This file contains ideas to "enhance" the original Age of Kings gameplay. Don't worry, vanilla mode will always be available.
- Change view distance (Line of sight / Fog of War)
- Fog, rain, winter, summer
- Unit slowdowns (depending on terrain)
- Can be predicted by tech
- Can be modified globally or locally (by voodoo priests)
- Buildings made out of wood and other flammable material can be lit.
- Fire departments in the city can extinguish those fires (Stronghold anybody?).
- Sneaky spies could burn your city down
- At night: View distance reduced, everything darker.
- Villagers need sleep, otherwise they die at work.
- Chemistry industry: Coffeine, Peniciline, ...?
- A single villager can hide (per some tile area) in the forest for sneak attacks. Maybe can only visible to a certain type of unit. But invisible to other villagers (until they pop out and start building stuff)
- Villagers can dig down, can discover natural resources.
- Dirt, stone, etc are new resources, can be placed elsewhere
- (add any minecraft/terraria-like stuff here)
- Maps with infinite size! (Your PC is the limit!)
- Spherical/Toroidal/Cylindrical surfaces would be possible, too.
- Only newly-built units receive the bonus when units are upgraded
- Already-built units need to be "overhauled" for a cost back at the barracks. (reminder: just an idea, there will be vanilla mode)
- Research should be placed in creating order, like in WarCraft. It's too annoying to click on building again after each research
The map has a bunch of zombie spawners; after an initial build-up phase, they start producing waves zombie hordes, fast zombies, tanks, petard zombies; the zombie AI tries to get to your villagers (magic pathfinding); killed units turn into zombies as well. spawners can be destroyed, but the closer or the more powerful you get, the more zombies will spawn. To win, survive for a specified period of time, build a wonder, or destroy the spawners (or something...).
Similar to "Murder the King", but with a building. Players have some time to fortify their castle. A player loses if the castle falls.
- Manually coloring units (e.g. for teammates)
- "Mobile ping": designated unit pings its position periodically
- Implicite group definitions/reselections (double-click?)
- Move groups as group, or each unit with its own movement speed
- Auto-resolution of blocking situations
- Individual path searching cost for tiles
- Allow user to mark parts of the map as more expensive
- Auto-set a higher path cost for tiles in the firing range of an enemy castle
- Allow setting any number of waypoints (basically an extension of the 'patrol' mechanic)
- Formations:
- Attack/defense bonuses for some unit formations.
- Dependent on minimum amount of units in this formation.
- New marching formation with speed bonus but defense malus.
- Cavalry flanking
- Restrictions for action areas (don't do anything here)
- Wood chopping
- Castle rampages
- Avoid hazardous areas during pathfinding (via a cost modifier)
- Automatically for stationary hazards (castles, towers, ...)
- Manually "painted" areas
- Emergency evacuation points
- Formations and movement when attacking
- Dynamic hardlocking on target units when attacking
- Don't lock on unreachable current target
- Attack the blocking units first
- Aggressive stance for monks (auto-convert)
- Auto-flee stance (especially for monks): Auto-task "flee" action as soon as an enemy unit comes near
- Non-coward stance for villagers
- Allow selecting the default stance
- Most of the above should be available as lobby settings
- Boosts/handicaps such as resource multipliers for players
- Forced no-rush (timelimit or score limit until attacks are possible)
- Some kind of "official" account on servers for everybody
- Automatic skill groups to create balanced matches
- We can show the world that competitive games can be free open source!
- Better team interaction
- Work/resource sharing
- Unit sharing (transport boats)
- Color markings
- Create signs
- Paint on map
- Create arrows
Play on one single map with 9001 players. Dynamically extend the map.
Massively slow down the game speed, and you get a "browser game"-like experience.
- Ability to build bridges in water
- Blocks ships, allows land units to walk
- Forgotten Empires might already have wooden bridge textures
- Destructible, repairable, ...
- Long build time
- Forest regeneration or seeding
- Mills can produce sheep, cows, turkeys, etc.
Stone cost for all buildings, rebalance stone amount per pile. Maybe new deep stone mines for later ages.
- Big fat damage numbers!!!1
- Friendly-fire toggle!!111