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Magento 2 Module for Nofrixion Payments online payments for your Magento 2 store.

System Requirements

The NoFrixion payments module is designed to be compatible Magento 2.4.4 onwards (note, support for the 2.4.0-2.4.3 release line ended on November 28, 2022).

For the underlying Magento dependencies, please refer to the Magento system requirements.

Installation, Updates & Removal

It is recommended to use the composer PHP package manager for production magento deployments. composer can be used to install, update and remove the NoFrixion magento 2 module.


Install the NoFrixion payments module using composer by running the following commands:

composer require nofrixion/magento2-payments-module
php bin/magento module:enable Nofrixion_Payments
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento cache:flush

* it is also possible to install the module by downloading the ZIP file from github and extracting it to {magento-install-directory/app/code/Nofrixion/Payments. Then run the last four commands in the sequence above to enable the plugin. This method is NOT recommended for production environments.

Note, there are several third-party caching products that may be deployed in your Magento environment and prevent the payments module from appearing in the Magento administration interface. If the Nofrixion Payments module is not visible after following the above steps, most third party caches will be cleared by restarting the apache server.


If you have installed the payments module using the composer command specified above, you can update the plugin using composer. From a shell session on your magento server, run:

composer update nofrixion/magento2-payments-module
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento cache:flush

If you are updating a production environment, we recommend placing the store in maintenance mode first.


To remove the payment module:

  • Login to the Magento storefront administration panel and:
    • Disable the module in the Stores -> Configuration -> Sales -> Payment Methods section.
    • Go to the cache management page and refresh any caches with a status of 'invalidated'.
  • Open a shell to your Magento server and:
    • Disable the module at server level by running php bin/magento module:disable Nofrixion_Payments.
    • Run composer remove nofrixion/magento2-payments-module.
    • Apply database updates by running php bin/magento setup:upgrade (for production, also add the parameter --keep-generated or you will need to run php bin/magento setup:di:compile again.)
  • Depending on how caching services are configured on your Magento server it may be necessary to restart the application stack at this point.


See the NoFrixion guide on configuring the magento2-payments-module

Known Issues

There is a known issue where PayPal buttons render over the tooltip. This has not been directly fixed in the plugin as it would would involve applying styles to another vendor's module. Affected merchants can resolve this issue by applying the following style to the header section of the Magento storefront theme via Content -> Design -> Configuration.

iframe {
    z-index: 1 !important;


If something goes wrong during installation or during deployment, just follow the typical Magento 2 module installation steps. The NoFrixion Payments module follows all Magento 2 standards and should not be any different.

  1. Switch or make sure you are in developer mode
  2. Remove all temporary files to make sure your latest changes are being applied. This is done by emptying the cache (typically in MAGENTO_ROOT/var/cache or your cache server, like Redis) and the files generated in MAGENTO_ROOT/generated and MAGENTO_ROOT/var/view_preprocessed.
  3. Try again
  4. If this is a production server, make sure you switch back to production mode