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| 86 | +<h1 id="90-release-notes">9.0 Release Notes</h1> |
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| 88 | +<p>Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL version 9.0 is under development; previews are available on <a href="https://www.nuget.org/packages/Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL">nuget.org</a>.</p> |
| 89 | +<h2 id="uuidv7-guids-are-generated-by-default">UUIDv7 GUIDs are generated by default</h2> |
| 90 | +<p>When your entity types have a <code>Guid</code> key, EF Core by default generates key values for new entities client-side - in .NET - before inserting those entity types to the database; this can be better for performance in some situations. Before version 9.0, the provider generated random GUIDs (version 4) by calling the .NET <a href="https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.guid.newguid?view=net-8.0#system-guid-newguid"><code>Guid.NewGuid()</code></a> function. Unfortunately, random GUIDs aren't ideal for database indexing and can cause performance issues.</p> |
| 91 | +<p>Version 9.0 of the provider now generates the recently standardized version 7 GUIDs, which is a sequential GUID type that's more appropriate for database indexes and improves their performance. This new behavior is by default and will take effect simply by upgrading the provider version.</p> |
| 92 | +<p>See <a href="https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com/en/unexpected-downsides-of-uuid-keys-in-postgresql">this post</a> for more details and performance numbers on random vs. sequential GUIDs.</p> |
| 93 | +<p>Thanks to <a href="https://github.com/ChrisJollyAU">@ChrisJollyAU</a> and <a href="https://github.com/Timovzl">@Timovzl</a> for contributing this improvement!</p> |
| 94 | +<h2 id="contributors">Contributors</h2> |
| 95 | +<p>A big thank you to all the following people who contributed to the 9.0 release!</p> |
| 96 | +<h3 id="milestone-900"><a href="https://github.com/npgsql/efcore.pg/milestone/61?closed=1">Milestone 9.0.0</a></h3> |
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| 106 | +<td><a href="https://github.com/roji">@roji</a></td> |
| 107 | +<td><a href="https://github.com/Npgsql/efcore.pg/issues?q=is%3Aissue+milestone%3A8.0.0+is%3Aclosed+assignee%3Aroji">34</a></td> |
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| 110 | +<td><a href="https://github.com/ChrisJollyAU">@ChrisJollyAU</a></td> |
| 111 | +<td><a href="https://github.com/Npgsql/efcore.pg/issues?q=is%3Aissue+milestone%3A8.0.0+is%3Aclosed+assignee%3AChrisJollyAU">1</a></td> |
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| 114 | +<td><a href="https://github.com/Timovzl">@Timovzl</a></td> |
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