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Releases: moonlight-stream/moonlight-qt

Moonlight PC v0.9.0

17 Feb 09:49
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Download links:

To update an existing installation, simply run the latest installer (for Windows) or replace the old app in your Applications folder (for Mac). For the portable Windows version, extract the latest version on top of your old folder.

Keyboard shortcuts:
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Q - Quit session
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Z - Toggle mouse capture
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+X - Toggle windowed/full-screen
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S - Toggle performance stats overlay

Gamepad shortcuts:
Start+Select+L1+R1 - Quit session

New features:

  • Added gamepad rumble support
  • Added a dedicated quit button to the running app tile
  • Reduced video latency on Windows and Linux
  • Added a performance stats overlay for Windows and macOS


  • Fixed delayed first video frame with GFE 3.17
  • Fixed erroneously setting host resolution to 720p in certain configurations
  • Fixed video quality issues on Intel GPUs caused by Intel's video "enhancements"
  • The connection termination dialog is no longer displayed for intentional termination
  • Fixed some gamepads only functioning for UI navigation and not in game
  • Fixed audio latency increasing when switching audio devices
  • Fixed VDPAU scaling behavior on AMD cards
  • Fixed several bugs in gamepad navigation behavior
  • Reverted game controller indexing change to fix some cases where XInput is buggy
  • Work around a bug in QGnomePlatform that breaks dialog rendering on Linux
  • Updated to Qt 5.12.1 for Windows and macOS
  • Updated included SDL gamepad mappings
  • Fixed hotkey behavior on non-latin keyboards
  • Fixed incorrect frame drop percentages in debug stats

Known Issues:

Moonlight PC v0.8.1

08 Jan 09:18
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Download links:

To update an existing installation, simply run the latest installer (for Windows) or replace the old app in your Applications folder (for Mac). For the portable Windows version, extract the latest version on top of your old folder.

Keyboard shortcuts:
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Q - Quit session
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Z - Toggle mouse capture
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+X - Toggle windowed/full-screen

Gamepad shortcuts:
Start+Select+L1+R1 - Quit session

New features:

  • Stricter adherence to the specified bitrate when streaming over the Internet


  • Fixed audio crackling that impacted certain systems
  • Fixed Wake-on-LAN packets failing to send on some systems
  • Reduced audio latency when resuming a session where audio is already playing
  • Added option to enable the old SDL audio renderer by setting ML_AUDIO=SDL
  • Updated to FFmpeg 4.1
  • Minor UI tweaks

Known Issues:

Moonlight PC v0.8.0

26 Dec 09:19
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Windows and Mac binaries are attached here. Linux binaries are available on Flathub:

To update an existing installation, simply run the latest installer (for Windows) or replace the old app in your Applications folder (for Mac). For the portable Windows version, extract the latest version on top of your old folder.

For Windows users without administrator rights (work/public PC), you can use the Portable version in the attached zip files. Normal Windows users should still use the installers.

Keyboard shortcuts:
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Q - Quit session
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Z - Toggle mouse capture
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+X - Toggle windowed/full-screen

Gamepad shortcuts:
Start+Select+L1+R1 - Quit session

New features:

  • Improved security of pairing - After this update, you must pair with your host PC again!
  • Enabled quitting games started by other Moonlight clients also running this update
  • Added a toggle to disable frame pacing to reduce video latency without turning off V-sync


  • Fixed the video bitrate slider not working above certain values on GFE 3.16
  • Reduced audio latency and audio glitches
  • Fixed some non-gamepad devices triggering the unmapped gamepad dialog box
  • Updated to Qt 5.12
  • Minor UI tweaks

Moonlight PC v0.7.0

06 Dec 07:14
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Windows and Mac binaries are attached here. Linux binaries are available on Flathub:

To update an existing installation, simply run the latest installer (for Windows) or replace the old app in your Applications folder (for Mac). For the portable Windows version, extract the latest version on top of your old folder.

For Windows users without administrator rights (work/public PC), you can use the Portable version in the attached zip files. Normal Windows users should still use the installers.

Keyboard shortcuts:
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Q - Quit session
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Z - Toggle mouse capture
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+X - Toggle windowed/full-screen

Gamepad shortcuts:
Start+Select+L1+R1 - Quit session

New features:

  • Added option to quit the app after stopping the stream
  • Added CLI option to quit the running app


  • Fixed high CPU usage on Windows when no audio was playing
  • Fixed streaming error messages not showing up when launching from CLI
  • Updated included SDL gamepad mappings
  • Various minor UI tweaks

Moonlight PC v0.6.4

21 Nov 06:46
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Moonlight PC v0.6.4 Pre-release

Windows and Mac binaries are attached here. Linux binaries are available on Flathub:

To update an existing installation, simply run the latest installer (for Windows) or replace the old app in your Applications folder (for Mac). For the portable Windows version, extract the latest version on top of your old folder.

For Windows users without administrator rights (work/public PC), you can use the Portable version in the attached zip files. Normal Windows users should still use the installers.

Keyboard shortcuts:
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Q - Quit session
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Z - Toggle mouse capture
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+X - Toggle windowed/full-screen

Gamepad shortcuts:
Start+Select+L1+R1 - Quit session

New features:

  • Added an option to stream at the client display's native refresh rate when FPS is unlocked


  • Reverted macOS builds back to SDL 2.0.8 due to crashes and other bugs
  • Fixed multiple gamepads not being detected on the host in some scenarios
  • Fixed an incorrect warning when trying to stream at 4K

Moonlight PC v0.6.3

16 Nov 09:48
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Moonlight PC v0.6.3 Pre-release

Windows and Mac binaries are attached here. Linux binaries are available on Flathub:

To update an existing installation, simply run the latest installer (for Windows) or replace the old app in your Applications folder (for Mac). For the portable Windows version, extract the latest version on top of your old folder.

For Windows users without administrator rights (work/public PC), you can use the Portable version in the attached zip files. Normal Windows users should still use the installers.

Keyboard shortcuts:
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Q - Quit session
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Z - Toggle mouse capture
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+X - Toggle windowed/full-screen

Gamepad shortcuts:
Start+Select+L1+R1 - Quit session

New features:

  • Added support for GeForce Experience 3.16
  • Added an option to force Moonlight to start in windowed mode
  • Updated to SDL 2.0.9 for Windows and macOS builds


  • Fixed scrolling not working on the settings page
  • Fixed RTSP handshake failure error in certain network configurations
  • Skipped using proxy servers when attempting to stream
  • Fixed a couple possible crashes
  • Renamed the mouse acceleration option to be more clear

Known issues:

  • Xbox One controllers connected via Bluetooth on macOS may not be mapped properly. See #133 for a workaround.
  • Moonlight may crash frequently on macOS (particularly when closing your streaming session). If your host PC is not running GeForce Experience 3.16, you can downgrade to v0.6.2 until the fix is released.

Moonlight PC v0.6.2

29 Oct 03:40
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Moonlight PC v0.6.2 Pre-release

Windows and Mac binaries are attached here. Linux binaries are available on Flathub:

To update an existing installation, simply run the latest installer (for Windows) or replace the old app in your Applications folder (for Mac). For the portable Windows version, extract the latest version on top of your old folder.

For Windows users without administrator rights (work/public PC), you can use the Portable version in the attached zip files. Normal Windows users should still use the installers.

Keyboard shortcuts:
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Q - Quit session
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Z - Toggle mouse capture
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+X - Toggle windowed/full-screen

Gamepad shortcuts:
Start+Select+L1+R1 - Quit session

New features:

  • Added automatic IP address detection for Internet streaming
  • Stream over the Internet without needing to manually forward ports using this tool on your host
  • Added a quit shortcut tip for gamepad users


  • Fixed server state polling not being stopped while streaming

Moonlight PC v0.6.1

15 Oct 06:44
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Moonlight PC v0.6.1 Pre-release

Windows and Mac binaries are attached here. Linux binaries are available on Flathub:

To update an existing installation, simply run the latest installer (for Windows) or replace the old app in your Applications folder (for Mac). For the portable Windows version, extract the latest version on top of your old folder.

For Windows users without administrator rights (work/public PC), you can use the Portable version in the attached zip files. Normal Windows users should still use the installers.

Keyboard shortcuts:
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Q - Quit session
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Z - Toggle mouse capture
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+X - Toggle windowed/full-screen

Gamepad shortcuts:
Start+Select+L1+R1 - Quit session

New features:

  • Added support for quitting Moonlight via gamepad
  • Added tooltips for games with very long names


  • Fixed broken audio on Windows when the default output device is set to 192 KHz sample rate
  • Fixed broken audio on macOS when the default output device contains certain Unicode characters #104
  • Fixed black screen when streaming from GFE versions prior to 3.11 on macOS #98
  • Fixed combo boxes on the settings page being too small for certain DPI scaling #99
  • Fixed hang with ASUS Sonic Radar 3 and other apps that use NahimicOSD.dll #102
  • Reduced power usage when Moonlight is idling in the background for a while
  • Removed some debugging checks that weren't supposed to be present in a release build

Moonlight PC v0.6.0 (Beta 3)

07 Oct 04:15
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Windows and Mac binaries are attached here. Linux binaries are available on Flathub:

To update an existing installation, simply run the latest installer (for Windows) or replace the old app in your Applications folder (for Mac). For the portable Windows version, extract the latest version on top of your old folder.

For Windows users without administrator rights (work/public PC), you can use the Portable version in the attached zip files. Normal Windows users should still use the installers.

Keyboard shortcuts:
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Q - Quit session
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Z - Toggle mouse capture
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+X - Toggle windowed/full-screen

Gamepad shortcuts:
Start+Select+L1+R1 - Quit session

New features:

  • Added keyboard and gamepad UI navigation
  • Added support for mouse X1 and X2 buttons (back and forward) - bug #91
  • Added support for mouse movement with touchscreens
  • Added support for launching streaming sessions directly from a terminal or script
  • Added quit shortcut for gamepads: Select+Start+L1+R1
  • Rewrote audio code for Windows and macOS to reduce latency and audio glitches
  • Performance enhancements to Windows and Mac hardware video decoding
  • Added detection of unmapped gamepads
  • Improved HEVC performance at high bitrates
  • Added video performance data in logs


  • Updated bundled Qt framework to 5.11.2
  • Fixed deletion of PCs not being saved - bug #82
  • Fixed some warning dialogs being stuck behind the UI window
  • Precompiled QML files to avoid writing the qmlcache directory (leaving files behind on a portable install - bug #86 )
  • Updated included gamepad mapping list

Known issues:

  • When using Moonlight on macOS, you may get a black screen when trying to stream from older versions of GeForce Experience (older than 3.11 from November 2017). Upgrading GeForce Experience on the host PC solves this issue.
  • Some text is obscured by the dropdown arrow on the settings page on high DPI Windows PCs #99
  • ASUS Sonic Radar may cause Moonlight to freeze with a white screen in full-screen mode due to a bug in the Sonic Radar overlay. Removing Sonic Radar resolves this issue. #102

Moonlight PC v0.5.1 (Beta 2.1)

16 Sep 19:30
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This is a hotfix for an Alt+Tab bug affecting Windows and Mac only. v0.5.0 is still the latest version for Linux.

Windows and Mac binaries are attached here. Linux binaries are available on Flathub:

To update an existing installation, simply run the latest installer (for Windows) or replace the old app in your Applications folder (for Mac). For the portable Windows version, extract the latest version on top of your old folder.

For Windows users without administrator rights, you can use the portable version in the attached zip files. Normal Windows users should still use the installers.

Keyboard shortcuts:
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Q - Quit session
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Z - Toggle mouse capture
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+X - Toggle windowed/full-screen

Bugfixes in v0.5.1:

  • Fixed Alt+Tab not working in full-screen mode on Windows
  • Fixed mouse focus being lost when transitioning between Spaces in Borderless Windowed mode on macOS

New features (v0.5.0):

  • Added option to enable mouse acceleration for remote desktop usage
  • Added option to disable automatic PC discovery
  • Added gamepad mappings from
  • Added help links to error dialogs
  • Added quit shortcut tip to stream loading page
  • Restored the autodetect audio configuration option

Bugfixes (v0.5.0):

  • Fixed quit app dialog starting the wrong app
  • Fixed very high input lag on GFE 3.14.0 and earlier
  • Fixed poor performance when streaming to a client with a Kepler GPU on Windows
  • Fixed video artifacts on older Intel GPU drivers by disabling HEVC for old driver versions
  • Fixed sending errant mouse click when capturing the mouse