- 2025-02-17 - Bugfix: The sync task did not close the DB transaction if an invaliduserexception was thrown, adopt changes from auth_ldap in MDL-79362.
- 2024-11-12 - Upgrade: Adopt changes from MDL-73703 and break the sync task user updates into chunks, resolves #36
- 2024-11-12 - Upgrade: Adopt changes from MDL-66151 and use \core\session\manager::destroy_user_sessions() now.
- 2024-11-12 - Improvement: Change location of event observer code, resolves #26
- 2024-10-14 - Upgrade: Adopt changes from MDL-81960 and use new \core\url class
- 2024-10-14 - Upgrade: Adopt changes from MDL-81920 and use new \core\lang_string class.
- 2024-10-07 - Prepare compatibility for Moodle 4.5.
- 2024-08-24 - Development: Rename master branch to main, please update your clones.
- 2024-08-22 - Upgrade: Fix Behat scenarios which broke on 4.4.
- 2024-08-20 - Prepare compatibility for Moodle 4.4.
- 2024-08-19 - Fix behat tests which broke due to Github actions changes
- 2024-08-11 - Add section for scheduled tasks to README
- 2024-08-11 - Updated Moodle Plugin CI to latest upstream recommendations
- 2023-10-20 - Prepare compatibility for Moodle 4.3.
- 2023-09-01 - Prepare compatibility for Moodle 4.2.
- 2023-10-14 - Add automated release to moodle.org/plugins
- 2023-10-14 - Make codechecker happy again
- 2023-10-10 - Updated Moodle Plugin CI to latest upstream recommendations
- 2023-04-30 - Tests: Updated Moodle Plugin CI to use PHP 8.1 and Postgres 13 from Moodle 4.1 on.
- 2023-01-21 - Prepare compatibility for Moodle 4.1.
- 2023-03-12 - Tests: Fix a Behat test which broke after Moodle core upstream changes
- 2023-03-11 - Make codechecker happy again
- 2023-03-11 - Tests: Change the branch which is checked out to start ldap
- 2022-12-27 - Add some automated tests on Github actions, solves #32
- 2022-11-28 - Updated Moodle Plugin CI to latest upstream recommendations
- 2022-11-23 - Revert backport of MDL-58395.
- 2022-07-12 - Prepare compatibility for Moodle 4.0.
- 2022-11-06 - Backport MDL-58395 from auth_ldap to version 3.11 of this plugin.
- 2022-11-06 - Adopt code change of MDL-60666 from auth_ldap.
- 2022-11-05 - Remove support for PHP < 7.3 (i.e. adopt code change of MDL-73500 from auth_ldap)
- 2022-11-05 - Adopt code change of MDL-69492 from auth_ldap.
- 2022-07-10 - Add Visual checks section to UPGRADE.md
- 2022-07-10 - Add Capabilities section to README.md
- 2022-06-26 - Make codechecker happy again
- 2022-06-26 - Updated Moodle Plugin CI to latest upstream recommendations
- 2022-06-26 - Add UPGRADE.md as internal upgrade documentation
- 2022-06-26 - Update maintainers and copyrights in README.md.
- 2021-07-20 - Prepare compatibility for Moodle 3.11.
- 2021-02-05 - Move Moodle Plugin CI from Travis CI to Github actions
- 2020-12-11 - Adopt code changes from Moodle 3.10 core auth_ldap.
- 2020-12-11 - Prepare compatibility for Moodle 3.10.
- 2020-12-10 - Change in Moodle release support: For the time being, this plugin is maintained for the most recent LTS release of Moodle as well as the most recent major release of Moodle. Bugfixes are backported to the LTS release. However, new features and improvements are not necessarily backported to the LTS release.
- 2020-12-10 - Improvement: Declare which major stable version of Moodle this plugin supports (see MDL-59562 for details).
- 2020-09-18 - Prepare compatibility for Moodle 3.9.
- 2020-02-26 - Added Behat tests.
- 2020-02-19 - Adopt code changes Moodle 3.8 core auth_ldap.
- 2020-02-19 - Prepare compatibility for Moodle 3.8.
- 2019-08-15 - Make codechecker happy.
- 2019-08-15 - Prepare compatibility for Moodle 3.7.
- 2019-01-29 - Check compatibility for Moodle 3.6, no functionality change.
- 2019-01-29 - Adopt code changes Moodle 3.5 core auth_ldap (MDL-63887).
- 2018-12-05 - Changed travis.yml due to upstream changes.
- 2018-06-25 - Bugfix: Creating users and first logins resulted in a fatal error in 3.5 because of a visibility change of update_user_record() in Moodle core.
- 2018-06-25 - Check compatibility for Moodle 3.5, no functionality change.
- 2018-05-16 - Implement Privacy API.
- 2018-02-07 - Bugfix: Login via email for first-time LDAP logins did not work if multiple LDAP contexts were configured; Credits to derhelge.
- 2018-02-07 - Add forgotten sync_roles task definition
- 2018-02-07 - Adopt code changes in Moodle 3.4 core auth_ldap: Assign arbitrary system roles via LDAP sync.
- 2018-02-06 - Check compatibility for Moodle 3.4, no functionality change.
- 2018-02-02 - Adopt code changes in Moodle 3.3 core auth_ldap: Sync user profile fields
- 2018-02-02 - Adopt code changes in Moodle 3.3 core auth_ldap: Convert auth plugins to use settings.php. Please double-check your plugin settings after upgrading to this version.
- 2017-12-12 - Prepare compatibility for Moodle 3.3, no functionality change.
- 2017-12-05 - Added Workaround to travis.yml for fixing Behat tests with TravisCI.
- 2017-11-08 - Updated travis.yml to use newer node version for fixing TravisCI error.
- 2017-05-29 - Add Travis CI support
- 2017-05-05 - Improve README.md
- 2017-03-03 - Adopt code changes in Moodle 3.2 core auth_ldap
- 2017-01-13 - Check compatibility for Moodle 3.2, no functionality change
- 2017-01-13 - Adopt code changes in Moodle 3.2 core auth_ldap
- 2017-01-12 - Move Changelog from README.md to CHANGES.md
- 2016-07-19 - Adopt code changes in Moodle core auth_ldap, adding the possibility to sync the "suspended" attribute
- 2016-07-19 - Check compatibility for Moodle 3.1, no functionality change
- 2016-03-20 - Edit README to reflect the current naming of the User account syncronisation setting, no functionality change
- 2016-02-10 - Change plugin version and release scheme to the scheme promoted by moodle.org, no functionality change
- 2016-01-01 - Adopt code changes in Moodle core auth_ldap, including the new scheduled task feature. If you have used a LDAP syncronization cron job before, please use the LDAP syncronisation scheduled task from now on (for details, see "Configuring LDAP synchronization task" section below)
- 2016-01-01 - Check compatibility for Moodle 3.0, no functionality change
- 2015-08-18 - Check compatibility for Moodle 2.9, no functionality change
- 2015-08-18 - Adopt a code change in Moodle core auth_ldap
- 2015-01-29 - Check compatibility for Moodle 2.8, no functionality change
- 2015-01-23 - Adopt a code change in Moodle core auth_ldap
- 2014-10-08 - Adopt a code change in Moodle core auth_ldap
- 2014-09-12 - Bugfix: Fetching user details from LDAP on manual user creation didn't work in some circumstances
- 2014-09-02 - Bugfix: Check if LDAP auth is really used on manual user creation
- 2014-08-29 - Support login via email for first-time LDAP logins (MDL-46638)
- 2014-08-29 - Update version.php
- 2014-08-29 - Update README file
- 2014-08-27 - Change line breaks to mtrace() (MDL-30589)
- 2014-08-25 - Support new event API, remove legacy event handling
- 2014-07-31 - Add event handler for "user_created" event (see "Fetching user details from LDAP on manual user creation" below for details - MDL-47029)
- 2014-06-30 - Check compatibility for Moodle 2.7, no functionality change
- 2014-03-12 - Initial version