Javarel introduces JAX-RS support using Jersey implementation. To configure it, we have to simply create various types of REST resources.
Simplest example. Let's say hello to world!
class FrontController {
fun getHello(): String {
return "Hello World!"
Now, get closer into automatic serialization. Let's create a simple controller which will serve Javarel version as JSON at path '/javarel'.
fun getVersion(): Any {
return mapOf(
"version" to JavarelConstants.VERSION
Whenever your controller is being accessed, we want to use some services.
- Non-request scoped services can be just standard OSGi services. Annotate field with
. - Request scoped services must be bound manually. Annotate field with
or sometimes by@Context
(for injecting e.gHttpHeaders
). For more details see Jersey docs.
class SomeController {
protected lateinit var resourceResolver: ResourceResolver
protected lateinit var guard: Guard
To bind request-scoped service to an interface, extend AbstractBinder
and annotate that class with @Binder
to get it automatically registered.
class AuthBinder : AbstractBinder() {
override fun configure() {
bindRequestScoped(SessionGuard::class, Guard::class)
bindRequestScoped(RequestSession::class, Session::class)
Use JAX-RS @Provider
annotation to extend REST application. To cover e.g exception handling, extend fail-safe implementation of mapper by above:
class ExceptionMapper : ThrowableExceptionMapper() {
private var resolver: ResourceResolver? = null
override fun map(causeException: Throwable) : Response {
when (causeException) {
is NotFoundException,
is ResourceNotFoundException -> {
// handle 404
else -> {
// handle error by sending e-mail, logging etc
In the same way JSON and XML serialization is being registered. See explanation.
If you really need to use old servlet API to register your endpoint you can use whiteboard pattern. Just register new services under correct interface.
@Component(immediate = true)
Property(name = "alias", value = "/bin/sample")
class SampleServlet : HttpServlet() {
override fun doGet(request: HttpServletRequest, respone: HttpServletResponse) {
response.writer.write("Hello World!")
Warning! Be sure that your alias begins with one of prefixes defined in OSGi configuration named "Javarel REST Configuration". Default convention is to register 3rd party servlets under '/bin' prefix.
@Component(immediate = true)
Property(name = "pattern", value = ".*")
Property(name = "service.ranking", value = "10")
class SampleFilter : Filter {
override fun init(filterConfig: FilterConfig?) {
// nothing to do
override fun doFilter(request: ServletRequest, response: ServletResponse, chain: FilterChain?) {
// ...
override fun destroy() {
// nothing to do