All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
1.51.0-alpha.2 (2025-02-10)
- Check that Quantel source clips exist earlier, to avoid crashing out of a WorkInProgress. (4c244b1)
1.51.0-alpha.1 (2025-01-08)
Note: Version bump only for package @sofie-package-manager/worker
1.51.0-alpha.0 (2025-01-08)
- add a
parameter to appcontainer.requestSpinDown() (3255189) - add option to HTTP Accessor to either send a HEAD or GET to retrieve initial info (e98854c)
- allow baseUrl to be optional for HTTP Accessor (92c575f)
- allow stringified JSON object as storeObject value. Also add some error handling (0e589bf)
- change how render width, height and scale works for html_template expectedPackages (7fcdf70)
- escape paths in args (6c17eae)
- handle bad http respnse codes better (1ad7b2d)
- html-renderer: add support for transparent backgrounds (c3775a7)
- html-renderer: bug in background color and cropping (e3e0242)
- no need to re-throw in the catch (8331ef4)
- reject absolute file paths (cf207e6)
- remove outputPrefix for html-template expectations (43e9887)
- rename supperHEAD to useGETinsteadOfHead (c75757e)
- run HTMLRenderer using
yarn start
script when in development mode (f3164b4)
- add HTML Renderer (8610b6e)
- refactor the failure tracking to track periods of time with failures within them (d33f973)
- track failures in Workers in a time period (SOFIE-3355) (732fa19)
1.50.5 (2024-04-09)
- ensure we don't call QuantelGateway.connect" more than once at a time (017a753)
- move the critical worker functionality into appContainer/workerAgent (2fd7143)
1.50.2 (2024-03-27)
- (scaling): fix an issue where the workers never asked to be spun down (212f014)
1.50.2-alpha.3 (2024-03-25)
Note: Version bump only for package @sofie-package-manager/worker
1.50.2-alpha.2 (2024-03-25)
Note: Version bump only for package @sofie-package-manager/worker
1.50.2-alpha.1 (2024-03-25)
- ensure that (robo-) copied files get their modified date updated (1ad7431)
1.50.2-alpha.0 (2024-02-29)
- robocopy should not copy timstamps (5856e55)
1.50.0 (2024-02-19)
Note: Version bump only for package @sofie-package-manager/worker
1.43.2 (2024-02-19)
- batch writes to json file, to avoid timeouts when scheduling many writes at the same time. (d0d6b60)
- improve operations logging (112ae2d)
1.43.1 (2024-01-22)
- refactor and fix issue with (wrongly) thown error "Error: Bad input data: content.filePath not set!" (550e893)
1.43.0 (2024-01-11)
Note: Version bump only for package @sofie-package-manager/worker
1.43.0-alpha.2 (2023-12-20)
- better handling of when source isStable (2198266)
- bug fix: wrong PackageIntoType (312f401)
- cache header http queries, to reduce external load (8a64005)
- json-data-copy: properly store metadata for files (b6a5212)
1.43.0-alpha.1 (2023-12-05)
- json data copying (6ce0b05)
1.43.0-alpha.0 (2023-11-30)
- make json data copy work (ba050d5)
1.42.2 (2023-10-12)
- add new option
to monitor. (a50b1a2) - bug (6c99dd7)
- fix in file monitor (3fb2eed)
- replace chokidar file monitor with ParcelWatcher (60922e4)
- restart deep-scanning if ffpmeg doesn't output progress. (a13b4f6)
- rewrite the retrying of ffmpeg (c7a8b06)
- wrap Accessor methods, in order to catch timeout issues earlier (7f2a1f2)
- wrap lookupAccessorHandles in promiseTimeout, in order to catch timeouts earlier (dc95092)
1.42.1 (2023-06-19)
Note: Version bump only for package @sofie-package-manager/worker
1.42.1-alpha.0 (2023-06-09)
- URL handling was broken, because it treated URLs as file paths (827a939)
1.42.0 (2023-05-10)
Note: Version bump only for package @sofie-package-manager/worker
1.42.0-alpha.5 (2023-05-10)
Note: Version bump only for package @sofie-package-manager/worker
1.42.0-alpha.4 (2023-05-03)
Note: Version bump only for package @sofie-package-manager/worker
1.42.0-alpha.3 (2023-05-03)
Note: Version bump only for package @sofie-package-manager/worker
1.42.0-alpha.2 (2023-05-03)
- add logging for when doing file (or other) operations. (0407a3d)
- add logging when removing dir (1a6a102)
- add truePeak reporting (51b78dd)
1.42.0-alpha.1 (2023-04-26)
- Old files where cleaned up from temporary-store prematurely. (7025367)
1.42.0-alpha.0 (2023-04-26)
- Loudness: match only last scan result output (c678c0b)
- don't double-escape URLs (a1a4089)
- handle # in filenames and urls (%23, when URI encoded) (c9ad9c8)
- implement test (afcd0b5)
- support failure in ffmpeg due to referencing a non-existant channel (bf4888d)
- Loudness: Generate loduness scan of packages (6e990d7)
- Revert "chore: split out "@sofie-package-manager/input-api" to a separate package" (8df7c18)
1.42.0-0 (2023-03-22)
- ensure that target file paths exists before writing to file (2d5381d)
- Package manager placeholder (47d2e1f)
1.41.1 (2023-02-22)
- add packageExists property to tryPackageRead() method, in order to return better sourceExists from isFileReadyToStartWorkingOn() (ddccbbe)
- adjust MESSAGE_TIMEOUT during unit tests (2411472)
- bug in joinUrls where it incorrectly joined the paths ("asdf/package", "//nas/folder/path") (72b837a)
- packageExists value (fc7e5c6)
1.41.0 (2023-02-03)
Note: Version bump only for package @sofie-package-manager/worker
1.41.0-alpha.1 (2023-02-03)
Note: Version bump only for package @sofie-package-manager/worker
1.41.0-alpha.0 (2023-01-27)
1.40.1 (2023-01-26)
Note: Version bump only for package @sofie-package-manager/worker
1.40.0 (2023-01-23)
- don't respect timeSinceLastError if state is RESTARTED (c94de26)
- remove dependency on blueprints-integration (e545992)
- CachedQuantelGateway to buffer requests (33a2477)
1.39.8-alpha.4 (2023-01-17)
Note: Version bump only for package @sofie-package-manager/worker
1.39.8-alpha.3 (2023-01-13)
Note: Version bump only for package @sofie-package-manager/worker
1.39.8-alpha.2 (2023-01-12)
- Quantel: shorten QUANTEL_TIMEOUT to be lower than INNER_ACTION_TIMEOUT (0758974)
1.39.8-alpha.1 (2023-01-12)
- add packageHandle.packageIsInPlace() method, used to signal that a package is in place (or is about to be), so that any scheduled delayRemoval are cleared. (1a71bc5)
- potential issue when using temporaryFilePaths and renaming a file to an already existing file (17caa32)
1.39.8-alpha.0 (2023-01-12)
- increase timeout on quantel (d0e0379)
1.39.7 (2023-01-11)
- update quantel-gateway-client (0f75c1e)
1.39.6 (2023-01-09)
Note: Version bump only for package @sofie-package-manager/worker
1.39.5 (2023-01-09)
Note: Version bump only for package @sofie-package-manager/worker
1.39.4 (2023-01-04)
- a recursive function needs to be called recursively (8e06bbf)
- replace dots with underscore in keys in scan results. (e05f8ef)
1.39.4-alpha.0 (2022-12-05)
1.39.3 (2022-11-30)
- Update default values to generate larger media preview thumbnails (f3d0bd7)
1.39.1 (2022-09-16)
- a case where multiple QuantelGateway clients where spawned by mistake (bfb42a5)
- minor improvements to the rateLimiter of the file-watcher (7741626)
1.39.0 (2022-09-07)
- add WorkerStorage to AppContainer, to be used for storing data from workers (19a1516)
- allow empty baseUrl for http accessor (68af3d4)
- better handling (or hack) of the "connect EADDRINUSE" issue, by swallowing the error and try again once (3cd4dcc)
- bug fix: invert logic (2f2db03)
- bug fix: use startRequirement for source, for CopyProxy (d7cdfee)
- bug in workerAgent, where the job wasn't cancelled upon timeout in workerAgent (8cf0020)
- DataStorage: add custom timeout duration for write locks (32d993d)
- ffmpeg-issues on Windows (3a523df)
- FileShare: fast-path to avoid a timeout issue when many read/write-calls are queued at the same time (cfe389c)
- graceful process handling (#9) (47ac8e1)
- handle errors in killFFMpeg by ignoring them (43ff037)
- hide ffmpeg banner to decrease log size (e3a24c2)
- improve logging, adding categories for logger to make it easier to know where a lig line comes from (db18a35)
- improve performance for preview generation (c761c8b)
- improve proxy-copy when copying from quantel http-transformer (8385e3a)
- increase HTTP_TIMEOUT to reduce Socket turnover (d26ea5d)
- issues with black&freeze detection (be1adf8)
- only do a single job per worker (fc94d3c)
- refactor FFMpeg execution for previews (2e7e9ea)
- replace execFile with spawn and use maxBuffer in other places (3816100)
- report progress 0 only after FFMpeg detects duration (7809d73)
- use HTTP agents for fetch (bf3cecc)
- workaround for windows-network-drive not returning all devices. (46bc210)
- worker child processes exit with null code (#11) (19ebe9c)
- Worker: use AppContainer datastore in order to ensure that only one worker is accessing windows drive letters at the same time. (6c3b58b)
- add CLI option: considerCPULoad (6da6ab0)
- support for "temporary-storage"; by copying packages to a local PackageContainer, scanning, preview-generation etc can be done quicker. (31513f3)
- worker/accessorHandlers/http(Proxy): rethrow last timeout error (9599603)
- use HEAD requests for querying http-servers (a077126)
- Revert "feat(worker/accessorHandlers/http(Proxy)): add retries to getPackagesToRemove for resiliance" (f278d2f)
1.39.0-in-development.1 (2022-02-15)
- bug fix: previews & thumbnails metadata files wasn't stored propery for non latin file names (4c48084)
- read access check (2f9ab79)
- let the worker fix an issue with the filePath automatically. (0dfec72)
- tidy up urls for http-upload a bit (753d5dc)
1.39.0-in-development.0 (2022-01-27)
- A pretty large rehaul of connection logic. (4b20139)
- add "HelpfulEventEmitter" to be used instead ot EventEmitter,, because it'll give the developer a warning if they've forgotten to listen to error events. (fc1b1db)
- allow deep scanning of audio-only files (27ebd36)
- better handling of FFScan errors (dd2d643)
- bug: Quantel clips with no frames showed up as fullfilled (d986e09)
- create folder if it doesn't exist (daec566)
- file access errors doesn't need to include stack (eed5507)
- fine-grained priority of accessors (87f26c0)
- handle unhandled promises (13a6f5a)
- improve how loss-of-connections are handled (60c74fb)
- in init() methods: wait for the 'connected' event being handled before finishing initializing (b767e0d)
- prevent active httpProxy file uploads from timing out (0c22f69)
- receivers will not time out if their methods are unresponsive. (b08c9ac)
- time out http-fetches properly, to avoid ugly timed out action errors (a6fee11)
- fileCopy: fix copy/paste typo in error message (943681b)
- Worker should remove a cancelled job right away, not wait for the work to actually finish (cd11a16)
- add support for uploading packages to ATEM video switchers (798ee85)
- Add the expectationHandler "fileVerify", used to just verify that a file exists, (adbaf25)
- fileCopy: allow reporting progress using a custom event (020a47f)
- windowsWorker: allow omitting individual fields from VersionProperty (3879b2f)
1.38.0-in-testing.0 (2021-12-17)
Note: Version bump only for package @sofie-package-manager/worker
1.38.0-alpha.0 (2021-12-17)
Note: Version bump only for package @sofie-package-manager/worker
1.37.0 (2021-12-17)
- A pretty large rehaul of connection logic. (4b20139)
- add "HelpfulEventEmitter" to be used instead ot EventEmitter,, because it'll give the developer a warning if they've forgotten to listen to error events. (fc1b1db)
- bug: Quantel clips with no frames showed up as fullfilled (d986e09)
- file access errors doesn't need to include stack (eed5507)
- fine-grained priority of accessors (87f26c0)
- handle unhandled promises (13a6f5a)
- improve how loss-of-connections are handled (60c74fb)
- in init() methods: wait for the 'connected' event being handled before finishing initializing (b767e0d)
- receivers will not time out if their methods are unresponsive. (b08c9ac)
- Worker should remove a cancelled job right away, not wait for the work to actually finish (cd11a16)
1.37.0-alpha.1 (2021-11-05)
Note: Version bump only for package @sofie-package-manager/worker
1.37.0-alpha.0 (2021-11-05)
- add CLI option to multiply worker cost (3d4f131)
- bug fix: quantel clone by title didn't work at all (b502862)
- check for status change while ABORTING (b36c6e0)
- check if fileflowURL is set on accessor when selecting the best accessor (abca120)
- disable drive mapping when using FileFlow (7800b82)
- Fileflow exports correctly created (b1f8547)
- fileflow only supports Quantel to File_Share (a79664d)
- guid / title may be set in Quantel Accessor (98dcb53)
- more forgiving comparison of resource/network ids (e3041df)
- Quantel: handle edge case when title of clip has been changed (e9d1dca)
- refactor and fix: use guid & title from content or accessor interchangeably (171b396)
- add fileflow profile support for Quantel Fileflow copy (38cfbfa)
- implement Quantel Fileflow Copy expectation (3844534)
- refactor Quantel FileFlow to just be a special case within FileCopy [WIP] (853e7e3)
1.1.0-alpha.0 (2021-09-24)
- also spin up resources based on packageContainers, not just expectations (3dc6190)
- change how monitors are setup, lifetime etc. Add MonitorInProgress and report statuses of monitors and packageContainers back to Core (5cafa70)
1.1.1 (2021-09-30)
- also spin up resources based on packageContainers, not just expectations (3dc6190)
- add option to delay removal of PackageInfo (64af17f)
1.1.0 (2021-09-28)
- better handling of timed out jobs (82bb9fc)
- change how monitors are setup, lifetime etc. Add MonitorInProgress and report statuses of monitors and packageContainers back to Core (5cafa70)
- back-port release37-features onto release36 (e2955ec)