We try to make the library as fast as possible, without compromising on readability of the code or features.
All the components can easily be swapped out with your own.
Nextcore offers fine-grained control over things most libraries don't support.
This currently includes:
- Setting priority for individual requests
- Swapping out components
A simple "ping pong" example in nextcore. This will respond with "pong" each time someone sends "ping" in the chat.
import asyncio
from os import environ
from typing import cast
from discord_typings import MessageData
from nextcore.gateway import ShardManager
from nextcore.http import BotAuthentication, HTTPClient, Route
# Constants
AUTHENTICATION = BotAuthentication(environ["TOKEN"])
# Intents are a way to select what intents Discord should send to you.
# For a list of intents see https://discord.dev/topics/gateway#gateway-intents
INTENTS = GUILD_MESSAGES_INTENT | MESSAGE_CONTENT_INTENT # Guild messages and message content intents.
# Create a HTTPClient and a ShardManager.
# A ShardManager is just a neat wrapper around Shard objects.
http_client = HTTPClient()
shard_manager = ShardManager(AUTHENTICATION, INTENTS, http_client)
async def on_message(message: MessageData):
# This function will be called every time a message is sent.
if message["content"] == "ping":
# Send a pong message to respond.
route = Route("POST", "/channels/{channel_id}/messages", channel_id=message["channel_id"])
await http_client.request(
json={"content": "pong"},
async def main():
await http_client.setup()
# This should return once all shards have started to connect.
# This does not mean they are connected.
await shard_manager.connect()
# Raise a error and exit whenever a critical error occurs
(error,) = await shard_manager.dispatcher.wait_for(lambda: True, "critical")
raise cast(Exception, error)
More examples can be seen in the examples directory.
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