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mpi4jax: Zero-copy MPI communication of JAX arrays |
10 June 2021 |
paper.bib |
The tensor framework JAX [@jax] combines expressivity and performance while retaining an accessible pure Python interface. Expressivity is achieved by treating functions as first-class objects, while efficiency is obtained by compiling to machine code just-ahead-of-time.
However, machine learning and (high-performance) scientific computing are often conducted on different hardware stacks: Machine learning is typically done on few highly parallel units (GPUs or TPUs) connected to a single host CPU, while scientific models tend to run on clusters of dozens to thousands of CPUs. Unfortunately, support from JAX and the underlying compiler XLA is more mature in the former case. Notably, there is so far no built-in solution to communicate data between different nodes that is as sophisticated as the widely used MPI (Message Passing Interface) libraries [@mpistandard].
We attempt to fill this gap and introduce mpi4jax
, a Python library bringing first-class support for the most important MPI operations to JAX.
We achieve this by defining a set of primitive functions matching MPI's operations, instructing JAX how to transform them and providing a native implementation to execute them.
This has the result that users can communicate arbitrary JAX data without performance or usability penalties.
In particular, mpi4jax
is able to communicate data without copying from CPU and GPU memory (if built against a CUDA-aware MPI library) between one or multiple hosts (e.g. via an Infiniband network on a cluster).
This also means that existing applications using NumPy and mpi4py
can be ported seamlessly to the JAX ecosystem for potentially significant performance gains.
For decades, high-performance computing has been done primarily in low-level programming languages like Fortran or C. But the ubiquity of Python is starting to spill into this domain as well, thanks to its strong library ecosystem and wide adoption throughout the sciences.
With a combination of NumPy [@numpy] and mpi4py
[@mpi4py], Python users can already build massively parallel applications without delving into low-level programming languages, which is often advantageous when human time is more valuable than computing time.
However, such high-level frameworks are not always able to achieve peak performance, especially in more niche workloads.
Google's JAX library leverages the XLA compiler and supports just-in-time compilation (JIT) of (a subset of) Python code to XLA primitives. The result is highly competitive performance on both CPU and GPU [@pyhpc-benchmarks]. This approach, conceptually similar to Julia's deferred compilation model [@Bezanson2017], achieves low-level performance in a high-level language. With a strong performance baseline on single devices, the only thing missing is easy scalability to massively parallel hardware stacks, which we supply here.
Two real-world use cases for mpi4jax
are the ocean model Veros [@hafner_veros_2018] and the machine learning toolkit for many-body quantum systems NetKet [@carleo_netket_2019]:
In the case of Veros, MPI primitives are needed to communicate overlapping grid cells between processes. Communication primitives are buried deep into the physical subroutines. Therefore, refactoring the codebase to leave
every time data needs to be communicated would severely break the control flow of the model and incur a hefty performance loss (in addition to the cost of copying data from and to JAX). Throughmpi4jax
, it is possible to apply the JIT compiler to whole subroutines to avoid this entirely. -
In the case of NetKet, a high efficiency algorithm for natural gradient optimization requires finding the solution of a large linear system
$A x= y$ . The matrix$A$ is determined by running automatic differentiation on a neural network model whose inputs might be distributed across several computing nodes and GPUs. Therefore, the need to differentiate through distributed reduction operations inside of a linear solver arises.
combines JAX's custom call mechanism with mpi4py.libmpi
(which exposes MPI C primitives as Cython callables).
The implementation of a primitive in mpi4jax
consists of two parts:
A Python module, registering a new primitive with JAX. JAX primitives consist of an abstract evaluation rule and several translation rules. Abstract evaluation rules are used by the compiler to infer the output shapes and data types without running the actual computation, while translation rules determine the specific computational kernel and prepare the input buffers.
In particular, we need to ensure that all numerical input data is of the expected type (e.g., by converting Python integers to the C type
) before passing it on to XLA. A different translation rule is necessary for every type of backend, such as CPUs, GPUs and TPUs.On specific primitives we also define a transposition and JVP (Jacobian-vector product) rule to support forward and reverse mode automatic differentiation.
A Cython [@cython] function that casts raw input arguments passed by XLA to their true C type, so they can be passed on to MPI. On CPU, arguments are given in the form of arrays of void pointers,
, so we use static casts for conversion. On GPU, input data is given as a raw char array,char*
, which we deserialize to a custom Cythonstruct
whose fields represent the input data.On GPU, our Cython bridge also supports copying the data from device to host and back before and after calling MPI (by linking
to the CUDA runtime library). This way, we support the communication of GPU data via main memory if the underlying MPI library is not built with CUDA support (at a minor performance penalty).
This is sufficient for our primitives to be callable from compiled JAX code. However, there is one additional complication: we need to take special care to ensure that MPI statements are not re-ordered. Consider the following example:
def exchange_data(arr):
if rank == 0:
# rank 0 sends, then receives
mpi4jax.send(arr, dest=1)
newarr = mpi4jax.recv(arr, source=1)
# rank 1 receives, then sends
newarr = mpi4jax.recv(arr, source=0)
mpi4jax.send(arr, dest=0)
return newarr
As JAX and XLA operate on the assumption that all primitives are pure functions without side effects, the compiler is in principle free to re-order the send
and recv
statements above. This would typically lead to a deadlock or crash, as both processes might wait for each others' input at the same time.
The solution to this in JAX is a token mechanism that involves threading a dummy token value as input and output through each primitive. This introduces a fake data dependency between subsequent calls using the token, which prevents XLA from re-ordering them relative to each other.
The example above, using proper token management, reads:
def exchange_data(arr):
if rank == 0:
token = mpi4jax.send(arr, dest=1)
newarr, token = mpi4jax.recv(arr, source=1, token=token)
newarr, token = mpi4jax.recv(arr, source=0)
token = mpi4jax.send(arr, dest=0, token=token)
return newarr
As a result, we are successfully able to execute MPI primitives just as if they were JAX primitives. This incurs minimal overhead, as no data is copied between JAX and MPI. All mpi4jax
primitives operate directly on device memory addresses (this is what we refer to as zero-copy).
We can quantify this overhead by comparing the runtime of a JAX function with and without using an mpi4jax
call. We also exclude the time spent inside the MPI library by using mpi4jax
's debug logging mechanism (benchmark script available online). This reveals an overhead of about 1µs, which is negligible in virtually any real-world application.
As of yet, mpi4jax
supports the MPI operations allgather
, allreduce
, alltoall
, bcast
, gather
, recv
, reduce
, scan
, scatter
, send
, and sendrecv
[@mpistandard]. Most still unsupported operations such as gatherv
could be implemented with little additional work if needed by an application.
As a demo application, and to use as a benchmark, we have ported a non-linear shallow water solver to JAX and parallelized it with mpi4jax
In this simple example, all workers operate on a rectangular region of the 2D domain (split evenly into [nproc / 2, 2]
chunks). All communication is handled via halo exchanges, i.e., each chunk contains 1 extra cell around the perimeter of the domain and exchanges it with its neighbors when needed. As this is a simple problem on a regular grid, the mesh partitioning is done manually.
The full example is available in the mpi4jax
repository. It defines a function enforce_boundaries
where we use mpi4jax
to handle halo exchanges between all MPI processes. The core of it reads similar to this (plus some special cases to take care of processes at the edges of the domain):
def enforce_boundaries(arr, grid, token):
# start sending west / receiving east, go clockwise
send_order = ("west", "north", "east", "south")
recv_order = ("east", "south", "west", "north")
# loop over neighbors
for send_dir, recv_dir in zip(send_order, recv_order):
# determine neighboring processes
send_proc = proc_neighbors[send_dir]
recv_proc = proc_neighbors[recv_dir]
# determine data to send
send_idx = overlap_slices_send[send_dir]
send_arr = arr[send_idx]
# determine where to place received data
recv_idx = overlap_slices_recv[recv_dir]
recv_arr = jnp.empty_like(arr[recv_idx])
# execute send-receive operation
recv_arr, token = mpi4jax.sendrecv(
# update array with received data
arr = arr.at[recv_idx].set(recv_arr)
return arr
Then, it can be used in the physical simulation like this:
def shallow_water_step(state):
token = jax.lax.create_token()
# ...
fe = fe.at[1:-1, 1:-1].set(
0.5 * (hc[1:-1, 1:-1] + hc[1:-1, 2:]) * u[1:-1, 1:-1]
fn = fn.at[1:-1, 1:-1].set(
0.5 * (hc[1:-1, 1:-1] + hc[2:, 1:-1]) * v[1:-1, 1:-1]
fe, token = enforce_boundaries(fe, "u", token)
fn, token = enforce_boundaries(fn, "v", token)
# ...
Note how we are able to mix boundary communication with numerical computation in the same jax.jit
block. This would not be possible without mpi4jax
To verify the performance scaling of the solver with additional processes, we performed a rudimentary benchmark by running a bigger version of this example (shape 3600
Platform | # processes | Elem. per worker | Time (s) | Rel. speedup |
CPU | 1 (NumPy) | 6.5M | 770 | 1 |
CPU | 1 | 6.5M | 112 | 6.9 |
2 | 3.2M | 90 | 8.6 | |
4 | 1.6M | 39 | 19 | |
6 | 0.8M | 29 | 27 | |
8 | 0.4M | 21 | 37 | |
16 | 0.2M | 16 | 48 | |
GPU | 1 | 6.5M | 6.3 | 122 |
2 | 3.2M | 3.9 | 197 |
(The test hardware consists of 2x Intel Xeon E5-2650 v4 CPUs and 2x NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPUs.)
As we can see, switching from NumPy to JAX already yields a substantial speedup, which we can then amplify by scaling to additional CPUs or GPUs.
More in-depth benchmarks on larger architectures are available for the Veros ocean model, which uses mpi4jax
to parallelize its JAX backend.
In this paper, we introduced mpi4jax
, which allows zero-copy communication of JAX-owned data. mpi4jax
provides an implementation of the most important MPI operations in a way that is usable from JAX compiled code.
However, JAX is much more than just a JIT compiler.
It is also a full-fledged differentiable programming framework by providing tools for automatic differentiation (e.g. via jax.grad
, jax.vjp
, and jax.jvp
). Differentiable programming is a promising new paradigm to combine advances in machine learning and physical modelling [@diffprog1; @diffprog2], and being able to freely distribute those models among different nodes will allow for even more powerful applications.
Combining automatic-differentiation with the multi-process nature of MPI
workloads is not trivial, and right now mpi4jax
allows to differentiate only few communication primitives.
An interesting future development for the library will be to properly support the whole set of operations, enabling fully differentiable, distributed physical simulations without additional user code.
We thank all JAX developers, in particular Matthew Johnson and Peter Hawkins, for their outstanding support on the many issues we opened. We also thank Himanshu Sharma and Ellert van der Velden for their insightful review comments.
DH acknowledges funding from the Danish Hydrocarbon Research and Technology Centre (DHRTC).
FV acknowledges support from G. Carleo and funding from the Simons Foundation and Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne.