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Davit Barbakadze edited this page Jul 7, 2015 · 16 revisions

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Table of Contents


### [QueueProgress()](/moxiecode/plupload/blob/master/src/plupload.js#L2236 "Defined at: src/plupload.js:2236")

Constructs a queue progress.

## Properties ### [size](/moxiecode/plupload/blob/master/src/plupload.js#L2245 "Defined at: src/plupload.js:2245")

Total queue file size.

### [loaded](/moxiecode/plupload/blob/master/src/plupload.js#L2253 "Defined at: src/plupload.js:2253")

Total bytes uploaded.

### [uploaded](/moxiecode/plupload/blob/master/src/plupload.js#L2261 "Defined at: src/plupload.js:2261")

Number of files uploaded.

### [failed](/moxiecode/plupload/blob/master/src/plupload.js#L2269 "Defined at: src/plupload.js:2269")

Number of files failed to upload.

### [queued](/moxiecode/plupload/blob/master/src/plupload.js#L2277 "Defined at: src/plupload.js:2277")

Number of files yet to be uploaded.

### [percent](/moxiecode/plupload/blob/master/src/plupload.js#L2285 "Defined at: src/plupload.js:2285")

Total percent of the uploaded bytes.

### [bytesPerSec](/moxiecode/plupload/blob/master/src/plupload.js#L2293 "Defined at: src/plupload.js:2293")

Bytes uploaded per second.

## Methods ### [reset()](/moxiecode/plupload/blob/master/src/plupload.js#L2301 "Defined at: src/plupload.js:2301")

Resets the progress to its initial values.