.py StringPermutationRotation.java
- Given two strings, generate all interleavings of these strings - StringInterleaving.java
- Shuffle a character array so that no two repeated characters are together. [FancyShuffle.java] (https://github.com/mission-peace/interview/blob/master/src/com/interview/recursion/FancyShuffle.java)
- Given an input and total, print all combinations with repetitions in this input which sums to given total. PrintSumCombination.java
- Given a List of List of Strings. Print cartesian product of List. WordCombination.java
- Given input of unique elements and pair among those elements. How many minimum swaps are needed to arrange pair adjacent to each other. SetPairTogether.java setpairtogether.py
- Given input string e.g 123 and target e.g 6, place operator +, - and * so that 123 evaluates to 6. OperatorAdditionForTarget.java
- Print all permutations of given input array - PrintAllSubsequence.java
- Reconstruct itinerary based on ticket - ReconstructItinerary.java
- Remove the minimum number of invalid parentheses in order to make the input string valid. Return all possible results - RemoveInvalidParenthesis.java
- Sudoku solver - SudokuSolver.java
###Suffix/Prefix Tree###
- A suffix array is a sorted array of all suffixes of a given string. Given an array create suffix array for it - SuffixArray.java
- A ternary search tree is a special trie data structure where the child nodes of a standard trie are ordered as a binary search tree. Write a program to insert and search in ternary tree - TernaryTree.java
- Write a program to insert,search and delete in trie - Trie.java
- Ukkonen's suffix tree - SuffixTree.java
- Z algorithm for pattern matching ZAlgorithm.java
- Counting sort - CountingSort.java
- Iterative quick sort - IterativeQuickSort.java
- Pancake sorting - PanCakeSorting.java
- Quick sort - QuickSort.java
- Radix sort - RadixSort.java
- Sort an array in range of 0 to N^3(or 0 to N^2) - Sort0toN3.java
- Sort an array by frequency of number in that array - SortArrayByFrequence.java
- Merge sort MergeSort.java
- Heap sort HeapSort.java
###Multithreading### 2. Executor service example - ThreadPoolExample.java 3. Thread pool implementation - ThreadPoolImpl.java 4. Given a queue which gets millions of messages. Message is of form <Domain,Update>.You have 10000 domain tables. Also you have 50 worker threads. You can only get data from front of the queue. Threads get data from the front and then update the domain table - SingleQueueDomainTableUpdate.java 4. Design a spinlock mutex using two varialbles - SpinLockMutex.java 5. Design threadsafe real time counter - RealTimeCounter.java 6. Design threadsafe program to keep counts of word - CountingWord.java 7. Fill up 2D boolean matrix in thread safe way from top left to bottom right - FillupMatrix.java 8. Design threadsafe program to keep min and max - MinMaxKeeper.java 9. BoundedBlockingQueue implementation(producer consumer) - BoundedBlockingQueue.java
- Given a sentence with multiple spaces between words and also spaces in front and back of sentence how do you remove these extra spaces - MultiSpaceReplacement.java
- Given a method to generate random number between 1 to 5, create a new method to generate random number between 1 to 7 - Rand7UsingRand5.java
- Given a list of countries with population, how do you select random country from this list. Higher the population higher the probability of selection - RandomCountrySelectionByPopluation.java
- Reservior sampling algorithm. In stream of numbers select k random numbers - SelectMRandomNumbersInStream.java
- Given an array shuffle it - ShuffleArray.java
###Stack Queues###
- Implement a circular queue using an array of fixed size - CircularQueue.java
- Find maximum size rectangle in histogram - MaximumHistogram.java
- Move from current folder to new folder as specified in argument - MoveFromCurrentToNewFolder.java
- Reverse stack using recursion - ReverseStackUsingRecursion.java
- Given a string with unbalanced brackets how do you remove minimum number of extra brackets so that you are left with balanced brackets in the string - RemoveExtraBrackets.java
- Remove duplicates from a string while maintaining order and getting lexicographically smallest string - RemoveDuplicateMaintainingOrder.java
- Find median in stream of numbers - MedianFinder.java
- Given points with x and y coordinates. Find distance between closest pair of points among the given points. ClosestPairOfPoints.java
- Given skyline of city with overlapping buildings. Merge the buildings. SkylineDrawing.java
skylinedrawing.py - Given n points on a 2D plane, find the maximum number of points that lie on the same straight line - MaximumPointsOnSameLine.java
- Given two sets of intervals. Ranges in the same set do not overlap each other. Merge these sets - AddingTwoSetOfIntervals.java
- Given a time(hour and min), find angle between hour and min hand - AngleBetweenHourAndMinuteHand.java
- Given an excel sheet kind of numbering, convert it into decimal and vice versa - ConvertNumberIntoBase26.java
- Given two dates in AD, find number of days between these 2 dates - DayDifferenceBetweenTwoDates.java
- Given a floating point number in string, convert it into actual float number - FloatPointConversion.java
- Given an array, find hamming distance between each pair of numbers in the array - HammingDistanceBetweenPair.java
- Given horizons of building in form of height and start end point, merge them into single horizon - HorizonMapping.java
- kth largest element in row wise and column wise sorted 2D array - KthLargestInRowiseColumnWiseSorted2DArray.java
- Design a load balancer where you can add,remove and find random server in O(1) time - LoadBalancers.java
- Given an integer, return a string which represents this integer in words - NumberToWord.java
- Convert a roman number into decimal number and vice versa - RomanNumberToDecimal.java
- Given cordinates of four points, say if they will form a square or not - FourPointsFormSquare.java
- Given two times in 4 digit number, find difference between them - DifferenceBetweenTwoTime.java
- All prime numbers before n - PrimeNumbersBeforeN.java
- How to give minimum number of candies to children with ratings. Every child with higher rating should get more candy then its neighbor with lower rating. Everyone should get at least one candy. CandiesProblem
- Given an integer array nums, return the number of range sums that lie in [lower, upper] inclusive - CountRanges.java
- Given a read function which supports reading only 4 bytes implement a reader which can read bytes of given size - Read4Function.java
- Insert interval into sorted intervals and merge if needed - InsertInterval.java