These instructions will vary depending on your operating system. I can only hope it works on Mac, but I have no way of testing it at this moment
Should not be neccecary on Debian/Ubuntu when using the .deb
package from releases
By default udev denies access to devices by non-root users.
Meaning you can run luxafor-ui using sudo luxafor-ui
, but I would advice you to add this udev rule
To give yourself access you must explicitly add the device through a udev rule
Run the included udev-cfg script
sudo ./
Or manually copy the included udev rules file into the rules folder and reload udev:
# Copy udev rule into rules directory
sudo cp ./udev-rule/99-luxafor-ui.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
# Reload udev
sudo udevadm control -R
After this, unplug and plug back in the Flag. You should now be able to control the busylight
Nothing. It should just work.