- Adapting to Android Gradle Plugin 8.0 Without Using the AGP Upgrading Assistant
- Adapting to Android Kotlin Plugin 1.8.0+
The iOS navigation native framework has been updated to version v2.1.0, and Bitcode support has been disabled. This change is breaking for projects that require Bitcode.
- Ensure you update your project settings to account for the disabled Bitcode when integrating this framework version.
The Android navigation native framework has been updated to version v1.4.0 and now supports Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) 8.0+.
- If your project is using AGP 8.0 or above, please upgrade to this version.
- Updated the iOS navigation native framework to version v2.1.0.
- Updated the Android navigation native framework to version v1.4.0.
- Added support for the 'allow' parameter in route request options.
- Add an avoidType field in the route request parameters to accept a List as its type, which enhances support for the 'avoid' parameter.
- Update android native framework to 1.3.10
- Disable automatic theme switching in tunnel mode on Android to fix the crash issue occurring during navigation
- Update the android navigation native framework to 1.3.9
- Update the iOS navigation native framework to 1.6.1
- Remove NbmapDirections.xcframework from NbmapCoreNavigation and merged related classes into NbmapCoreNavigation.
- Upgrade the dependency version of NBmaps.xcframework to 1.1.5
- Optimization: Simplified Route Switching Handling, by removing unnecessary list operations, the new code is more efficient.
- Previous Implementation:
- When a route was selected, the code moved the selected route to the beginning of the list and redrew the routes.
- New Implementation:
- Simplified the logic to just set primaryIndex to selectedRouteIndex.
navNextBillionMap.addRouteSelectedListener(coordinates, (selectedRouteIndex) { if (routes.isNotEmpty) { primaryIndex = selectedRouteIndex; } });
- Simplified the logic to just set primaryIndex to selectedRouteIndex.
- Previous Implementation:
- Bug Fix: Primary Route Selection
- Issue: The selected route was not being used as the primary route; the default behavior was always using routes.first.
- Fix: Updated the configuration to support the selected route as the primary route.
NavigationLauncherConfig config = NavigationLauncherConfig(route: selectedRoute, routes: routes);
- Update the android navigation native framework to 1.3.6 to fix the speedometer view shown issue on the [NBNavigationView]
- Fix speedometer not shown on Android when use [NBNavigationView]
- Add [showSpeedometer] property to [NavigationLauncherConfig] to support showing the speedometer on the navigation screen
- Fix [NBNavigationView.onArriveAtWaypoint] callback not triggered on iOS when arrive at waypoint
- Add [NBNavigationView.onRerouteFailureCallback] callback to support listening to the navigation reroute failure event
- Add [NBNavigationView.onRerouteAlongCallback] callback to support listening to the navigation reroute along event
- Fix [DirectionsRoute.fromJson] issue
- Error: type 'Map<dynamic,dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'Map<String,dynamic>' in type cast
- Add [NavNextBillionMap.drawIndependentRoutes] method to support drawing a list of independent routes on the map
- Updated the android navigation native framework to 1.3.5
- Fix the speedometer format issue on the navigation screen
- Updated the iOS navigation native framework to 1.5.1
- Fix a iOS crash issue when on tap the area outside the arrival dialog view
- Error: [NbmapNavigation.ArrivedViewController handleDismissTapWithSender:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance
- Introduce NBNavigationView widget to support Embedding NavigationView in Flutter app
- NBNavigationView({ super.key, required this.navigationOptions, this.onNavigationViewReady, this.onProgressChange, this.onNavigationCancelling, this.onArriveAtWaypoint, this.onRerouteFromLocation, })
- Updated the android navigation native framework to 1.3.4
- Updated iOS navigation native framework to 1.5.0
- Updated dependencies to support new user-agent format in the network requests
- Updated the nb_maps_flutter dependency to 0.4.2
- Updated the android navigation native framework to 1.3.3
- Updated iOS navigation native framework from 1.3.3 to 1.4.8
- Updated the nb_maps_flutter dependency to 0.4.1
- Add avoid options
- SupportedAvoid.uTurn
- SupportedAvoid.sharpTurn
- SupportedAvoid.serviceRoad
- Add route request params
- hazmatType
- approaches
- Updated the nb_maps_flutter dependency to 0.4.0
- Fix state error exception when the widget is disposed
- Error: This NextbillionMapController has already been disposed. This happens if flutter disposes a NBMap and you try to use its Controller afterwards.
- Added Unit Tests
- Supporting set user id (HTTP Request's User-Agent)
- NBNavigation.setUserId(userId)
- Supporting get the current nbid
- NBNavigation.getNBId()
- Configure the minimum flutter version to 3.3.0
- Fix the build error
- Error: No named parameter with the name 'size'
- Configure the minimum flutter version to 3.22.0 and fix the build error
- Error: No named parameter with the name 'size'
- Refactor the way to return route results from NBNavigation.fetchRoute()
- Remove the route result callback from NBNavigation.fetchRoute()
- Return the route result with
- Refactor NavNextbillionMap constructor
- Remove the unnecessary await from constructor
- Use factory to initialize NavNextbillionMap constructor
- Update the android navigation native framework to 1.3.0
- Update nb_maps_flutter dependency to 0.3.5
- Update nb_maps_flutter dependency to 0.3.4
- Remove unnecessary await in the NavNextbillionMap
- Update nb_maps_flutter dependency to 0.3.1
- Remove the restriction on the initialization timing of the NavNextBillionMap object
- Update the android navigation native framework to 1.2.5
- Update iOS navigation native framework from 1.3.3
- Update the android navigation native framework to 1.2.0
- Update iOS navigation native framework from 1.2.12
- Add avoid none option in route request params
- SupportedAvoid.none to avoid noting during the route.
- Update the android navigation native framework to 1.1.8
- Update nb_maps_flutter Plugin to 0.3.0
- Update the android navigation native framework to 1.1.5
- Update iOS navigation native framework from 1.2.11
- Support previewing navigation processes based on a given route
- NBNavigation.startPreviewNavigation(route)
- Support to specify the callback that will be executed when user exit navigation
- NBNavigation.setOnNavigationExitCallback(callback)
- Update the android navigation native framework to 1.0.7
- Update iOS navigation native framework from 1.2.6
- Update nb_maps_flutter dependency to 0.2.0
- Change the route request params geometryType to geometry
- routeRequestParams.geometry = SupportedGeometry.polyline6
- Support animate map camera into bounds with route points
- var latLngBounds = LatLngBounds.fromMultiLatLng(multiPoints); controller?.animateCamera(CameraUpdate.newLatLngBounds(latLngBounds, top: 50, left: 50, right: 50, bottom: 50));
- Update nb_maps_flutter dependency from 0.1.5 to 0.1.6
- Update the route wayPoint label style
- Update the android navigation native framework from 1.0.5 to 1.0.6
- Update iOS navigation native framework from 1.2.1 to 1.2.3
- Fix voice spoken issue
- Fix lane voice instructions issue
- Refactor the way to custom navigation style (iOS)
- Fix sometimes destination icon missing issue (Android)
- Update nb_maps_flutter dependency from 0.1.1 to 0.1.5
- Update the android navigation native framework from 1.0.0 to 1.0.5
- Update iOS navigation native framework from 1.1.5 to 1.2.1
- Update the default map style
- Support to custom the routing baseUri
- Update the location coordinate type in RouteRequestParams
- Complete the route result module
- Update iOS framework
- Fix Navigation Reroute issue
- Add permissions annotation
- Maps Plugin
- Support fetch route
- RouteRequestParams
- Support draw route line on MapView
- Support alternative routes
- Toggle alternative line visibility
- Toggle Route duration symbol visibility
- Launch Navigation with given route
- route
- routes (all routes contain alternative routes)
- themeMode: system(default), light, dark
- locationLayerRenderMode: default LocationLayerRenderMode.GPS
- enableDissolvedRouteLine: default true
- Customize Route line appearance
- route line Shield Color
- alternative Route line ShieldColor
- route width
- route color
- alternative route color
- route origin marker image
- route destination marker image
- Customize Navigation View appearance