1 | 1 | <?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
2 | 2 | <databaseChangeLog xmlns="http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog" xmlns:ext="http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog-ext" xmlns:pro="http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/pro" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog-ext http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog/dbchangelog-ext.xsd http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/pro http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/pro/liquibase-pro-latest.xsd http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog/dbchangelog-latest.xsd">
3 |
| - <property name="NOW" value="now()" dbms="mysql,h2"/> |
| 3 | + <property name="NOW" value="now() " dbms="mysql,h2"/> |
4 | 4 | <property name="NOW" value="CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" dbms="postgresql"/>
5 | 5 | <property name="NOW" value="sysdate" dbms="oracle"/>
6 |
| - |
7 |
| - <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740060932516-1"> |
| 6 | + |
| 7 | + <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740266386086-1"> |
8 | 8 | <createTable tableName="meeting">
9 | 9 | <column name="id" type="UUID">
10 | 10 | <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="meeting_pkey"/>
50 | 50 | <column name="series_end_time" type="TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE"/>
51 | 51 | </createTable>
52 | 52 | </changeSet>
53 |
| - <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740060932516-2"> |
| 53 | + <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740266386086-2"> |
54 | 54 | <createTable tableName="notification">
55 | 55 | <column name="id" type="UUID">
56 | 56 | <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="notification_pkey"/>
69 | 69 | <column name="room_deletion_due_date" type="TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE"/>
70 | 70 | </createTable>
71 | 71 | </changeSet>
72 |
| - <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740060932516-3"> |
| 72 | + <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740266386086-3"> |
73 | 73 | <createTable tableName="meeting_participant">
74 | 74 | <column name="id" type="UUID">
75 | 75 | <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="meeting_participant_pkey"/>
88 | 88 | </column>
89 | 89 | </createTable>
90 | 90 | </changeSet>
91 |
| - <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740060932516-4"> |
| 91 | + <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740266386086-4"> |
92 | 92 | <createTable tableName="batch_job_instance">
93 | 93 | <column name="job_instance_id" type="BIGINT">
94 | 94 | <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="batch_job_instance_pkey"/>
102 | 102 | </column>
103 | 103 | </createTable>
104 | 104 | </changeSet>
105 |
| - <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740060932516-5"> |
| 105 | + <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740266386086-5"> |
106 | 106 | <createIndex indexName="meeting_end_time_idx" tableName="meeting">
107 | 107 | <column name="end_time"/>
108 | 108 | </createIndex>
109 | 109 | </changeSet>
110 |
| - <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740060932516-6"> |
| 110 | + <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740266386086-6"> |
111 | 111 | <createIndex indexName="meeting_created_at_idx" tableName="meeting">
112 |
| - <column name="created_at"/> |
| 112 | + <column defaultValueComputed="${NOW}" name="created_at"/> |
113 | 113 | </createIndex>
114 | 114 | </changeSet>
115 |
| - <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740060932516-7"> |
| 115 | + <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740266386086-7"> |
116 | 116 | <createIndex indexName="notification_user_id_idx" tableName="notification">
117 | 117 | <column name="user_id"/>
118 | 118 | </createIndex>
119 | 119 | </changeSet>
120 |
| - <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740060932516-8"> |
| 120 | + <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740266386086-8"> |
121 | 121 | <createIndex indexName="meeting_participant_meeting_id_idx" tableName="meeting_participant">
122 | 122 | <column name="meeting_id"/>
123 | 123 | </createIndex>
124 | 124 | </changeSet>
125 |
| - <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740060932516-9" dbms="postgresql"> |
| 125 | + <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740266386086-9" dbms="postgresql"> |
126 | 126 | <createIndex indexName="meeting_participant_email_upper_idx" tableName="meeting_participant">
127 | 127 | <column computed="true" name="upper((email)::text)"/>
128 | 128 | </createIndex>
129 | 129 | </changeSet>
130 |
| - <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740060932516-10"> |
| 130 | + <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740266386086-10"> |
131 | 131 | <addUniqueConstraint columnNames="job_name, job_key" constraintName="job_inst_un" tableName="batch_job_instance"/>
132 | 132 | </changeSet>
133 |
| - <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740060932516-11"> |
| 133 | + <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740266386086-11"> |
134 | 134 | <createSequence cacheSize="1" cycle="false" dataType="bigint" incrementBy="1" maxValue="9223372036854775807" minValue="1" sequenceName="batch_job_execution_seq" startValue="1"/>
135 | 135 | </changeSet>
136 |
| - <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740060932516-12"> |
| 136 | + <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740266386086-12"> |
137 | 137 | <createSequence cacheSize="1" cycle="false" dataType="bigint" incrementBy="1" maxValue="9223372036854775807" minValue="1" sequenceName="batch_job_seq" startValue="1"/>
138 | 138 | </changeSet>
139 |
| - <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740060932516-13"> |
| 139 | + <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740266386086-13"> |
140 | 140 | <createSequence cacheSize="1" cycle="false" dataType="bigint" incrementBy="1" maxValue="9223372036854775807" minValue="1" sequenceName="batch_step_execution_seq" startValue="1"/>
141 | 141 | </changeSet>
142 |
| - <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740060932516-14"> |
| 142 | + <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740266386086-14"> |
143 | 143 | <createTable tableName="batch_job_execution">
144 | 144 | <column name="job_execution_id" type="BIGINT">
145 | 145 | <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="batch_job_execution_pkey"/>
159 | 159 | <column name="last_updated" type="TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE"/>
160 | 160 | </createTable>
161 | 161 | </changeSet>
162 |
| - <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740060932516-15"> |
| 162 | + <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740266386086-15"> |
163 | 163 | <createTable tableName="batch_job_execution_context">
164 | 164 | <column name="job_execution_id" type="BIGINT">
165 | 165 | <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="batch_job_execution_context_pkey"/>
170 | 170 | <column name="serialized_context" type="TEXT"/>
171 | 171 | </createTable>
172 | 172 | </changeSet>
173 |
| - <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740060932516-16"> |
| 173 | + <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740266386086-16"> |
174 | 174 | <createTable tableName="batch_job_execution_params">
175 | 175 | <column name="job_execution_id" type="BIGINT">
176 | 176 | <constraints nullable="false"/>
187 | 187 | </column>
188 | 188 | </createTable>
189 | 189 | </changeSet>
190 |
| - <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740060932516-17"> |
| 190 | + <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740266386086-17"> |
191 | 191 | <createTable tableName="batch_step_execution">
192 | 192 | <column name="step_execution_id" type="BIGINT">
193 | 193 | <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="batch_step_execution_pkey"/>
220 | 220 | <column name="last_updated" type="TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE"/>
221 | 221 | </createTable>
222 | 222 | </changeSet>
223 |
| - <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740060932516-18"> |
| 223 | + <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740266386086-18"> |
224 | 224 | <createTable tableName="batch_step_execution_context">
225 | 225 | <column name="step_execution_id" type="BIGINT">
226 | 226 | <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="batch_step_execution_context_pkey"/>
231 | 231 | <column name="serialized_context" type="TEXT"/>
232 | 232 | </createTable>
233 | 233 | </changeSet>
234 |
| - <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740060932516-19"> |
| 234 | + <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740266386086-19"> |
235 | 235 | <createTable tableName="shedlock">
236 | 236 | <column name="name" type="VARCHAR(64)">
237 | 237 | <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="shedlock_pkey"/>
247 | 247 | </column>
248 | 248 | </createTable>
249 | 249 | </changeSet>
250 |
| - <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740060932516-20"> |
| 250 | + <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740266386086-20"> |
251 | 251 | <addForeignKeyConstraint baseColumnNames="parent_id" baseTableName="meeting" constraintName="fk_child_meeting_on_parent_meeting" deferrable="false" initiallyDeferred="false" onDelete="CASCADE" onUpdate="NO ACTION" referencedColumnNames="id" referencedTableName="meeting" validate="true"/>
252 | 252 | </changeSet>
253 |
| - <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740060932516-21" dbms="postgresql"> |
| 253 | + <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740266386086-21"> |
254 | 254 | <addForeignKeyConstraint baseColumnNames="meeting_id" baseTableName="meeting_participant" constraintName="fk_meeting_participant_on_meeting" deferrable="false" initiallyDeferred="false" onDelete="CASCADE" onUpdate="NO ACTION" referencedColumnNames="id" referencedTableName="meeting" validate="true"/>
255 | 255 | </changeSet>
256 |
| - <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740060932516-22"> |
| 256 | + <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740266386086-22"> |
257 | 257 | <addForeignKeyConstraint baseColumnNames="meeting_id" baseTableName="notification" constraintName="fk_notification_on_meeting" deferrable="false" initiallyDeferred="false" onDelete="CASCADE" onUpdate="NO ACTION" referencedColumnNames="id" referencedTableName="meeting" validate="true"/>
258 | 258 | </changeSet>
259 |
| - <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740060932516-23"> |
| 259 | + <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740266386086-23"> |
260 | 260 | <addForeignKeyConstraint baseColumnNames="job_execution_id" baseTableName="batch_job_execution_context" constraintName="job_exec_ctx_fk" deferrable="false" initiallyDeferred="false" onDelete="NO ACTION" onUpdate="NO ACTION" referencedColumnNames="job_execution_id" referencedTableName="batch_job_execution" validate="true"/>
261 | 261 | </changeSet>
262 |
| - <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740060932516-24"> |
| 262 | + <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740266386086-24"> |
263 | 263 | <addForeignKeyConstraint baseColumnNames="job_execution_id" baseTableName="batch_job_execution_params" constraintName="job_exec_params_fk" deferrable="false" initiallyDeferred="false" onDelete="NO ACTION" onUpdate="NO ACTION" referencedColumnNames="job_execution_id" referencedTableName="batch_job_execution" validate="true"/>
264 | 264 | </changeSet>
265 |
| - <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740060932516-25"> |
| 265 | + <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740266386086-25"> |
266 | 266 | <addForeignKeyConstraint baseColumnNames="job_execution_id" baseTableName="batch_step_execution" constraintName="job_exec_step_fk" deferrable="false" initiallyDeferred="false" onDelete="NO ACTION" onUpdate="NO ACTION" referencedColumnNames="job_execution_id" referencedTableName="batch_job_execution" validate="true"/>
267 | 267 | </changeSet>
268 |
| - <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740060932516-26"> |
| 268 | + <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740266386086-26"> |
269 | 269 | <addForeignKeyConstraint baseColumnNames="job_instance_id" baseTableName="batch_job_execution" constraintName="job_inst_exec_fk" deferrable="false" initiallyDeferred="false" onDelete="NO ACTION" onUpdate="NO ACTION" referencedColumnNames="job_instance_id" referencedTableName="batch_job_instance" validate="true"/>
270 | 270 | </changeSet>
271 |
| - <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740060932516-27"> |
| 271 | + <changeSet author="wagner.wutzke" id="1740266386086-27"> |
272 | 272 | <addForeignKeyConstraint baseColumnNames="step_execution_id" baseTableName="batch_step_execution_context" constraintName="step_exec_ctx_fk" deferrable="false" initiallyDeferred="false" onDelete="NO ACTION" onUpdate="NO ACTION" referencedColumnNames="step_execution_id" referencedTableName="batch_step_execution" validate="true"/>
273 | 273 | </changeSet>
274 | 274 | </databaseChangeLog>
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